2017年秋九年级英语全册 unit 13 we’re trying to save the earth考点集中训练课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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2017年秋九年级英语全册 unit 13 we’re trying to save the earth考点集中训练课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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2017年秋九年级英语全册 unit 13 we’re trying to save the earth考点集中训练课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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《2017年秋九年级英语全册 unit 13 we’re trying to save the earth考点集中训练课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017年秋九年级英语全册 unit 13 we’re trying to save the earth考点集中训练课件 (新版)人教新目标版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、义务教育教科书(安徽专版)人教版九年级英语下册一天中最美的是夕阳,一生中最美的是少年。 名顺一 全 测控 九年级英语下册单元嘟各案中训练考点训练一 cost,spend ,take 与 pay for 辨析一.单项选择。( A )1.(2016 . 兰州中考)一How much does the TV的 一Not too much. Its just a second-hand one.Acost B. spendC.take D: pay foFr( 也 )2.(黄冈中考)一Grandpa has changed a lot.一So he has. He spends more time t

2、han he usedto games with the children.A. play B. playingC.played D. plays ( A )3.(六检水中考) Lily _ 30 yuan for the al-bum. It was not expensive.A. paid B. costC.took D. spent二、把下面的句子改为同义句 ,每空一词。4. (黔西剧中考) Shelspends am hioimTreading Englishevery day.HI _ takes _ her an hour to read English everyday.S.

3、The new fridge cost me 2 ,000 yua7z.I_paid 2,000 yuan for the new fridge. 考点训练二 afford 的用法(一.单项选择。)1. 一What do you think of the 4C mobile phone?一Ireally like it,but Icant it.A.refuse B. standC. pay D. afford)2J MiJWhite is outiof wo Hereant hissons education .A.buy B.takeC.afford D. pay)3. Many peop

4、le cant afford the house.A.to buy B. buy 加C. buying D. bought 本 | 5二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4. 他父母负担不起他的学费。His parents couldnthis education .5. 我抽不出一个小时去吃午饭。I cant an hour lunch.考点训练三,tum bff ,tuni onvtum upvbuam down 办析一.单项选择。( )1. (扬州中考)一Do you know the latest infor-mation about Flight MH370? 一Tve no ide

5、a. Lefs the TV to watch thenews programme-A.turn on B.turm down 浊C.turmn up D.turn o任 因 |( B )2.(2016 .攀枝花中考) Would you pleaseyour MP3 a little? Your baby sister is sleep-ing.A.tur up B.tum downC.turn on D. turn in世 )3. (淄博中考) Bil,please _ your computerand golto sleep,Jts too late.A.turn on Brzturnm

6、o任C.turn up D. turn down二根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限。4. Would you please (开大) the radio?7 Icant hear it clearly.S. Mr. Black (打开) the TV as soon上as he got home. |考点训练四 take part in 与 join 办析一.单项选择。( )1. (青岛中考)一of volunteers will be nee-ded for 2014 International Horticulture Exposi-tion in Qingdao.一Lefs go an

7、d them.A. ThousandsksjoinB.Thousand;bea memberofC. Three thousanditake part inD. Thousands;be in ( A )2. He the composition contest and won aPrize.A.took part in B.took ofC.took out D.took care of( )3. 一LI suppose we go to plant trees next week.一Terrific! Planting trees is a lot of fun.LTd liketo you.A.visit B. joinC.follow D. meet二.用take parni工和join人的适当形式填空。4. He the English club last term.S. Why didnt you : Jims party yester-day?浊 白 是夕人十 语站


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