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1、巴菲特的建言巴菲特的建言 ( (不看可惜不看可惜) )There was a one-hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity. Here are some very interesting aspects of his life: ( (以下摘錄自以下摘錄自 CNBCCNBC 電視台對世界排名電視台對世界排名 第二的富豪華倫巴菲特所做的一小時專第二的富豪華倫巴菲特所做的一小時專 訪訪, ,巴菲特目前已經捐巴菲特目前已經捐 31

2、0310 億美元給慈善億美元給慈善 機構機構, ,他對於人生的一些見解非常有趣他對於人生的一些見解非常有趣) ) 1.He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late! ( (他他 1111 歲開始買了第一張股票歲開始買了第一張股票, ,但現在還但現在還 是很後悔說他太晚買了是很後悔說他太晚買了!) !) 2.He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers. ( (他他 1414 歲時歲時

3、, ,就用他從小時候送報紙所賺就用他從小時候送報紙所賺的錢的錢, ,買了一個小農場買了一個小農場.) .) 3.He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence. ( (他雖然富甲一方他雖然富甲一方, ,卻仍然住在奧瑪哈

4、小卻仍然住在奧瑪哈小 鎮的一棟三房小屋內鎮的一棟三房小屋內, , 那是他結婚那是他結婚 5050 週週 年後所買的房子年後所買的房子. .他說他們家什麼都有了他說他們家什麼都有了 啊啊! ! 他家甚至連圍牆或籬笆都沒有他家甚至連圍牆或籬笆都沒有!) !) 4.He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him. ( (他都自己開車出門他都自己開車出門, ,也沒有請司機或保也沒有請司機或保 全人員跟著他全人員跟著他.) .) 5.He never travels by

5、private jet, although he owns the worlds largest private jet company. ( (他雖然是世界最大的私人噴射客機公他雖然是世界最大的私人噴射客機公 司的老闆司的老闆, ,但卻從來沒有搭私人飛機旅行但卻從來沒有搭私人飛機旅行 過過.) .) 6.His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the

6、year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis. He has given his CEOs only two rules. ( (他公司他公司 BerkshireBerkshire Hathaway,Hathaway, 旗下擁有旗下擁有6363 家企業家企業. .他每年只寫一封信給這些企他每年只寫一封信給這些企 業的總裁業的總裁, ,把今把今 年的營運目標告訴他們年的營運目標告訴他們. .他從來不曾定期他從來不曾定期 主持或召開會議主持或召開會議, ,他給這些總裁們的守則他給這些總裁們的守則 只有以下兩條只有以下兩

7、條 Rule number 1: do not lose any of your share holders money. ( (守則一守則一: :不要讓公司的投資人虧錢不要讓公司的投資人虧錢) ) Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1. ( (守則二守則二: : 不要忘記守則一不要忘記守則一) ) 7.He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and wa

8、tch Television. ( (他不太跟群眾交際應酬他不太跟群眾交際應酬. .下班後主要活下班後主要活 動就是弄一點爆米花來吃吃動就是弄一點爆米花來吃吃, ,跟看看電視跟看看電視.) .)8.Bill Gates, the worlds richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour

9、. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet. ( (五年前世界首富比爾蓋茲第一次跟巴五年前世界首富比爾蓋茲第一次跟巴 菲特見面菲特見面, ,他覺得他跟巴菲特根本沒有什他覺得他跟巴菲特根本沒有什 麼共同點麼共同點, ,所以他只排了半個小時跟巴菲所以他只排了半個小時跟巴菲 特會談特會談. .但當他們見面後但當他們見面後, ,一共談了一共談了 1010 個個 小時小時, ,從此之後從此之後, ,比爾蓋茲開始變成巴菲比爾蓋茲開始變成

10、巴菲 特的忠實信徒特的忠實信徒, ,獻身慈善事業獻身慈善事業.) .) 9.Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone,nor has a computer on his desk. ( (巴菲特不帶手機巴菲特不帶手機, ,桌上也沒有電腦桌上也沒有電腦.) .) HisHis adviceadvice to to youngyoung people:“Staypeople:“Stay awayaway fromfrom creditcredit cardscards andand investinvest in in yourselfyourself a

11、ndand Remember:Remember: 他給時下年輕人的建議是他給時下年輕人的建議是遠離信用卡遠離信用卡 的物慾的物慾, , 多投資自己並且牢記多投資自己並且牢記 A.MoneyA.Money doesntdoesnt createcreate manman butbut it it is is thethe manman whowho createdcreated money.money. ( (錢是人創造出來的錢是人創造出來的, ,但是錢不會創造人但是錢不會創造人.) .) B.LiveB.Live youryour lifelife as as simplesimple as

12、as youyou are.are. ( (過你自己想過的簡單生活吧過你自己想過的簡單生活吧!) !) C.DontC.Dont dodo whatwhat othersothers say,say, justjust listenlisten them,them, butbut dodo whatwhat youyou feelfeel goodgood ( (別人說的話聽聽可以別人說的話聽聽可以, ,但不一定要照做但不一定要照做, , 做你自己覺得很棒的事做你自己覺得很棒的事.) .) D.DontD.Dont gogo onon brandbrand name;name; justjus

13、t wearwear thosethose thingsthings in in whichwhich u u feelfeel fortable. ( (別走入名牌的迷思別走入名牌的迷思, ,穿你覺得舒服的服穿你覺得舒服的服 飾即可飾即可.) .) E.DontE.Dont wastewaste youryour moneymoney onon unnecessaryunnecessary things;things; justjust spendspend onon themthem whowho reallyreally in in needneed rather.rather. ( (與其把錢花在不必要的事情上與其把錢花在不必要的事情上, ,倒不如倒不如 把錢花在真正需要的地方把錢花在真正需要的地方.) .) F.AfterF.After allall itsits youryour lifelife thenthen whywhy givegive chancechance to to othersothers to to rulerule ourour life.life. ( (總而言之總而言之, ,這是你的人生這是你的人生, ,幹嘛讓其他人幹嘛讓其他人 來指揮你的人生呢來指揮你的人生呢?) ?)


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