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1、(沪教牛津版)四年级英语下册期中考试试卷(沪教牛津版)四年级英语下册期中考试试卷 小学资源网 http:/ 、用正确的形式抄写下列句子。、用正确的形式抄写下列句子。have you got a pet peter yes i have got a dog - - - - -二、写出下列单词的复数形式。二、写出下列单词的复数形式。1.that _ 2.baby _ 3. woman _ 4. sheep _ 5. peach _ 6.knife _ 7. it _ 8. box _三、写出下列单词的现在分词。三、写出下列单词的现在分词。1.swim_ 2.fly_ 3.sit _ 4. danc

2、e_ 5. chase_ 6.stand _ 7.see _ 8.close _四、写出下列单词的反义词。四、写出下列单词的反义词。1. rough _ 2. full _ 3.hard _ 4.fat _ 5. long _ 6. old _ 7.sad _ 8.hot _五、选出正确答案。五、选出正确答案。( )1.That cat _ a long tail. Its lovely. A. is B. has C. have ( )2. Alice and Kitty _ in the room.A. is reading B. reading C. are reading ( )3.

3、_is Alice? She is sitting on her chair.A. Where B. What C. Who ( )4. Children _ playing _.A. is , the violin B. are , the violin C. are , violin ( )5. Whose pencil is this? _ Toms pencil.A. This is B. They are C. Its ( )6. Look, Peter is _ under the tree .Tom is _beside the tree.A. siting , jumpping

4、 B. sitting , jumping C. sitting, jumpping ( )7. Listen, Danny _playing the piano. He can _it well.A. is , playing B. are, play C. is , play( )8. How many _ are there?A. giraffe B. sheep C. rabbit ( )9. There _ desk in the room.A. are B. is a C. is ( )10. The fox_ the grapes.A. is like B. like C. li

5、kes六、搭配。六、搭配。1. 中英文翻译搭配中英文翻译搭配 ( ) under the chair A. 在操场上 ( )in the playground B. 在树后 ( )behind the tree C. 在黑板上 ( )beside the tree D. 在树旁边 ( )on the blackboard E. 椅子下面2. 问答句搭配问答句搭配( )1. What are these? A. Its sour. Its a lemon. ( ) 2. Taste this, what is it? B. They are crayons ( ) 3.Smell this, i

6、s it nice? C. I am fine. Thank you. ( ) 4. Here you are. D. No, it isnt. ( ) 5.How are you? E. Thank you.七、将下列句子变成否定句。七、将下列句子变成否定句。1. The children have got pets._ 2. He can read English books._ 3. I see a dog in the street. _ 4. She likes to eat ice-cream. _八、将下列句子变成一般疑问句。八、将下列句子变成一般疑问句。1. She can r

7、ead and write._ 2. I am a new student in this class. _ 3. They sit under the tree. _My mum likes to drink milk. _九、将下列句子划线部分提问九、将下列句子划线部分提问,一空一词。一空一词。1. She is standing on her chair. _ _ she standing? 2. I see two birds in the tree. _ _ _ _ you see in the tree? 3. These balloons are red and yellow.

8、_ _ _these balloons? 4. I can hear a dog in the street. _ _ _ _ in the street? 5. She likes her mother. _ _ _ she _? 6. The biscuit is a circle. _ _ _ the biscuit?十、阅读下列小短文,判断正误,错误的用十、阅读下列小短文,判断正误,错误的用 F,正确的用,正确的用 T 表示。表示。My name is Betty. Im short and thin. My father is a policeman. He is tall. He

9、can jump and dive. My mother is a teacher. She is beautiful. She can paint and sing English songs. We have a white dog. His name is Sam. He is two. Look, he is eating a bone. We love Sam very much. 1. Betty isnt tall and fat. ( ) 2. Bettys father can paint and sing English songs. ( ) 3. Betty has a beautiful mother. ( ) 4. Sam has a white dog. ( ) 5. Betty loves her dog. ( ) 小学资源网 http:/



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