教师用书mass media传媒英语词汇解释、课文及课后翻译(中传研究生用)unit_5

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1、1UnitUnit 5 5 TelevisionTelevisionContents: Key to the exercises Translation Supplementary Reading Part One Key to the exercisesPassage A I. Lead-in Questions: 1. It depends. 2. Big Brother, The Apprentice, American Idol or any other famous reality TV shows. 3. Most probably yes, because TV shows al

2、ways indicate kinds of values, which influence audiences behaviors and thoughts. That is why parents always concern children become more violent after watching violence on TV. And another obvious example is advertisements, which are directed to influence buying habits of audiences. 4. This is quite

3、a big topic. TV guys, whose ultimate purpose is to make most profits out of least cost, therefore, may resort to some sensational manners to attract the attention of audience. Comparing with internet, which features timely news and free interactions, TV broadcasters may seek cooperation or integrati

4、on with internet giants, realizing win-win outcomes. II. Words Study Post-reading Activities I. Understanding the text Answer the following questions. 1 Because of the pressure for profits. Quick-fix and low-quality production doesnt need experienced staff, who will ask for a higher payment necessar

5、ily. Another reason is that bosses believe new comers always bring with them new ideas. 2 The employer believes so. But the author doesnt think so. 3 Independent production companies are producing programs for broadcasters. 4 With digital media, everyone can become an information source. We can prod

6、uce, edit and even show our own works, which is gifted with more freedom than traditional TV media. Different students may have different answers towards this question. 5 Definitely yes, because serious factual program production and editing are far more demanding than the work of reality shows, whi

7、ch stress more on entertainment elements. 6 No, they need to enrich their knowledge and develop a more serious and all-round thinking habits. In a word, they should study hard to be qualified. 7Answer phone calls and contact sponsors. Actually, program researchers should be responsible for studying

8、the market of the program. II. Translation: A. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. 1. 独立电视台执行主席麦克尔格雷德(Micheal Grade) (英国广播公司前任主席)面对 受众指责独立电视台时,反戈一击,他批评了英国广播公司二台(BBC2)的节目。他说2这些节目大量聘用缺乏训练和经验不足的新手。暴露出种种欺骗观众的做法,让业内人 士感到很尴尬。 2. 他说:“撤销对独立制作公司的管制之前,为广播公司工作要签订长期合同。当时还有 一个正式的培训系统,同时还有一个非正式的培训体系,由

9、像我这样的制片人或者编辑 组织讲座,教人们如何制作节目。现在任何人都可以涉足广播电视行业,甚至不需要什 么特殊的训练,行业呈现出随意化趋势。竞争非常激烈,合同都是短期合同,想来工作 的人数比工作机会多得多。 ” 3. 因为大家长时间在一起工作,一起吃喝。有一种与世隔绝,被孤立的感觉。你们在一起 合作是为了提供产品,不用想太多的问题,根本不用从新闻职业的角度思考问题,这或 许是真实电视的另一面吧。 4. 这种软性纪录片模式造成了业内的道德问题。因为人们习惯于制造“戏剧性”的真相, 模糊真实情况,以适应节目设计的需要。广播电视公司需要这样的节目,要险象环生, 还有完整的叙事主线和情节,这些更适用于

10、好莱坞的剧本。 B. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1. The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation. 2. It was an innocent deception, meant as a joke. 3A casual newspaper reader wouldnt like articles on politics everyday. 4This hotel is famou

11、s for its entertainment. 5He was bashed up in the playground by some older boys. 6. Skill has been made redundant by machine.III. Vocabulary activity The answer is open. IV. Oral activity The answer is open.Passage B Post-reading Activities: I. Understanding the text Answer the following questions.

12、1. The people who are good at showing themselves rather than those who can serve as a role model. 2. The author believes real American idols only exist in real life but not in TV program. 3. The true American idols should have a spirit of giving and sacrificing. 4. Because it is carefully directed t

13、o catch some primary interests of human being. 5. Yes, such as Super Girl, a national singing contest, covered by Hunan Provincial TV Station. II.Translation A. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. 1. 你们需要美国偶像吗?我来给你说说,什么样的人才是美国偶像。在巡逻的警察,在世 界各地冒着生命危险执行任务的军人们,还有那些通过自己的工作和奉献赢得孩子们尊敬 的教师。 2. 我

14、们应该像那些在学校门口十字路口的保安和恪尽职守的邮递员敬礼,他们风雨无阻, 忠实地履行着自己的职责。美国有各种各样的真正的偶像。其中包括:为慈善组织捐款服3务的广播电视名人和体育明星、传教士、收养被虐待的猫、狗和其他小动物的人,他们为 这些小动物寻找安全温暖的家。 B. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets. 1. A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity. 2. They saluted eac

15、h other by raising their hats. 3. Even on the most charitable analysis, it has not been a great success so far. 4. We heard the beat of the drum. 5. We should keep track of international news, as modern college man. III.Vocabulary activity The answer is open. IV.Oral activity The answer is open.Part

16、 Two TranslationSection APassage A电视行业用人标准:训练有素?只要你薪水低就可以了电视行业用人标准:训练有素?只要你薪水低就可以了 Source: http:/news.independent.co.uk/media/article2836674.ece尼古拉皮尔森(Nicola Pearson)表示,不要责怪电视行业涉嫌造假的年轻新手。 这些年轻人面对的是一个质量低下、讲求多快好省的行业环境。他们在向这样一个行业学 习。 独立电视台执行主席麦克尔格雷德(Micheal Grade) (英国广播公司前任主席)面对 受众指责独立电视台时,反戈一击,他批评了英国广播公司二台(BBC2)的节目。他说这 些节目大量聘用缺乏训练和经验不足的新手。暴露出种种欺骗观众的做法,让业内人士感 到很尴尬。 节目制作计划缩水是不是让制作节目的人也大幅缩水了呢?25 岁的麦克是电视台的一 名工作人员,他说制作公司总是在压榨利润,电视


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