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1、 描述女人的英文汇总(形容词和例句)well-bred and elegant lady 包含内在和外在的气质an elegant girla decent girlA girl with inner beautyQuiet and demure.graceful.polite. delicate.refined.poised文静,贤淑,优雅礼貌得体高雅稳重All of this words can be used to describe a girl who is “有气质的”。1.She was a very feminine person. 她是个很有女性气质的人2.Enlighten

2、abstruse new December 2007 makeup look is condensing modern woman to go on a long journey of the vigor that move back and forth and city female temperament perfect mix. 迪奥 2007 年春季新妆容浓缩着现代女性远行穿梭的活力与都市女性气质的完美混合。收藏指正 3.Results:Psychogenic ED patients had more tendency to gender identification of femal

3、e temperament and subjects with female temperament in gender role showed lower erectile ability and satisfaction level. 结果 :心因性 ED 患者更倾向于女性气质的性别认同 ,性别角色呈现女性化类型的被试在性活动中呈现出低唤起能力及低满意度。如果你是要形容泼妇,英文只有 shrew, virago, vixen 这几个词,但 shrew 大概算是比较常用的一个。要是各位对莎士比亚小有研究的话,就应该知道莎翁有一篇名作就叫做 The Taming of the Shrew,中文

4、翻成“驯悍记”。 Shrew和 shrewd(精明能干的)看起来是不是很像?没错,shrewd 就是从 shrew(泼妇)这个词演变过来的。或许老美也是觉得,女生太精明能干 (shrewd) 通常也会是一个泼妇 (shrew),看来他们也是够大男子主义的。 3. You are a disgrace of a woman. 你真是女人的耻辱。 如果我们要说一个女生是女人的耻辱,或是女人中的败类呢?就是 You are a disgrace of a woman. 还有骂得更夸张的:You are a disgrace of a human being. (你真是人类的耻辱。)但除非是特别强调是

5、女人的耻辱或是人类的耻辱,不然通常只要说 “You are a disgrace.“ 就可以了。 4. She is a whore. 她是个妓女。Bitch 还不算是真正恶毒的,whore 这个词才是真正用来对付你真的很讨厌的女人。所以女人有时会自豪地说:Im a bitch. 但绝不会说:Im a whore. 因为 whore 是“妓女“的意思,非常难听,当然不会有女生说自己是妓女吧? 妓女在英语中的讲法非常多,比较常见的大概有三个 prostitute, hooker 和 whore。但口语上多半是用 hooker 和 whore,所以有些人(通常是黑人)把这两个词的共同部份 ho 拿

6、出来做成一个新词,同样也是“妓女”的意思。 虽然 whore 的意思是妓女,但这只是一种恶毒的形容词,并没有真正强调对方性生活很淫乱的意思,如果是要强调对方到处跟男人发生关系,老美用的是 slut (野女人) 这个词,指的是 sleep around 的女人1. It is gentle and kindhearted that I am one, honest woman is hospitable and natural, educated, educated, filial to the elder, sincere to the friend, the makings are eleg

7、ant, understand there is temperament and interest in life. 我是一个温柔善良,正直的单身女人女人,热情大方,有文化,有教养,对于长辈孝顺,对朋友真诚,气质气质文雅,懂生活有情趣。 2. In short, either because it was her nature or else an effect of her state of health, her eyes flickered intermittently with flashes of desires which, if spoken, would have been a

8、 heaven- sent relevation to any man she loved. 不知是由于她的气质气质,还是由于她疾病的症状,在这个女人女人的眼里不时闪烁着一种希冀的光芒,这种现象对她曾经爱过的人来说,也许等于是一种天启。 3. It consisted of a group: on the pedestal stood two female figures in the costume of Eve and in attitudes for the description of which I have neither the courage nor the fitting t

9、emperament. 那上面雕着人像:有两个全身的女人女人立在台座上,装束得跟夏娃一样,至于描写她们的姿态,我却既缺乏勇气,又缺乏适当的气质气质。 4. She was not a woman of strong understanding or any quickness, and with this resemblance of her father, she inherited also much of his constitution 她不是一个理解力很强的女人女人,一点也不灵敏,除掉这一点跟她父亲相似之外,她还继承了他的许多气质气质。5. Im looking for a unma

10、rried pretty woman with well educated, honest, unpretentious, marriage minded, soft and femininity. 希望我理想中的妻子应该具有:性格温柔,气质气质高雅,美丽大方,感情专一,受过良好的教育,会照顾人,有较高的素质和修养的女人女人。 6. masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women). 女人女人身上所具有的男子的气质气质(尤其指女孩子和年轻女性)。 7. effeminate:Having qualities or charac

11、teristics more often associated with women than men. 女子气的:具有胜过男人的女人气质女人气质或特点的. 8. He adored her womanliness and sometimes had fantasised that they might grow old together. 他欣赏她身上的女人气质女人气质,时不时闪出想和她白头到老的念头。 9. He had not the poetry in him that would seek a woman out under such circumstances and consol

12、e her for the tragedy of life. 他身上没有诗人的气质气质,不会在这种场合下弄清女人女人的心思,在人生的悲哀中给她以安慰。 10. Sensitive femininity was eclipsed by devoted purpose. 献身的决心使得敏感的女人气质女人气质黯然失色了。 下面这些表达都是形容女人漂亮,曲线玲珑,身材曼妙,野性性感的。1. to be a beauty queen;在人们的观念中,皇后/女王应该是女人中最高级别的,不管是在权力层面还是在美貌层面,于是有了这个 beauty queen:She is a beauty queen.(=

13、very beautiful)2. to be a dream boatDream 是“理想的”这没假,但 dream boat 为何会成为“理想的女人”就不得而知了。有一种说法是,理想的伴侣会带你渡过人生的美好时光,就像一艘小舟带你去美好的地方旅行一样,很浪漫有情调的说法哦!当然,dream boat 也可以指“理想的男人”。我们来看个例子:She is a dream boat.(= ideal type of woman)3. to be a cutie; to be a babeCutie 和 babe 都是指“漂亮迷人”的女人,具体怎么个漂亮迷人法,我想不同的人会有不同的见解吧:Sh

14、e is a cutie.(= pretty and attractive)She is a babe.(= very beautiful and attractive)4. to be a fox.我们汉语里常把美丽而有魅惑力的女子为“狐狸精”,因为人们认为她们是狐狸精变成的。英语中也用 fox 来比喻那些“美丽性感”的女人,可见,世界上的语言还是多有相通之处的:She is a fox.(= She is a foxy lady = She is sexy.)注意,如果说:She is as sneaky(或 cunning)as a fox. 则是指“她像狐狸一样的狡猾”。假如女人能使男

15、人拜倒她的石榴裙下或神魂颠倒那么就可以说:Her beauty (attraction) has caused his knees to shake / to quiver.(她的漂亮迷人使他膝部发抖) 。或She made him feel up there in the clouds. (= on clouds nine = on the top of the world) (她使他神魂颠倒,飘飘如仙。 )其实,所谓“情人眼里出西施(Beauty is in the eyes of beholder) ”,世上的美或丑,只是主观的看法而已。 1. Hey, look at the chic

16、k over there. 看看在那边的女孩. Chick 这个字代表的就是女孩子, 各位不要跟 chic (时尚) 这个字给搞混了. Chick 这个字念起来就像是 chicken 前面的几个音, 所以蛮好认的. 一般而言 chick 和 girl 是可以交互使用的, 例如, 她是个十三岁的女孩, 就是 She is a thirteen-year-old chick. 2. She is gorgeous! 她真是漂亮. 要懂得适时地称赞女孩实在是每个男士必修的功课. 一句简单的 You are pretty! 或是 You are so beautiful 就可以让人家高兴上好半天. Gorgeous 和 pretty, beautiful 都是美丽的意思, 但是程度上可能要比 pretty 和 beautiful 还要再来的高一些. 所以下次再看到美女, 别忘了说一声, You are gorgeous! 说不定她就变成你的老婆了. 3. She


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