辽师大版(一起)四年级英语上册 Unit 4 单元测试

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1、辽师大版(一起)四年级英语上册辽师大版(一起)四年级英语上册 Unit 4 单元测试单元测试一、判断下面划线部分字母读音是否相同一、判断下面划线部分字母读音是否相同,相同相同()不相同不相同()。( )1.whale white ( )2.China cheese ( )3.clothes brother ( )4.thirteen father( )5.classroom closet ( )6.cream clock ( )7.floor flute ( )8.fresh flour ( )9.prince plate ( )10.principal pretty二、根据图片写出有关天气类

2、的单词。二、根据图片写出有关天气类的单词。 二、英汉互译。二、英汉互译。 1.去徒步旅行 _ 1.have a picnic _ 2.放风筝 _ 2.climb the mountain _3.下棋 _ 3.go fishing _4.去游泳 _ 4.make a snowman _5.薯条 _ 5.go home _三、单项选择。三、单项选择。 1.Can I wear the coat? _A.Yes, you cant. B.No,you can. C.Yes,you can. D.No,I cant.2.Mom, we are _.A.go hiking B.going hiking

3、C.go to hiking D.go to hike3.Its hot here. _ your sweater.A.Take of B.Take off C.Put on D.put up4._ the weather like today?A.Hows B.How C.Whats D.What5._ cold outside.A.It B.They C.Theyre D.Its6.David: I cant fly a kite. Li Ming: Ill show you. Its a piece of cake.What does it mean? A.它是一块蛋糕。 B.这很容易。

4、7.Whats your favorite season? I like _. The weather is cool.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter8._ do you do in spring? I go fishing.A.How B.What C.Hows D.Whats9.Lets _ the weather report.A.listen B.listen to C.listening D.listened10.It _ matter.A.dont B.isnt C.is D.doesnt四、在右栏中找到正确的答语并连线。四、在右栏中找到正确

5、的答语并连线。1.Can I wear my sweater? A.I like spring.2.Whats your favorite season? B.Its cool today.3.Whats the weather like today? C.I go fishing.4.What do you do in spring? D.It doesnt matter.5.Summer is too hot. E.Yes, you can.五、连词成句。五、连词成句。1.please umbrella your take_.2.not does matter it_.3.your for

6、get jacket dont _.4.going rain the to its in afternoon_.5.listen weather the lets to report _.六、找出错误并改正。六、找出错误并改正。1.Were go hiking. ( ) _A B C 2.Whats you favorite season? ( ) _A B C 3.Whats weather like today? ( ) _A B C 4.What do you do on spring? ( ) _ A B C 5.Lets listen the weather report. ( ) _ A B C 七、根据上下文完成对话。七、根据上下文完成对话。A: Whats the _ like today? Is it windy ?B: Yes, its _.A: Good! Lets _ _ _ (放风筝) after school.B: Thats great ! But A: But what?B: I cant _ _ _ (放风筝).A: Ill show you. Its a _ of cake.B: Where is the cake? Im hungry.A: Ha! Ha! I mean its very _.


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