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1、Unit assessment: candidates assessment recordBA2A 35 structure and functionClassGroupCandidate NameCandidate IDOutcome 3Evidence RequirementsRecord of PerformanceUSCommentsUSCommentsAssessment task S or U in the box to indicate whether performance in the relevant aspect of the asses

2、sment is satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The comment column can be used to highlight any re-assessment that may be needed.)Overall comments:Assessors signature:Date:Assessment 3 Outcome covered 3 Assessment instructions You are required to read the information presented in the case study, which has

3、been issued to you 23 weeks prior to the assessment event when the questions based on the case study will be given to you to respond to. During this period you may complete research and investigation into the case study and prepare notes for use at the assessment event. Following the case study of Y

4、TE from Outcome 1 Increased demand had outpaced YTEs ability to produce and deliver a product. Customers had to wait longer because productivity was diminishing and customer satisfaction was fading fast. The YTE plant is located near downtown Qingdao so it is impossible to expand its production size

5、 and acquire more facilities due to land development saturation. In addition, YTE outsourced its logistics and distribution to a local small-size third party logistics company. However, the logistics company put YTE aside when there was insufficient transportation and distribution capabilities durin

6、g peak time period. YTE planned to set up a new plant in the western coast economic development zone of Qingdao due to the availability of greater government incentives and sufficient economic resources such as land and cheap skilled labour force. In addition, the senior management of YTE proposed t

7、o establish a Logistics Park including in-house warehousing and an international transportation business in the economic development zone area due to well-constructed infrastructure. The long-term plan of YTE is to diversify its business including manufacture and the related industry logistics busin

8、ess serving external customers within the industry. The Headquarters of YTE will still be located in the building in downtown Qingdao. At the end of 2012 a huge new manufacturing facility plant was started in the western economic development zone, as well as in-house warehouse of YTE. The start-up p

9、rovided the opportunity to create a high performance work organisation within YTE in order to improve customer satisfaction levels and increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. The new plant is designed to have practically no management structure. Line managers will not exist, and all perso

10、nnel will be empowered to make decisions. Staff from the Research Centre, Production Department and Sales Team will come together in teams each day to discuss and solve related product quality and production issues. The team will consult assembly workers about the process of the operation to make pr

11、oduction adjustments based on suggestions from front-line staff and customer feedback. Meanwhile more training regarding knowledge and approaches will be provided for employees in the process of an empowered workplace. With Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS) application the logistics war

12、ehouse can speed up goods flow within YTE to respond to customers orders in a timely manner. In addition YTE will set up a close partnership directly with a local shipping company and port bureau so as to avoid any delays in delivery.Assessment 3 Answer the following questions based on the second Yo

13、ng Tong Electronics (YTE) case study. 、3.1 Describe the change process within YTE in detail, and explain four factors affecting change within the organisation from: global competition customer focus technology shareholder pressure ethical considerations social responsibility environmental considerat

14、ions regulatory requirements collaborative arrangements speed and flexibility changes quality and reliability issues diversification restructuringDue to the increase in demand over the YTE production and delivery capabilities, and logistics company is responsible for YTE logistics responsible, which

15、 lead to YET logistics unstable, resulting YTE cannot delivered on time in the logistics busy time. So they decided to establish Logistics Park in economic development zone in the western, logistics park staff from various departments who is allocated by YTE, in order to have higher efficiency, line

16、 managers would not exist, and all staff have the power to make decisions, and every day the talk together to discuss how to improve product quality, and share experience. At the same time, YTE provide the training to let the staff know how to use modern logistics system.Customer focus: Because customers buy YTE product have to takes a long time to wait, it leads to customer reduced their demand from YTE, which make


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