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1、.完形填空 My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body.Through the years I would guess at what I thought was the correct answer.When I was younger,I thought_1_was very important to us as humans,so I said, “My ears,Mommy.” She said, “No.Many people are _2_.But you keep thinking ab

2、out it and I will ask you again soon.” Several years passed before she asked me again.Since making my first_3_,I had contemplated the correct answer.So this time I told her, “Mommy,sight is very important to everybody,so it must be our eyes.” She looked at me and said, “You are _4_ fast, but the ans

3、wer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.” Over the years, Mother asked me a couple more _5_ and always her answer was, “No, but you are getting_6_every year,my child.” Then last year,my Grandpa _7_.Everybody was heart broken,crying.My mom looked at me when it was our _8_ to sa

4、y our final goodbye to Grandpa.She asked me, “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?” I was_9_ when she asked me this now.I always thought this was a_10_ between her and me.She saw the_11_on my face and told me, “This question is very important.It shows that you have really lived you

5、r life.” I saw her eyes well_12_with tears.She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your_13_.” I asked, “Is it because they hold up your head?” She replied, “No, it is because they can hold the head of a friend or loved one on them when they cry.I only hope that you have enough love and f

6、riends that you will have a shoulder to_14_on when you need it.” Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a_15_one.It is sympathetic (同情的) to the pain of others. 【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。母亲向“我”讲述了身体中最重要的部位是肩膀,因 为它能给悲伤的人一种依靠。 1A.love Bhealth Csound Dsight 解析:选 C。联系上下文的情节和提示语 ears 可知。 2A.blind

7、 Bdeaf Cinvisible Dthoughtful 解析:选 B。根据上文的 sound 和 ears 推测出母亲通过指出许多失聪的人否定“我”的答 案。 3A.discovery Bdecision Cattempt Dsuggestion 解析:选 C。自从第一次“尝试(attempt)”后,我就常思考这个问题。 4A.growing Bthinking Cchanging Dlearning 解析:选 D。母亲表扬我“学(learn)”得快。 5A.times Bquestions Cthings Dways 解析:选 A。母亲就同一个问题问了好多遍(times) 6A.stro

8、nger Btaller Csmarter Dnicer 解析:选 C。虽然母亲的答案仍然是否定的,但她还是发现了我的进步,表扬我更聪明 (smart)了。 7A.left out Bpassed away Cfell ill Dwent away 解析:选 B。从下文“每个人都很伤心” ,尤其“向祖父做最后的道别”可知,祖父“去世 了” 。8A.duty Bpity Cturn Dchance 解析:选 C。家人“轮流(turn)”向祖父道别。 9A.shocked Bsatisfied Cexcited Dmoved 解析:选 A。当母亲在这种场合问我同样的问题时,我感到非常震惊。 10A

9、.game Btest Cmatch Dsecret 解析:选 A。一直以来,作者以为问这样的问题只不过是他们之间的“游戏(game)”而已。11A.worry Bpain Cregret Dpuzzlement 解析:选 D。母亲问他问题的场合与作者的预想形成强烈的反差,故感到十分困惑。 12A.out Bdown Csecretly Dup 解析:选 D。eyes well up with tears 热泪盈眶。 13A.shoulders Bfeet Chands Dheart 解析:选 A。根据下文“我”的问题可知,支撑头部的应是肩膀。 14A.rest Bcry Claugh Dse

10、ttle 解析:选 B。根据上文 when they cry。 15A.valuable Buseful Cprecious Dselfish 解析:选 D。于是作者懂得了,最重要的不是“自私的(selfish)” 。 .语法填空 Almost everyone accepts the fact that crime can never be wiped out entirely.1._, control of crime becomes the focus of police and governments around the world.The question lawmakers mu

11、st answer is “2._ system of criminal punishment works best for society?” Each country has developed 3._ own idea for solutions to this question, and these solutions then determine 4._ criminals are punished under different systems.However,none 5._the current systems in use has proven 100 percent 6._

12、(effect)There are many ideas7._ (regard)punishment of criminals.As well as working only to frighten criminals away from repeating a crime in the future, some systems try to deter others in society by using the criminal as an example of what can happen to8._ person if he or she is caught committing c

13、rimes.The goal of these systems9._(be)to return a former criminal to society 10._ a period of treatment and training, usually in prison. 1解析:上下文是因果关系,所以用 therefore。 答案:Therefore 2解析:句意:哪种制度才是最有效的? 答案:which 3解析:考查代词的用法,对应前文 each country。 答案:its 4解析:考查连接词,此处指“怎样”惩罚罪犯。 答案:how 5解析:none of.中一个也没有。 答案:of

14、6解析:此处用形容词,证明百分之百地“有效” 。 答案:effective 7解析:考查词语变形,regarding 是介词。 答案:regarding8解析:此处表泛指。 答案:a 9解析:根据句子结构,需用谓语动词,主语为 the goal。 答案:is 10解析:根据句意填 after。 答案:after .阅读理解 A A 43yearold unemployed bachelor who lives with his elderly mother won $1 million for solving a problem that has puzzled mathematicians

15、for a century, but the genius cant decide if he wants the money. James Carlson, an official, who telephoned Grigory Perelman with the news that he had won the Millennium Prize awarded by the Mathematics Institute of Cambridge said he wasnt too surprised by the apparent lack of interest from Perelman, a reclusive (隐居的) genius who has a history of refusing big prizes.In 2006, Perelman made headlines when he stayed away from the ceremony in Madrid where he was


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