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1、三年级英语下学期期末综合测试三年级英语下学期期末综合测试姓名姓名 班级班级 分数分数 一、一、Compelete the blanks.完成下列单词。完成下列单词。 (每小题(每小题 1 分,共分,共 20 分)分)1._ _ mon 2.s_ _et 3.so_r 4.str_wberry 5.mi_ _or 6.gr_y 7.he_r 8.tele_ _one 9.pr_wn 10.tas_ _ 11.liz_rd 12._ _roplane 13.t_ger 14.sn_ke 15.gir_ffe 16.m_ _key 17.rou_ _ 18.s_per 19.tou_ _ 20.pi

2、n_app_e二、二、Chose and complete.选词填空(每空选词填空(每空 2 分,共分,共 22 分)分)1._there two long tables in the library? 2._you a teacher? Yes. 3.What_that? It _a balloon._it pink? No. It _yellow. 4.What colour_they? They_black. 5.Look!There_a fly on the cake. 6.Where_Mark?_he in the park?No.1.It is smooth.It is green

3、 and black.It is very sweet.What is it?Its_ 2.It is not hard. It is not sour. Monkeys like it. What is it? Its _ 3.They are long. They are smooth. They have no tails. What are they? Theyre_ 4.They are very tall. They are yellow and brown.They like leaves. What are they? They are_. 5.Smell it. Its no

4、t nice. Taste it. Its very delicious(美味的).What is it? Its_三、三、Look, feel and write.看图,写出感觉(每空看图,写出感觉(每空 2 分,共分,共 12 分)分)1.Its_and_.2.Its_and_am is area banana snakes a prawn a melon giraffes3.Taste this.It is_4.Taste this.It is_四、四、Choose the best answer.选择最恰当的答案。选择最恰当的答案。 (每小题(每小题 2 分,共分,共 16 分)分)(

5、 )1.How_it feel? A. does B. do C .is ( )2. _ cold? A. It is B. Is it C. Its ( )3._the desk. It is hard. A. Smell B. Taste C. Touch ( )4.Smell the prawn. It is_. A. nice B. good C. bad ( )5.Taste the _.It is sour. A. sweet B. lime C. banana ( )6.The rabbit is soft.Its not_. A. smooth. B. hard C. roug

6、h ( )7.They are big. They are black and white.What are they? _ A.They are lions. B.They are giraffes C. They are pandas. ( )8.Taste this.Its a _.A.sweet B.sour C.lemon五、五、Read and complete.阅读后完成对话。阅读后完成对话。 (每空(每空 2 分,共分,共 20 分)分)Danny: Hi! Lucy. Lucy:_! Danny. Danny:_your eys._this._ it soft ? Lucy: No, it is hard. Danny: _this. Is it nice? Lucy: Yes, it is. Danny: _it. Is it sour ? Lucy: No, it is _. Danny: _is it? Lucy: It is an_. Danny: Here you are. Lucy: _ you.六、六、Look and write. 看图写话,至少看图写话,至少 5 句。句。(10 分分)_ _ _ _



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