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1、三年级英语下学期三年级英语下学期 Unit79 测试卷测试卷姓名姓名 班级班级 分数分数 听力部分听力部分(50)一、选出与你听到的同类的单词:一、选出与你听到的同类的单词:(4)( ) 1. A: sandwich B: pencil C: study( ) 2. A: rice B: camera C: dining-room( ) 3. A: stapler B: trousers C: sitting-room( ) 4. A: crayon B: uncle C: purple二、听录音,给下列图片编序号。二、听录音,给下列图片编序号。(12)A.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

2、) ( ) B.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、把你所听到的对应的物品用线连接起来。三、把你所听到的对应的物品用线连接起来。(10)A.B.四、判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,用哭脸或笑脸表示。四、判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,用哭脸或笑脸表示。(12)1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6.三、听问句,选答句:三、听问句,选答句:(12 )( )1. A: Id like a soft drink. B: Thank you. ( )2. A: Yes, its nice. B: Here you are.( )3. A: Ten yuan. B: Its ten.( )4. A

3、: Some rice, please? B: A glass of milk, please? ( )5. A: Shes in the park. B: Hes in the cinema.( )6. A: Black. B: A black dress.笔试部分笔试部分(50)一、翻译下列词组:一、翻译下列词组:(12)1. a bar of chocolate 2. 一个热狗 3. orange juice 4. 一条红背心 5. how much 6. 苹果派 7. a carton of milk 8. 在我的课桌里 9. a cup of tea 10. 在床上 11.a blu

4、e tie 12. 一顶白色棒球帽 二、选择题。二、选择题。10( ) 1如果你是营业员,当顾客来了,你会说:A: You can go home now B: Can I have a look? C: Can I help you?( ) 2如果你是营业员,当顾客在挑选外套时,你可以建议说:A: what colour is your coat? B: What about the yellow coat? C: What about some yellow juice? ( ) 3你想付钱时,可以说:A: How many? B: How much? C: How nice!( ) 4你

5、想请 Mike 吃梨,你可以说:A: Id like a pear. B: Its a pear. C: A pear, please.( ) 5营业员推荐你吃汉堡包,你可以说:A: Sounds good. B: Oh, I see. C: Wheres the hamburger?三、看图把对话补充完整。三、看图把对话补充完整。 (10) A: A , please.B: OK. What about the orange ?A: Yes, its nice.B: Here are.A: Whats this the ? B: Its a dog.A: Is this your dog?B

6、: , it isnt.A: Where is ?B: Look, its the .四、给下列两组问句选择相应的答句:四、给下列两组问句选择相应的答句:(10)( )1.What about the black one? A. Yes, she is. ( )2.What would you like? B. A jacket, please. ( )3.Is that his sweater? C. No, Id like the white one. ( )4.Is this your grandmother? D. Here you are.( )5.A yellow rubber,

7、please. E. Yes, it is. F.Its in the pencil box.( )1. Whats six plus four? A. Its ten yuan.( )2. How many cars can you see? B. Its in the park.( )3. Whats the time? C. Its ten oclock.( )4. How much is it? D. Its ten.( )5. Wheres your friend? E. I can see ten.F. Hes in the zoo.五、给下列句子排序,使之成为一段对话。五、给下列句子排序,使之成为一段对话。 (8)a. OK. Here you are. A: b. Sounds good. B: c. What would you like? Some cakes? A: d. Im thirsty, too. B: e. What about some soft drinks? A: f. Im hungry, Dad. B: g. No, Id like a hamburger. A:



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