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1、1上海元冬抱箍安装说明书上海元冬抱箍安装说明书Installation Instructions Step 1 Thoroughly clean the pipe where the clamp will be installed. 将要安装抱箍的管道清理干净。 Step 2 If conditions permit, place a reference mark on the pipe a measured distance from the center of the break or damaged area. 如果条件允许,在管道破裂处或受损范围中间做个记号。 Step 3 Place

2、 the clamp around the pipe, centered over the break or damaged area, with the gasket flap at the top. 垫圈朝上,用抱箍包住管道破裂处或者受损范围的中间。 Step 4 Tuck the gasket flap in place and mesh the lug fingers. Engage the centermost bolt(s) in the drop lugs and tighten finger tight. 卷起垫圈,使套管相互啮合,把最中间的那根螺栓插入套管中并锁紧。 (Not

3、e: The clamp may be assembled beside the break or damaged area and slid into position, if the pipe surface is wet or has been lubricated.) (注:如果管道表面是湿的或者被注了润滑油,抱箍可能安装在破裂或者受损处的周边滑 动) Step 5 Rotate the clamp to insure proper seating of the gasket, and position the bolts and nuts for convenient tighten

4、ing. 旋转抱箍到合适位置确保垫圈位置的准确并调整好螺栓和螺母的位置,方便拧紧。 Step 6 Tighten the bolts working from the center outward. Completely tightening the center bolt will usually stop or sufficiently retard the leakage to simplify completion of the installation. 由中心向外锁紧螺栓,彻底拧紧中间的螺栓通常就能够阻止或者有效地延缓泄露。 Step 7 When bolts have been

5、tightened sufficiently to stop the leakage, measure from the reference mark (Instruction 2) to the center of the clamp to see if the clamp is properly positioned over the break or damaged area. Loosen the bolts and reposition the clamp if necessary. 在锁紧螺栓防止泄露之后,测量做记号处到抱箍的中心,检查抱箍是否准确安装在破裂或 受损区域。若有必要,

6、可以松开螺栓重新安装夹钳。 Step 8 Recheck the tightness, and torque the bolts as evenly as possible. 重新检查抱箍是否安装牢固并尽可能用扳手均衡地扭矩螺栓。DO NOT EXCEED LISTED BOLT TORQUES: Through 4.73 O.D. - 50 ft. lbs. Above 4.73 O.D. - 70 ft. lbs. *When a gap between the ends of the pipe is 1 inch or greater, a short section of pipe s

7、hould be 2put in the opening or a thin strip of sheet metal wrapped around it to provide support to the gasket. Use discretion on larger pipe O.D.s. 若在管道末端的裂口大于或等于 1 英寸,则需要用金属薄片的细边环绕一小段的管道以支 撑垫圈。*When a section of pipe wall is equal to 40% or more of the pipe circumference is broke away, a section of sheet metal should be placed over the opening to provide a sealing surface for the gasket. 若大于或等于 40%管道周长的管道管壁受损,则需要用金属薄片放在开口为垫圈提供密封 的表面。WARNING: These products do not restrain against axial pipe movement 警告: 该产品不能用于抑制管道的轴向运动



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