600T套筒窑BASK 161停窑程序

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《600T套筒窑BASK 161停窑程序》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《600T套筒窑BASK 161停窑程序(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第 1 页 共 3 页Procedure for stop the kiln BASK 161 BASK 161 停窑程序停窑程序For stop the kiln you must follow this general procedure: 停窑时,贵方必须遵照以下程序:1.) The first step is to stop the gas sequence in the gas sequence page, you have to be sure that the shut off valves EV 401 and EV 402 and also the valves EV 411

2、 to EV 417, EV 431 to 437 are closed in a correct way. The gas regulation valves FV 410 and FV 430 must be closed means 0 % open. If the kiln will be stopped for a longer time (more than 2 hours) also the manual valves before the burner and to the 2 ring pipes must be closed for safety reasons. 第一步,

3、先停止煤气系统界面的煤气系统,必须确定切断阀 EV 401 和 EV 402 及从EV 411 到 EV 417, EV 431 到 437 正确关闭。煤气调节阀 FV 410 和 FV 430 必须 100%关闭。如果要停窑较长时间(超过 2 小时),出于安全考虑,烧嘴前及到 2 个环管的手动阀也必须关闭。2.) The driving air sequence has to stop from the operator station. There is no other steps to do 驱动空气系统也必须从操作站停止。除此之外,别无选择。3.) The waste gas fan

4、 has to run for 10 min longer ( after the driving air is stopped) to be sure that the remaining hot gases are taken out of the kiln , than the waste gas sequence can be stopped . 废气风机必须运转 10 分钟以上(在驱动空气停止后),以确保还有余热的煤气能够被驱除出窑,然后停止废气系统。4.) The operator on site has to close all the manual valves for the

5、 combustion air, in the same time the operator on the operator station close the valves FV 321 and FV 322 parallel the valves FV 320 has to be opened by 40% and FV 350 has to open to 50 % to realise the correct flow of inner cylinder cooling air to the kiln. Now the operator has to watch the Tempera

6、ture TE 811 to 817 / TE 831 to 837, TE 341 to TE 343 that they are in the limit below 400 C. In case the temperature going up the valves FV 320 and FV350 can be opened step by step a little bit more . The inner cylinder cooling air must run in any time and never can be stopped after the kiln is igni

7、ted! 第 2 页 共 3 页现场的操作人员必须关闭所有的助燃空气手动阀,同时,操作站的操作人员要关闭阀FV 321 和 FV 322,同时打开阀 FV 320 打开 40%,FV 350 打开 50%,以保证内套筒冷却空气有合理的流量进入窑内。 这时操作人员要观察 TE 811 到 817 / TE 831 到 837 , TE 341 到 TE 343 的温度,这时它们的温度应在 400 度以下。如果温度升高了,可以一步步地一点点地打开点阀 FV 320 和 FV350。点火后,内套筒冷却空气在任何时候都必须 运转,不能停下。5.) The charging system can be

8、stay in “Automatic” doesnt need to be stopped and can remaining on. 上料系统可以停留在“自动”模式下,不需要停止,可以继续运行。6.) The discharging system must keep running for 15 min with the settled capacity, after this every 1800 sec one stroke has to be made for keep a little movement inside the kiln! If the kiln stop is lon

9、ger than 2 hours, the kiln discharge has to work one stroke every 3600 sec. In case the kiln stop is longer than 4 hours the discharge sequence can be stopped! 出灰系统必须以设定的容量连续运行 15 分钟,之后可以以 1800 秒为一个冲程保持窑内运行。如果停窑超过 2 小时,卸料系统必须工作 3600 秒为一个冲程。如果停窑超过 4 小时,卸料系统将停止。General remarks : 总备注:The operator has t

10、o watch all the temperature on the kiln to take care that no dangerous situation is happened, special all numbers for the inner cylinder cooling sequence! 操作人员必须观察窑上的所有温度,小心观察以确保没有危险情况出现,要特别注意内套筒冷却系统的所有数据。For keep the heat inside the kiln it is necessary to close the manual hand valves for combustio

11、n air before the burner. Also the operator on field has to watch over the kiln in frequencies to be sure that everything is ok on the equipment and the kiln body! 为了保持窑内的温度,必要关闭烧嘴前的助燃空气手动阀。现场的操作人员也要经常观察窑的情况以确保设备和窑体一切正常。After the problems are solved, the kiln can be restarted like the general description for start up.问题解决之后,可以按照开窑程序重新开窑。第 3 页 共 3 页For more detailed information please check the process description given to you in the “MANUAL! 更多的细节问题,请参照操作手册上的程序描述。


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