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1、 如果你发现自己脸色蜡黄、萎靡不振、头晕耳鸣、失眠易躁那说明你 的身体急需补气血。女人该怎么补血呢?冬天吃什么补血?分享几款最适合冬 季补血养血的食物。一、喝南瓜汁能补血南瓜营养价值丰富,除了含有蛋白质、胡萝卜素、维生素等必需氨基酸外, 南瓜中还有“钴”、“锌”和“铁”元素,要知道“钴”可是构成血液中红细 胞的重要成分之一哦。锌则直接影响成熟红细胞的功能。铁质则是制造血红蛋白的基本微量元素, 这些都是补血的好原料。南瓜中含有丰富的维生素 B12,而人体缺乏 B12 会引起恶性贫血,这时吃 些南瓜是最好的“补血”方式了。二、冬季吃枣有讲究时下是吃枣的季节,我们常吃的有鲜枣、干枣、蜜枣和醉枣等。鲜

2、枣不仅 甜脆多汁,而且营养丰富,其中维生素 C 含量最高,每 100 克中有 243 毫克的 维生素 C。此外,其含有的人体必需的胡萝卜素也远远超过其他枣制品。但鲜枣在常温下几天就会失去鲜脆的口感,为了方便保存,可以将鲜枣晒 干制成干枣。但枣晒干后,少了溶于水的维生素 C,对其他营养素也有较大影 响。但干枣中的钙含量比鲜枣要高。醉枣醇香浓郁,脆甜宜人,又可长期保存,但醉枣的营养损失更大,其中 的维生素 C 几乎全部被破坏。但醉枣因为风干后水分大量流失,而且经过酒的浸泡后,矿物质含量增多, 所以醉枣的钙含量是这几种枣制品中最好的,每 100 克含 75 毫克。把鲜枣做成 蜜饯是保存的另一种方式,

3、但蜜枣的热量较高,每 100 克中含碳水化合物 78.9 克。鲜枣最好生吃,有利于营养的吸收。而干枣比较适合煮粥或煲汤,能将营 养成分很好地释放出来。和鲜枣、干枣相比,蜜枣中营养成分最少,含糖量最 高,也最好用来熬粥,可以稀释蜜枣中糖的浓度。冬季用红枣来进行食疗也非常有效果,下面推荐两个红枣食疗的方子:1、红枣 60 克,芹菜 200 克洗净加水煮开,每日分次食用,有防治高血压、 头晕、头痛的作用;2、红枣 5 克,银耳 10 克,白糖适量,将红枣、银耳洗净,炖至熟软,加 白糖每早晚食用,可防治心血不足而引起的神经衰弱症,达到养阴补血安神的 作用。红枣是体质虚弱,滋补调养的佳品。但枣皮不易消化

4、,一定要细嚼慢咽。 同时,要适量食用,食用过多会引起胃酸过多、腹胀。三、入冬吃莲藕可润肺补血北方人多用莲藕做菜,故称莲菜或藕菜,而南方人一般叫藕,果蔬兼用, 可入菜亦可生食。藕属睡莲科植物,它的品种有两种,即七孔藕与九孔藕。藕性温,含丰富 的单宁酸,具有收敛性和收缩血管的功能。生食鲜藕或挤汁饮用,对咳血、尿血等患者能起辅助治疗作用。藕经过煮 熟以后,性由凉变温,失去了消瘀清热的性能,而变为对脾胃有益,能健脾补 胃、养阴润燥,有养胃滋阴,益血,止泻的功效。莲藕补血食疗方:1、鲜藕洗净切成丝,用纱布挤汁,煮沸稍凉温饮,是凉血补血、健脾开胃 的佳饮;藕汁有润肺、镇静的功能,孩子考试时最好喝藕汁,早晚

5、各 100 毫升;在藕汁中加点盐饮用,对眼睛充血有疗效;生藕 10 片水煎服,可治疗咳血;2、生藕 500 克连皮捣汁加白糖 100 克,搅匀成汁,随时开水冲服,治疗胃 溃疡出血有较好的疗效。另外,藕加工制成的藕粉,更是别有风味,既富营养,又易于消化,有养 血止血,调中开胃之功效,实为老幼体虚者理想的营养佳品。其他补血方式:1、富含优质蛋白质的食物如蛋类、乳类、鱼类、瘦肉类、虾及豆类等。2、富含维生素 C 的食物新鲜的水果和绿色蔬菜如酸枣、杏、橘子、山楂、西红柿、苦瓜、青柿椒、生菜、青笋等。维生 素 C 有参与造血、促进铁吸收利用的功能。3、富含铁的食物鸡肝、猪肝、牛羊肾脏、瘦肉、蛋黄、海带、

6、黑芝麻、芝麻酱、黑木耳、 黄豆、蘑菇、红糖、油菜、芹菜等。铁是构成血液的主要成分,缺铁性贫血者 较为常见。上述食物在日常饮食中应注意调配,尽量做到食物的多样化。If you find yourself face sallow, cachexia, dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia easily impatient. Your body is http:/xz- in urgent need of supplement qi and blood. Women should do the blood? Winter to eat what blood? Share

7、several of its most suitable for winter blood nourishing food.A pumpkin juice, drink can enrich the bloodPumpkin is rich in nutritional value, besides must contain protein, carotene,vitamin, amino acid, pumpkin and “CO“, “zinc“ and “iron“ elements, to know the“CO“ is one important component of red

8、blood cells in the blood.Zinc has a direct effect on the function of mature red blood cells. Iron is essential trace elements for manufacture of hemoglobin, which is a good material to enrich the blood.Pumpkin is rich in vitamin B12, and the human body lacks B12 can causepernicious anemia, then eat

9、pumpkin is the best “blood“.Two, pay attention to eat during the winter jujubeIs now eating dates of the season, we often have to eat fresh jujube, jujube, jujube and drunk. Fresh jujube not only sweet and juicy, and nutrition is rich, the highest content of vitamin C, 243 mg vitamin C per 100 gram

10、s. In addition, it contains theessential carotene is also far more than other products of jujube.But the fresh jujube at room temperature for several days will lose the fresh crisptaste, in order to facilitate the preservation, can be dried jujube jujube. But the jujube dried, less water soluble vit

11、amin C, on the other nutrients also affected. Butthe content of calcium in the jujube is higher than that of fresh jujube.Drunk rich mellow, sweet and pleasant, and can be stored for a long time, but theloss of nutrition drunk more, the vitamin C is almost totally destroyed.But the drunk because ai

12、r dry after a substantial loss of moisture, and through thewine soaked, mineral content increased, so the content of calcium is the bestdrunk several jujube www.sz- products, each containing 100 grams of 75 mg. The freshjujube preserved is another way to save the dates, but the high quantity of heat

13、,each containing 100 grams of 78.9 grams of carbohydrates.Fresh jujube is best eaten raw, conducive to the absorption of nutrients. While thedates for porridge or soup, can be very good to release the nutrients. Compared with the fresh jujube, jujube, jujube least nutrients, sugar content is highes

14、t, it is best used for porridge, concentration can be diluted honey sugar.Winter use red dates to the diet also very effective, recommend the following twored dates dietotherapy prescription:1, red dates 60 grams, 200 grams celery washed with water to boil, the dailyconsumption, has the prevention

15、and treatment of hypertension, dizziness,headache role;2, red dates 5 grams, 10 grams of tremella, amount of sugar, red dates, willTremella abluent, cook until soft and cooked, add sugar every morning and evening to eat, neurasthenia caused by inadequate control efforts to yin tonic,sedative effect.

16、Red dates is frail, nutritious www.jj- jiapin. But the jujube peel is not easy to digest, willslowly. At the same time, to eat, eating too much can cause heartburn, bloating.Three, winter to eat lotus root can moistening lung bloodPeople in the north with lotus root lotus or lotus root vegetables cook, it said, while southerners generally called lotus root,



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