初一英语Unit 10第三课时 Section B (1a~1d)

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《初一英语Unit 10第三课时 Section B (1a~1d)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初一英语Unit 10第三课时 Section B (1a~1d)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费第三课时 Section B (1a1d)【学习目标】1学会读译、拼写本课时单词,正确区分食物的可数名词与不可数名词。2学生会用英语订餐,学会打电话订餐并表达自己的喜好。3引导学生通过听说训练,询问别人对不同食物的喜好,培养学生听说能力。【学习重点】重点单词 dumpling,porridge,onion,fish,pancake。【学习难点】创设不同的场景,学会打电话订餐并表达自己喜欢的食物。【学习提示】Ask some questions by showing the pictures.Task 1【学习提示】

2、Review the words,phrases,then students read and mark the new words and their Chinese meanings in the text.【学法指导】I dont like onions,green tea or porridge.我不喜欢洋葱、绿茶和稀饭。【用法】or意为“或者,还是”,通常用在否定句和疑问句中连接并列的词或句子。Task 2【学习提示】1Finish 1a,1b in groups.2Follow the tape,finish 1c,1d,then listen again.由莲山课件提供http:

3、/ 资源全部免费由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费3Ask some Ss to show the answers.【学法指导】large与big的用法区别:(1)large与big都可表示具体事物面积和体积的大小,通常可以互换,big多用于口语中。【举例】There is a big/large playground in our school.在我们学校里有一个大操场。情景导入 生成问题1(T) Question:Do you like dumplings?(S)Answer:_2(T)Question:Does Lucy like porridge?(S)Answer:_自学互研

4、生成能力Task 1 Lets read new words and phrases.1I can read.(我会读)dumpling,porridge,onion,fish,pancake2I can write.(我会写)试读1a的词,并翻译下列单词和短语。饺子 dumpling 粥;面糊 porridge 洋葱 onion_ 鱼肉 fish烙饼;薄饼 pancake 绿茶 green_tea 橙汁 orange_juice3I can practice.(我会练)根据1b要求,用下列句型练习,对自己和他人喜欢和不喜欢的食物进行询问及陈述。I likeand very_much,but

5、I dont like at_allShe likesa_little,but she doesnt like or4I can summarize.(我会总结)if为从属连词,意为“如果;是否”。作“如果;假如”讲时,引导条件状语从句,若主句的谓语动词为一般将来时,从句中应用一般现在时表示将来时态;作“是否”讲时,引导宾语从句,此时与whether同义。根据汉语提示填空。(1)Lucy will go fishing with her grandpa if its sunny(如果是晴天)(2)I want to know if he(他是否)can come here.见所赠光盘Task

6、2 Lets listen to the tape and finish 1c,1d.1听1c听力,要求学生整体感知订餐信息,体会语境。2看1c中的表格,再听听力,在表格中填出订餐信息。3小组讨论,核对答案完成1d。Task 3 Lets make conversations.由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费1I can translate.(我会译)(1)我喜欢饺子、鱼肉和橙汁。我不喜欢洋葱、绿茶和粥。I like dumplings,fish and orange juice.I dont like onion,green tea or po

7、rridge.(2)当表示物体重量、人的身体高大或长大时,只能用big。【举例】He is a big boy.他是一个大男孩。(3)在表示数量时,用large而不能用big,构成词组:a large number of意为“许多,大量”。Task 3【学习提示】1Ss do a survey in groups.2Complete the chart.【学法指导】would【用法】would是情态动词,无人称和数的变化,常用短语would like,意为“想要”。与主语搭配的缩写形式为Id,hed,shed,theyd等。【备注】由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费由莲山课件提供http

8、:/ 资源全部免费(2)你想要什么种类的饺子?牛肉胡萝卜饺子。What kind of dumplings would you like?Beef and carrot dumplings.2I can make conversations.(我会编对话)结合教材1c,请帮家人订大、中、小三碗饺子,运用打电话订餐的方式编写对话。_3I can summarize.(我会总结)(1)I like dumplings,fish,and orange juice.中的fish是名词,意为“鱼肉”。(2)I want to order some food,please.中的order是动词,意为“点菜

9、”。(3)Whats your address,please?询问某人的地址应该用特殊疑问词“what”。同义句为Where do you live?见所赠光盘由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费交流展示 生成新知Preshow:Show in groups.(Time: six minutes)Task 1:First,the students read the words and phrases in groups.Then,read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups.Tas

10、k 2:First,the group leaders ask the members to listen carefully and finish 1c,1d.Then check the answers in groups.Task 3: First,the group leaders ask members to discuss and perform conversations.Then,mark the wrong words.(They can ask the teacher for help.)Promotion show: Class show.(Time:sixteen mi

11、nutes)Task 1: 1.I can read.(1)Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of “dumplings” and “porridge”;(2)Consolidate the words learning by word games;(3) Read in groups one by one.2I can write.(1)Students translate the phrases into English by answering quickly;(2)Read together.3I can summariz

12、e.Ss sum up first,the teacher adds.Task 2: 1.I can listen.(1)Listen to tapes;(2)Show to the class.2I can repeat.(1)Listen again;(2)Follow the tapes.Task 3: 1.I can practice.(1)Ask students to finish the conversations;(2)Set the scenes to perform the conversations.2I can make conversations.(1)Students make dialogues according to the tasks;(2)Perform the dialogues.3I can summarize.Key sentence pattern;Whats your/her/his telephone number ? Its当堂演练 达成目标见所赠光盘课后反思 查漏补缺收获:_存在困惑:_



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