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1、 - 1 -摘摘 要要因因为为城城市市建建设设的的不不断断发发展展,高高层层建建筑筑不不断断增增多多,所所以以电电梯梯在在人人们们的的生生活活中中的的地地位位越越来来越越重重要要。现现在在电电梯梯控控制制系系统统主主要要有有三三种种方方式式:继继电电器器控控制制系系统统、 P PL LC C 控控制制系系统统、微微机机控控制制系系统统。P PL LC C 控控制制系系统统凭凭借借运运行行可可靠靠性性高高,使使用用维维修修方方便便,抗抗干干扰扰性性强强,设设计计和和调调试试周周期期较较短短等等优优点点,备备受受人人们们重重视视,已已成成为为电电梯梯控控制制系系统统中中使使用用最最多多的的控控制制

2、方方式式。本本文文在在电电梯梯的的结结构构和和可可编编程程控控制制器器的的结结构构和和工工作作原原理理的的基基础础上上,针针对对六六层层电电梯梯,使使用用西西门门子子S S7 7- -2 20 00 0 可可编编程程控控制制器器,设设计计电电梯梯控控制制系系统统,包包括括轿轿内内指指令令和和厅厅外外召召唤唤信信息息的的登登记记与与消消除除、电电梯梯的的选选层层和和定定向向、电电梯梯的的开开关关门门运运行行、电电梯梯上上下下控控制制、电电梯梯的的指指层层控控制制等等部部分分,实实现现了了轿轿内内与与各各层层呼呼梯梯指指令令的的记记录录、电电梯梯运运行行方方向向和和选选层层的的控控制制,电电梯梯上

3、上下下行行和和自自动动开开关关门门、电电梯梯的的指指层层控控制制等等功功能能。关关键键词词:六六层层电电梯梯;控控制制系系统统;可可编编程程控控制制器器;- 2 -AbstractBecause of the continuous development of city construction, high-rise buildings continue to increase, so the elevator in the peoples life is becoming more and more important. Now the elevator control system mai

4、nly has three ways: the relay control system, PLC control system, microcomputer control system. PLC control system with high luck reliability, maintenance convenience, strong anti-interference, design and debugging cycle short advantages, people pay more and more attention, has become the elevator c

5、ontrol system in the use of most of the control method.In this paper, the structure of the elevator and on the basis of structure and working principle of the programmable controller, for the six store elevator, using Siemens S7-200 programmable controller, the design of elevator control system, inc

6、luding car instruction and the hall call information for the registration and eliminate, elevator layer and set to, the elevator door switch operation, elevator control, elevator to control layer, the car and each layer of call instruction records, the elevator running direction and layer selection

7、control, elevator up and down and automatic opening and closing the door, elevator refers to the layer control, and other functions.Key words: six layer elevator; control system; programmable controller;- 1 -目目 录录摘 要.1Abstract.1绪论.11.1 电梯的概述.11.1.1 电梯的分类.11.1.2 电梯的组成.21.1.3 电梯的工作原理.21.1.4 电梯的国内外发展状况.31.2 PLC 控制电梯的优势.51.3 电梯的发展趋势.61.4 一般控制要求.61.5 课题研究内容.62 硬件系统的组成.82.1 可编程控制器简介.82.1.1 PLC 的结构及各部分的作用.82.1.2 PLC 的工作原理.102.1.3 PLC 的程序编制.102.1.4 PLC 的输出方式.142.2 PLC 型号选择.152.3 行程开关的概述.172.3.1 行程开关的分类.172.3.2 行程开关的选择.192.4 系统安全设计.202.5 硬件外部接线图.223 软件设计.23- 2 -3



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