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1、Chapter6 Conformity and Obedience 3#409 名词解释1、Conformity: 2、Obedience: 3、Autokinetic phenomenon 4、Informational influence 答案: 1 conformity: a change in behavior or belief as the result of real or imagined grop pressure. 2 obedience:acting in accord with a direct order or command. 3 aotokinetic pheno

2、menon: the apparent movement of a sationary point of light in the dark. 4 informational influence: conformaity occurring when people accept evidence about reality provided by other people. 填空题1、( ) is acting in according with a direct order or commend. Answer:Obedience 2、( ) is conformity that invol

3、ves both acting and believing in accord with social pressure. Answer:acceptance 3、( ) is conformity that involves publicly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request while privately disagreeing. Answer:compliance 4、( ) experiment refers to autokinetic phenomenon. Answer:Sherifs studies of

4、norm formation5、( ) occurs when people accept evidence about reality provided by other people. Answer:informational influence. 单选题1. “Acting in accord with a direct order or command”is ( C ) A.Conformity B.Compliance C.Obedience D.Acceptance 2.What is conformity? ( B) A.Conformity that involves publ

5、icly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request while privately disagreeing. B.A change in behavior or belief as the result of real imagined group pressure. C.Acting in accord with a direct order or command. D.Conformity that involves both acting and believing in accord with social pressur

6、e. 3.Who had taken advantage of the actokinetic phenonmenon? ( A) A.Sherif B.Asch C.Willian D.Milgram 4.What is involved in Aschs Study of Group Pressure? ( B ) A.Suggestibility B.Comparison C.The chameleon effect D.Obedience 5.What don t breed obedience? ( D) A.The victims distance B.Closeness and

7、legitimacy of the authority C.Institutional C.Norm formation 6.Why conform? ( D) A.Bystander effect B.Emotional contaglon C.The effect of unanimity D.Normative influence and informational influence 7.What can t predicts conformity?( D) A.Group size B.Cohesion C.Public response D.Prior commitment 8.H

8、ow many people will have a largest effect in conformity? ( B) A.1-3 B.3-5 C.5-7 D.7-9 9.How to reject conformity? (A) A,Asserting uniqueness B.Role reversal C.Conformity personality D.Dont reactance 10.How many experiments are involved the conformity? (C) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 多选题1. In the Milgram s exper

9、iments about the ethics, the “teachers ” did experience agony. They ( A B E ) A. Sweated B. Trembled C. Relaxed D. Excited E. Stuttered 2. From Ervin Staubs study of human genocide across the world, Staub (2003) shows ( A B ) A. Where gradually increasing aggression can lead B. Where gradually incre

10、asing invasion can lead C. Where gradually increasing aberration can lead D. Compliance bred acceptance E. Criticism produces contempt 3. Conformity is affected by (B E) AWhere people act B How people act COther people act DWhen people act E What people act 4. Who is more likely to resist the pressu

11、re to conformity (A B C ) APeople who is humane B People who is democratic CPeople who is individualistic DPeople who is patriotic E People who is selfish 5. Why do the results of these classic experiments so often startle people? (C E ) A. Because we expect people to act in accord with their dispos

12、ition B. Because the situation they are C. Because the fundamental attribution error D. Because the conformity and obedience E. Because the attribution bias 6. Four factors that determined obedience were the victims emotional distance. They are (C D E ) A. The authoritys support B. The critics he re

13、ceived from authority C. The authoritys closeness and legitimacy D. Whether or not the authority was part of respected institution E. The liberating effects of a disobedient fellow participant 7. Which of the following statements about conformity is wrong (A C E ) A. Conformity did grow if the judgm

14、ents were difficult B. Conformity did decline if the participants felt incompetent C. The more insecure about our judgments, the more influenced we by others D. Conformity is highest when the group has three or less people and is unanimous, cohesive, and in status E. Conformity is highest when the r

15、esponse is public and made without prior commitment 8. Why prompted this conformity? Why had I not clapped even while the others rapped? Why did Polonius so readily echo Hamlets words?(A B) A. Normative influence B. Informational influence C. International influence D. Comprehension influence E. Imp

16、ression influence 9. Why are we act in ways that preserve our sense of uniqueness and individuality?(B E ) A. We are used to be unique B. We are used to be individual C. We are not comfortable being too similar with a group D. We are not comfortable being too different from a group E. We dont want to appear the same as everyone else 10. Do you own something. Question authority. If it feels


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