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1、河北师范大学硕士学位论文多丽丝莱辛金色笔记中安娜的心路历程姓名:宋娜申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:冯梅20090501VI摘摘 要要 多丽丝莱辛 (1919- )是当代英国文坛上颇负盛名的小说家。她在半个世纪的潜心写作中, 以她不断变化的视角和不断创新的写作技巧对她所生活的时代进行了大胆地探索性地创作,并引起了全世界读者的激烈反响。莱辛迄今已有 20 多部长篇小说、11 部短篇小说集、10 部文集、5 个剧本、1 本诗集问世。她受到了二十世纪大的文化背景的影响,深入探究了许多的哲学流派,如马克思主义、心理分析和苏菲主义等,并把它们应用到写作中。 1962 年,莱辛的代表作金色笔

2、记问世。这部最终获得诺贝尔文学奖的作品以其在结构上的创新和对五十年代英国整个社会的精神和人们的道德状况的精确描述而被誉为一部经典之作。 并巩固了莱辛在当代英国文坛的地位。 在 金色笔记 的前言中,莱辛指出全书的主题是“分裂”和“整合” ,而“整合”比“分裂”更重要(7) 。因此本文将以弗洛伊德的人格结构模式和防御机制理论为主要工具, 分析主人公安娜从分裂到整合的心路历程,即在分裂的状态下认识自我、重新建构健康的新自我的曲折道路,揭示其在现代社会的精神世界中自我的迷失和自我的寻找的实质。 论文由以下 5 部分构成: 导论首先简要介绍多丽丝莱辛,金色笔记的主要内容, 评论界对其所进行的相关评论以及

3、该论文主要运用的研究方法。 第一章主要从三个方面分别论述了导致安娜精神分裂的过程。 安娜生活在二十世纪五十年代一个复杂多变的时代:妇女解放运动的兴起;战后人们精神世界的贫乏;政治信仰的矛盾等,为了给自己创造一个有序的生活方式,保持自己完整的人格,她分别用四本笔记记录自己的不同方面。但是随着各个方面生活的失败,随之出现的困惑与挫败感导致了她的自我分裂。 第二章主要从三个方面展示了主人公安娜的自我挣扎的阶段,正如弗洛伊德的观点,当一个人陷入自我分裂的状态后,只有通过激烈的挣扎才可能重回完整。安娜此时在不和谐的因素间苦苦挣扎。 第三章主要从三大方面探讨了安娜重归完整人格的历程:在情感上她成为新的自由

4、女性;在写作上她作为“推大石的人” ;在政治上她即将参加工党,继续自己的努力。总之,她全面接受了自己作为社会中普通人的角色。 VII结论部分总结全文,得出结论: 金色笔记是一部自我实现的小说,一位职业女性面对男女性别的战争,世界的其他领域的纷乱复杂,究竟该如何独立面对生活的不完美,如何独立面对政治信仰的危机,如何独立面对职业上的矛盾等。安娜的心路历程在更高层面、更实际生活中、更富有启迪作用下为当代的女性指明了方向,因此具有深远的现实意义和社会意义。 关键词关键词:本我,自我,超我,认同,梦IVAbstract Doris Lessing (1919- ) is a British woman

5、writer who is regarded as one of the most excellent novelists in the world. She has gained her fame for her dedicatedly half centurys writing with her courageous exploration perspectives and changeable writing skills about her times. Up to now, there have been over 21 novels, 11 short story antholog

6、ies, 10 collected literary works, 5 dramas and 1 poetic anthology. She was influenced by her living background in 20th century. She also made deep research about many important philosophical schools of thoughts and applied some in her works, such as Marxism, psychoanalysis and Sufism. Lessings repre

7、sentative novel The Golden Notebook was published in 1962. This work, which makes Anna awarded the Nobel Prize in literature later, was regarded as a remarkable masterpiece for its intricate structure and exact description about the intellectual and moral climate of the British society of the 1950s.

8、 And it solidified Lessings position in British literature. In the Preface of The Golden Notebook, Lessing points out clearly that the themes of the book are “fragmentation and unity, and the latter is more important than the first” (7). Therefore, this dissertation will analyze, with Freuds structu

9、ral model and defense mechanism, Annas spiritual process from fragmentation to unity, namely, her self-saving from the self-splitting state through pursuit of healthy self. It aims to explore the process and the significance of the self-discovery and reveal the loss of self in spiritual world and th

10、e essence of self-discovery. The thesis is made up of five parts as follows: The introduction contains the general information of the novelist Doris Lessing , the fiction The Golden Notebook,the methodology of the research and the critical responses to the novel. Chapter one, the thesis analyses the

11、 elements which lead the protagonist Anna to self-splitting state from three aspects. Anna lives in the changeable times of 20th century: the Womens Movement; the empty of peoples spiritual state after the wars; the conflict of their political beliefs and the like. In order to create an orderly life

12、, and keep herself whole, she keeps four dairies with different aspects of her life. With the failures of her life in all the Vaspects, her frustration and confusion lead Anna to self-splitting. Chapter two, the thesis discusses the process of Annas self-struggling. Just like Freud says, when a pers

13、on falls into self-splitting, the unbalanced id, ego and superego will not become balancing without strong fight. Here Anna struggles between the incompatible factors. Chapter three discusses Annas unity from three parts: a free woman in emotion; a “boulder-pusher” in writing and going to be a labor

14、ite in politics. In a word, she comes to accept her role as a common people in the society. Part five is the conclusion. It reaches the conclusion: The Golden Notebook is a novel of self-discovery, which typically unfolds a womans process from self-splitting to self-saving when facing the men-women

15、war, and other ambivalent aspects. It shows us how to deal with the imperfect life. Through the exploration of the self-discovery process of a typical woman, Lessing guides the direction in the self-quest and psychological maturity for modern women, thus it has profound social and realistic signific

16、ance. Key words: id, ego, superego, identification, dreams III学位论文原创性声明 学位论文原创性声明 本人所提交的学位论文 On the individuation of Kate Brown in The Summer before the Dark ,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的原创性成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中标明。 本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 论文作者(签名) : 指导教师确认(签名) : 年 月 日 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解河北师范大学有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交学位论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权河北师范大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存


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