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1、浅论大学生失业的现状及对策浅论大学生失业的现状及对策大学生失业是一种知识失业,是指一部分受过相当教育的知识界劳动者处于不得其用的状 态。大学生失业是知识资源没有得到有效与合理配置的具体表现。近年来随着我国高等教 育的大众化和就业体制的改革,大学生在市场中的就业竞争日趋激烈,失业问题凸显。大 学生是构建创新型社会所需要的高素质人才,客观分析大学生失业问题对于推动大学生充 分就业具有现实意义。 The present condition of the college students unemployment and the countermeasures College students une

2、mployment is a kind of knowledge unemployment. It Refers to a part of the laborer force have a good education is in a state that not being used. College students unemployment is a specific performance that knowledge resources did not get effective and reasonable. In recent years, with Chinas higher

3、education popularization and the employment system reform, the competition of the college students in the employment market becomes increasingly fierce, the problem of unemployment highlights day by day. College students are high-quality personnel in constructing innovative society; it has practical

4、 significance that analysis college students unemployment objectively for promoting college students full employment. . 一、我国大学生失业的现状 (一)对于用人单位来说,不仅要提高自己的人力资源管理水平,还要增强社会责任感。 特别是招聘管理工作,要建立一套合法、科学、有效地招聘流程,对人员招募选拔、录用、 最后招聘评估等一系列的招聘活动进行阶段化的管理。用人单位特别是负责招聘的相关人 员应该熟悉国家有关劳动就业的法律法规,并且以此为依据制定本单位招聘制度和录用细 则。人力资源

5、部也有义务向全体员工宣传本单位认人事方面的相关制度。每年录用大学毕 业生最多的用人单位就是企业,我们知道企业的目标就是事先企业利润的最大化。而应聘 者往往追求个人目标以及个人价值的实现,这难免与企业目标不一致。当前理论界缺提出 企业的社会责任是指企业的目标不仅仅是追求利润的最大化,还应该包括是否实现了自身 的社会责任。即应该在社会保障和社会公益事业上发挥自己的作用。(一)the current situation of college students unemployment in our country,(a) To unit that choose and employ persons,

6、 it not only to improve the level of human resources management, but also to enhance the social sense of responsibility. Especially the recruitment management work to establish a set of lawful, scientific, effective recruitment process, for personnel recruiting, hiring, and finally recruitment asses

7、sment and a series of recruitment activities have a stage management. Unit of choose and employ persons and especially personnel related to the recruitment should be familiar with the relevant state laws and regulations of labor obtain employment, and take this as the basis for the units recruitment

8、 system and employment conditions. The human resources department also has the obligations to propaganda the personnel system to all the staff. Each year the most university graduates are employed by the unit of enterprise, we know that the goal of enterprise is to maximize the profit of the enterpr

9、ise in advance. And candidates always pursue personal goal and its realization of the individual value, and there is always the goal not consistent with the enterprise. At present theoretical puts forward the social responsibility of the enterprise is that the enterprises aim is not just to pursue t

10、he profit maximization, should also include whether realized their own social responsibility. That should playe its own part in social security and social public welfare career.(二)高校应根据市场人才需求进行教育体制改革例如根据市场需求调整专业设置。高校应建立灵敏的市场反应与调整机制。要从人才市场的需求出发,科学合理地设置专业和制定课程规划。加强实践环节的教育。在教学活动中,加强实践环节的教育,提高学生实践动手能力。笔

11、者认为要做好这方面的工作首先得提高教师队伍的整体素质,只有教师的素质提高了,才可能提高学生的素质;其次,学校可以积极与用人单位接触。与企业合作建立校外实训就业基地,让学生早日介入就业市场。为就业做好准备。做好就业指导工作。要切实解决就业难的问题,学校就业指导工作的重点必须转向加强大学生的职业生涯规划,工作对象从应届毕业生扩展到全体在校学生,努力做到就业指导工作全程化。注重职业道德和综合素质的培养。引导大学生树立正确的道德观和职业观,培养良好的生活和学习习惯,大力丰富课余生活,开展多种形式的活动,提高学生的综合素质。(2) The colleges should do their educati

12、on system reforms according to the market demandAccording to the market demand readjusting their specialties is an example. Universities should establish a sensitive mechanism to the market reaction and the adjustment. Make professional and course planning scientific, reasonable according to the req

13、uirement of personnel market, and then strengthen the practice education in the teaching activities, and to improve the students practical ability. I think that what we should first is to improve the overall quality of the teachers, improve the quality of teachers only, just may improve students qua

14、lity; second, the school should actively contact with the unit that choose and employ persons. And the enterprise should establish training center outside of the school; let the student enter the job market earlier for the employment. To solve the problem of unemployment, school employment guidance

15、center should focus on strengthening college students career planning; their work objects is from fresh graduates extended to all students, and strive to do the employment guidance work thoroughly. At the same time help the students to set up the correct moral values and professional view, cultivate good habits of life and learning, to enrich extracurricular life, carry out several forms of activities, and improve the students comprehensive quality.



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