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1、UNIQUEUNIQUE词类、句子成分和句子语序词类、句子成分和句子语序一、词类一、词类 名词、代词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、冠词、介词、连词、感叹词 1、同一词用作不同的词类 1) I used to swim in the pond in front of my house. Id like to have a swim in the pond. 2) Apples usually grow in the north. The weather is dry in summer in North China. The wild ducks are flying north. 3) He g

2、ave me photo album as a present. The present situation is good. He was present at the party. 4) He was badly hurt in the head. The ship was heading for the harbor. 又如: 渴望(v.) 吹(v.) 罚款(v.) long blow fine长的(adj.) 打击(n) 好的(形容词)漂亮的(adj.) 正确的(adj.) 英寸(n.) pretty right inch 相当(adv.) 权利(n.) 缓慢移动(v.) 二、句子成分

3、二、句子成分 1、主语,是句子的主体优你课教育优你课教育 The plane has just taken off at the airport. Twelve divided by three is four. (非谓语和名词性从句可以充当主语) To have the English news recorded takes up much of my spare time. 将英语新闻录音下来占用了我很多业余时间 2、谓语,通常由动词充当,位于主语之后 The man dived deep in the sea. (谓语不只限于单个动词,也可以带有助动词) We will have a m

4、edical examination next week. 3、宾语,动词所表示的动作的对象或介词所表示的某种联系的对象 及物动词和介词后都要带宾语,宾语一般由名词或代词充当 He seemed to be searching for something. (动词非谓语和名词性从句也可以充当宾语) We hope to get some help from her. She hates troubling her classmates. 4、定语,修饰名词或代词 There is a long line waiting to get the new stamps. 人们排起长队等着买新邮票 T

5、he theatre which will be completed in two months will be a modern one. 5、状语,用于修饰动词、形容词和副词,一般由副词充当 The problem is pretty hard. (介词词组、非谓语形式、从句都可以充当状语)优你课教育优你课教育 The old man sat on the bench, enjoying the afternoon sun. As he was leaving the office, it started to rain. 6、补语,说明主语或宾语的身份或特征 Al is a tailor

6、. (表语) Everyone calls him Uncle Ben. (宾语补语)UNIQUEUNIQUE The bank was found robbed the night before. (主语补语) 三、句子语序三、句子语序 1、宾语的位置 1)短语动词后。当谓语为“动词+副词”时,宾语为名词则位置可以在短语动词后,也可以在动词与 副词之间;当宾语为代词,必须谓语动词与副词之间 Try on the trousers, please. Try the trousers on, please. Try them on, please. 介词动词“动词+介词” ,那么宾语只能位于介词

7、、动词之后 The students looked at the notice on the wall. The students looked at it. 2) 直接宾语和间接宾语位置互换 tell, show, buy, give 等后接的直接宾语和间接宾语可以互换,这时间接宾语要带介词 We gave her a gift. We gave a gift to her. I found the old man a seat. I found a seat for the old man. 但是下列位置固定,不能互换但是下列位置固定,不能互换优你课教育优你课教育 主谓+间接宾语+直接宾语

8、 I wish you success. The job took us two days. I saved him much trouble. 主谓+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语 He explained the text to us. I introduced him to my friends. Hell report it to the teacher. 2、定语的位置 1)定语在句中修饰名词,大多数放在名词前 但下列情况定语必须后置 形容词修饰 some, any, no 与-thing, -one, -body 合成的不定代词 Its nothing serious. Just tak

9、e some medicine. 形容词词组修饰名词 Henry was a boy curious about anything. 表示度量的形容词词组,但表示度量的复合形容词必须前置 This is a six-foot-deep lake. = This is a lake six feet deep. They built a forty-mile-long highway.= They built a highway forty miles long. 形容词形容词 present(出席,在场出席,在场),absent(缺席缺席)必须后置必须后置 All the guests pre

10、sent were given a nice gift each. The students absent were criticized by the teacher the next day. 2)几个形容词修饰同一个名词的排序 限定词限定词-描绘性形容词描绘性形容词(大小、形状、年龄、新旧、颜色大小、形状、年龄、新旧、颜色)-国籍国籍-地区地区-性质材料性质材料-用途类别用途类别 a beautiful red blouse, a young American lawyer, the big writing desk 3、状语位置、状语位置 1)句末状语)句末状语 排序:方式状语排序:方

11、式状语地点状语地点状语时间状语时间状语原因状语原因状语结果状语结果状语目的状语目的状语优你课教育优你课教育 The sun shone brightly in the sky. The Browns moved to the country last year because of the city noise. The driver drove to the school to pick up the children. 有时为了强调,把时间、地点、原因和目的状语置于句首 On the door, the policemen found a few fingerprints. 2)句中状语)

12、句中状语UNIQUEUNIQUE 频度状语 always, often, seldom, rarely We often have picnics in the country in holidays. (表示确定的频度状语 once a month, every day 通常放于句首或句末) 时间状语 now, last, just, already, yet They are now working on their term paper. 他们正忙于学期论文 方式状语 He kindly offered me a cup of coffee. I deeply regretted hur

13、ting her feelings. 表示否定意义的状语 hardly, scarcely, barely He could scarcely recognize me when he saw me. 强调词 ever, on earth, in the world What on earth are you talking about? 状语在含动词 be,助动词,情态动词句中的位置优你课教育优你课教育 有时候状语可以置于动词 be 之后或助动词、情态动词与主动词之间 Mother is never late in cooking meals. They have often come to

14、 help the sick old man in the past years. 当助动词、情态动词后的主动词省略时,状语放在助动词或情态动词之前当助动词、情态动词后的主动词省略时,状语放在助动词或情态动词之前 -I wonder whether she will pass the driving test. -She surely will. 3)句首状语)句首状语 评说类 naturally, fortunately, luckily, surely, certainly Naturally, whoever sees it will like it. 连接性状语 thus, there

15、fore, still, above all, on the contrary You think I enjoy watching football games? On the contrary, I hate them. 4)only 和和 even 的位置不同意义不同的位置不同意义不同 Only he made a speech yesterday. 昨天只有他发言了(强调没有其他人) He only made a speech yesterday. 昨天他只发了言(强调没做其他事情) He made a speech only yesterday. 他只是昨天才发了言(强调其他时间不发言)Even I havent thought of it. 甚至连我都没有想到(更不用说别人)I havent even thought of it. 我甚至连想都没想过(更不用说做了)I havent thought even of it. 我甚至连这点都没有想到(更不用说其他方面了) 5)修饰副词或形容词状语的位置,一般放在被修饰的副词或形容词之前 The weather is terribly hot. 优你课教育优你课教育 6)enough 作修饰语的位置作修饰语的位置 作副词时置


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