(人教新版)六年级英语上册Unit 1练习1

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1、六年级英语上册六年级英语上册 Unit 1 练习练习 1姓名姓名 班级班级 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】一、教学内容: Unit 1 You should obey the rules.二、本单元重难点: 1. 学习用简单的英语句子表述在家中,学校,以及社会各处的规则。 2. 熟练地运用本单元的词汇,词组。 3. 学会运用情态动词和祈使句。Lesson 1Lesson 2 (一)单词: 1. carefully仔细地,认真地 2. ask问,询问 3. question问题 4. actively积极地,活泼地 5. dont =do not 6. make做;制作 7. noise声音,噪音

2、 8. eat吃 9. should应该 10. shouldnt=should not(二)词组: 1. obey the rules 2. listen to 3. make noise 4. in class 5. come to school 6. make a list of 7. hand in 8. on time 9. be late for 10. ask questions(三)语法: 祈使句 用来要求别人做什么或不做什么,发出命令或提出建议,表示劝告, 叮嘱。祈使句一般没有主语,实际上是对 you 而言。谓语用动词原形。肯定句:动词+宾语或状语, (please) 否定句

3、:Dont+动词+宾语或状语, (please)(四)句型: 1. Listen to the teacher carefully. 2. Dont be late for class/school.(五)重难点分析: 1. He knows everyone in school should obey the rules. 他知道上学的每一个人都要遵守规则。 in school 在求学,修饰 everyone。 在这里 in school 和 at school(在求学)意思一 样。但是 at school 还有其他解释:在学。 Everyone in school should obey

4、the rules 是 knows 的内容,是 knows 的宾语。 2. 辨析 come to school 与 go to school. come to school来上学 go to school去上学 两者说话人身处位置不同。 另外:go to the school去学校。 3. carefully,actively 的用法这两个词在本单元都是以副词出现的,用来修饰动 词,通常他们要放在所修饰的动词及动词词组后面。 例: Listen to the teacher carefully. Ask questions actively. carefully 的形容词形式为 careful

5、,actively 的形容词形式为 active。 很多形容词在其后加上-ly 就构成副词。 例: busybusily quietquietly happyhappily beautifulbeautifully 通常有以下规律: (1)在形容词后直接加-ly 例:kindkindly (2)以元音字母加 e 结尾的,去 e 加 -ly 例:truetruly (3)以辅音字母加 y 结尾,y 变成 i,再加 ly 例:angryangrily (4)以 y 结尾的单音节词,直接加 ly 例:shyshyly (5)以 l 结尾的,直接在词尾加 ly 例:usualusually (6)以

6、le 结尾的,如果 l 前是辅音字母,把 e 变成 y 例:terribleterribly 4. His group is making a list of rules for the class. 他的小组正在列班级规则。 5. Do you think they are right? 你认为他们对吗? 6. Tell them to obey the school rules.(1)tell sb. sth. (2)tell sb. to do sth. (3)tell sb. not to do sth.(六)语音知识:oo【模拟试题模拟试题】一、选出与其它三个单词读音不同的单词。一、

7、选出与其它三个单词读音不同的单词。( )1. A. should B. group C. would D. could ( )2. A. ask B. class C. make D. calf ( )3. A. good B. school C. goose D. kangaroo ( )4. A. teacher B. leader C. never D. her ( )5. A. eat B. meat C. bread D. seat二、选择填空。二、选择填空。( )1. We should _ the rules in school. A. ask B. obey C. say (

8、)2. He _ his teacher carefully.A. listen B. listens C. listens to ( )3. Everyone _ makes noise in class.A. never B. should C. can ( )4. Hand _ your homework _ time.A. on ; in B. in ; at C. in ; on ( )5. _ be late for class.A. We B. Dont C. do ( )6. His group is _ a list of rules.A. makes B. making C

9、. make ( )7. Gao Wei is a good student. We all like _. A. she B. him C. he D. her ( )8. Dont eat in _ class.A. a B. the C. / D. an ( )9. May I _ you a question?A. ask B. make C. give D. want ( )10. Li lei and his friends _ in the classroom.A. all are B. all is C. is all D. are all ( )11. Can _ make

10、noise in the library?A. them B. their C. they D. it( )12. _ are in the same class.A. Mike and I B. Mike and me C. Me and Mike D. I and Mike ( )13. Please write down your class rules _ a piece of paper.A. on B. at C. in D. of ( )14. Where are they? They are _.A. at school B. in home C. on home D. und

11、er tree ( )15. After school I often play games _ my friends.A. for B. from C. with D. of ( )16. He _ never late for school.A. be B. is C. are D. has三、用所给词适当形式填空。三、用所给词适当形式填空。1. He (know)everyone in (we)school. 2. You should (stay)at home. 3. Everyone (go)home at about five. 4. My father never (come)

12、home early. 5. Dont (be)late for school again. 6. My mother is a (police). 7. His friend is (sing)a song now. 8. Listen to the news (care). 9. Can those boys (swim)? 10. Shall we (have)a meeting now?四、根据句意补全所缺单词,首字母已给出。四、根据句意补全所缺单词,首字母已给出。1. We should l to the teacher carefully. 2. Dont make n . The

13、 baby is sleeping. 3. Can you eat in c ? 4. M I ask you a question? 5. Tell them to obey the school r . 6. Students s ask questions actively. 7. Lucy can read and w at five. 8. Please be q in the reading room. 9. My uncle can m a kite. 10. Please come to school on t .五、连词组句。五、连词组句。1. question , may , ask , you , I , a(?) 2. not , be , do , school , late , for(.)3. should , be , we , in , quiet , class(.) 4. never , quiet , he , be , class , in(.)5. Sam , everyone , should , knows , in , not , class , eat(.)六、按要求改写句子。六、按要求改写句子。1. Listen to her



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