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1、南京航空航天大学博士学位论文摘 要由于容错控制可以保证闭环系统在故障情形下仍然保持系统的安全性和可靠性,因此受到学术界和工业界的广泛关注;同时,由于时滞在工业系统中的普遍存在,使得时滞系统的容错控制问题成为热点研究问题。然而,时滞的存在降低了系统的稳定性能,甚至可能导致系统的不稳定,因此针对时滞系统的容错控制问题也是一个难点问题。时滞按照其属性划分可以分为常时滞系统和时变时滞系统;按照其来源划分可以分为状态时滞和控制输入时滞。本文的主要研究工作就研究内容而言,可以分为两部分,第一部分针对具有上述时延特征的线性连续/离散系统;非线性连续/离散系统以及连续/离散型Markov跳变系统,建立了具有一



4、论文分析了还存在的问题和需要进一步探讨的研究方向。关键词: 容错控制,指数均方稳定,时滞依赖,故障分布依赖,网络控制系统,线性矩阵不等式i几类时滞系统的容错控制研究AbstractSince fault-tolerant control (FTC) can improve security and reliability of systems and guarantee theclosed-looped systems performance in faulty cases, it has been led to extensive concern in academic andindustr

5、ial fields and been a hot issues in control fields because of time-delays general presentation inindustries. However, the existence of time-delay may result in reducing the systems performance, even ifit may lead to instability, therefore, the problem of FTC is also a difficult points.Considering ti

6、me-delay characteristics, it can be divided into constant time-delay and time-varyingdelay; according to its sources, it has state time-delay and control input delay. This thesis contains twoparts in broad outline. In the former, it may focus on linear continuous-time/discrete-time systems, non-line

7、ar continuous-time/discrete-time systems, continuous-time/discrete-time Markovian jump systems,with the above time-delay. The problem of FTC with consideration of established stochastic actuator-failure is studied by using the Lyapunov method and linear matrix inequalities(LMI) technology; In thelat

8、er, the reliable filtering and fault detection of networked control system (NCS) which can be regardedas a special time-delay systems are considered.Asfarastheresearchsubjectsareconcerned, wedeveloped3newmodelsforvariousactuator-failurecases: 1) Actuator-failure model with a certain variance and mea

9、n; 2) Intermittent actuator-failure modelobeying Bernoulli distribution; 3) Actuator-failure model with various failure subinterval probability. Inaddition, a more general NCS model is established with considering nonideal Quality of Service(QoS).As concerns the analysis methods, the thesis contains

10、 the followings innovations : 1) By construct-ing novel and reasonable Lyapunov functions, introducing some lemmas, such as, Jesson Inequality,convexity of the matrix functions, and implying improved free-weighting matrix technique, etc. Onescan get the less conservativeness effectively; 2) It also

11、leads to less conservativeness by splitting someterms when concerning with Markovian Jump Systems (MJSs). 3) Furthermore, by augmenting the pastcontrol information into a vector, a memory state feedback fault-tolerant controller is designed to addressthe problem of no feasible solution for discrete-

12、time system with control input delay.Finally, the existing problem in this dissertation is discussed, and directions of further researches arepointed out.Keywords:Fault-tolerance control(FTC), Exponentially mean-square stable(EMSS), Delay-dependent, Fault-distribution-dependent, Networked control sy

13、stems (NCSs), Linear matrix inequalities(LMIs)ii几类时滞系统的容错控制研究 vi 图表清单 图1.1 容错控制分类3 图1.2 被动容错的控制结构框图.4 图1.3 主动容错的控制结构框图.5 图2.1 系统 (2.1) 的状态响应曲线(情形2的故障在第15秒后发生).20 图2.2 在无故障情况下,系统(2.24)的状态响应曲线.28 图2.3 在故障情况下,系统(2.24)的状态响应曲线.28 图2.4 在无故障情况下,系统(2.42)的状态响应曲线.33 图2.5 在故障情况下,系统(2.42)的状态响应曲线.33 图2.6 随机控制输入时

14、延.43 图2.7 在无故障情况下,系统(2.64)的状态响应曲线43 图2.8 在故障情况下,系统(2.64)的状态响应曲线44 图3.1 系统(3.2)的状态响应曲线(情形2的故障在第4秒后发生) .54 图3.2 自治系统的状态响应曲线.63 图3.3 在故障情况下,系统(3.61)的状态响应曲线64 图3.4 故障分布示意图.66 图3.5 执行器1和2发生的故障分布.73 图3.6 在无故障情况下,系统(3.64)的状态响应曲线73 图3.7 在故障情况下,系统(3.64)的状态响应曲线74 图4.1 运行模态.82 图4.2 在故障情况下,系统(4.1)的状态响应曲线.83 图4.3 输入时滞.88 图4.4 有故障下的响应曲线.88 图5.1 滤波的信号流图.90 图5.2 网络控制系统的滤波流图.95 图5.3 非理性网络传输序列.96 图5.4 曲线 和.97 图5.5 曲线 和.97 图5.6 综合性能指标



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