纯碱专用阀 选型建议

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《纯碱专用阀 选型建议》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《纯碱专用阀 选型建议(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、上海费希尔阀门制造有限公司SHANGHAI FISHER VALVE MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD. 销售公司地址:上海普善路 128 弄 8 号 1003 室邮编:200070 Sales CompanyAdd:Room 1003 No.128-8 Pushan RoadShanghai 200070 P.R. China 电话 Tel:(86 21)518 22 079518 22 078传真 Fax:(86 21) 518 22 077 网址 http:/电子邮件 E-mail:纯碱专用阀选型建议 Summary of ValvesApplicationinSoda Indus

2、try Enterprises目前纯碱行业阀门有:球阀、旋塞阀、截止阀、浆液阀等,材质主要是:碳钢、不锈钢、钼二钛。使 用周期短,容易内、外漏。内漏造成难以切断和控制,如碳化在煮塔时要多处加盲板,造成母液外泄,腐 蚀周围设备。外漏增加现场管理的难度(造成生产成本升高),环保问题难以彻底解决。阀门频繁检修和更 换,使跑、冒、滴、漏增加。因此,因阀门问题而带来诸多工作不便。 上海费希尔生产的纯碱专用阀、调节阀,目前已在国内大部分纯碱企业中使用,效果非常明显,既降 低了工人的劳动负荷,也解决了部分环保问题。阀门在联碱、氨碱生产装置中虽不属于关键设备,在设计 和生产运行过程中往往容易被忽视,但其潜在的

3、经济效益和环保效益在正常的生产管理中将得到充分体 现。 At present, valves used in Soda Industry Enterprises mainly are ball valve, plug valve, globe valve and pulp valve. The materials are carbon steel, stainless steel and Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti(316). The common characters of the valves are short in service life, easy to leak internal

4、ly and externally. The internal leakage causes valve difficult to block and control so that it has to add more blank covers somewhere during carbonizing. The mother liquid spills over and corrodes the equipments around and external leakage increases the difficulties of the site management as well as

5、 the costs of production, environmental protection problem is difficult to solve completely.The mediums increases to run away, spill over, drop and leak out , for the valves are frequently examined and repaired. The management, operators and repairmen of alkali enterprises are aware of the inconveni

6、ences for the problems of valves. The valves special for soda industry and control valves made by Shanghai Fisher Valve Manufacture Co., Ltd. are now used in the great majority of domestic soda industry enterprises . The efficiency is obvious that not only reducing labor intensity to workers, but al

7、so solving some environmental protection problem. Valve does not belong to key equipment in united alkali and ammonia alkali production plants and is often neglected during designing, operating and production. But its benefit potential in economy and environment protection will find expression in no

8、rmal production and management.纯碱专用阀(联碱)使用位置选型建议(供参考) Applicationof Special Valve for Soda Industry inUnitedAlkali Enterprises(For Reference Only) 系统名称系统名称 System相关位置相关位置 ApplyPosition拟选阀门拟选阀门 Suggest Valve备注备注 NoteMII 系统系统 MII System母 II 泵进出口阀 Entrances and outlets that pump II of mother solution纯碱

9、专用 O 形阀 “O” type ball valve for soda盐析排放阀 Salt out valve纯碱专用偏心阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“O” type ball valve for soda 盐析取出阀 Salt out take up valve纯碱专用偏心阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“O” type ball valve for soda 逆料泵进出口阀 Entrances and outlets valve that refluence pump纯碱专用 O 形阀 “O” type ball valve for sodaMII 吸氨器

10、液相阀门 Liquid valve of M II absorb ammonium set纯碱专用偏心阀 V 形阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“V”type ball valve,“O” type ball valve for soda上海费希尔阀门制造有限公司SHANGHAI FISHER VALVE MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD. 销售公司地址:上海普善路 128 弄 8 号 1003 室邮编:200070 Sales CompanyAdd:Room 1003 No.128-8 Pushan RoadShanghai 200070 P.R. China 电话 Te

11、l:(86 21)518 22 079518 22 078传真 Fax:(86 21) 518 22 077 网址 http:/电子邮件 E-mail:母换器 MII 系统各控制阀 Control valves for mother solution M II system纯碱专用 O 形阀 “O” type ball valve for soda母 II 沉渣泵进出口阀 Entrances and outlets valve that mother solution II deep ash pump纯碱专用 O 形阀 “O” type ball valve for soda母 II 桶根部阀

12、 Based valve of mother solution II barrel纯碱专用 O 形阀 “O” type ball valve for sodaMI 系统系统 MI System母 I 泵进出口阀 Entrances and outlets valve that mother solution I pump纯碱专用偏心阀 V 形阀 蝶阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,Butterfly valve,“V”type ball valve,“O” type ball valve for sodaMI 吸氨器液相阀门 Liquid valve of M I absorb a

13、mmonium set纯碱专用偏心阀 V 形阀 蝶阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,Butterfly valve,“V”type ball valve,“O” type ball valve for soda 滤碱机相关阀门 Valves of soda filter纯碱专用偏心阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“O” type ball valve for soda 净氨泵进出口阀 Entrances and outlets valve that ammonium pump纯碱专用偏心阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“O” type ball valv

14、e for soda母 I 桶根部阀 Based valve of mother solution I barrel纯碱专用 O 形阀 “O” type ball valve for sodaAI 系统系统 AI System氨 I 泵进出口阀 Entrances and outlets valve that ammonium pump I纯碱专用偏心阀 V 形阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“V”type ball valve,“O” type ball valve for soda 母换器 AI 系统各控制阀 Control valves for mother solutio

15、nAI system纯碱专用偏心阀 V 形阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“V”type ball valve,“O” type ball valve for soda 外冷器清洗进口及溢流阀 Flooding valve for entrance cleaning of external cool set纯碱专用偏心阀 V 形阀 蝶阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,Butterfly valve,“V”type ball valve,“O” type ball valve for soda 热 AI 清洗泵进出口阀 Entrances and outlets val

16、ve thatAI cleaning pump纯碱专用偏心阀 V 形阀 蝶阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,Butterfly valve,“V”type ball valve,“O” type ball valve for soda 氨 I 桶根部阀 Based valve of ammonia I barrel纯碱专用偏心阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“O” type ball valve for soda流量调节阀 Flow control valve纯碱专用偏心阀 V 形阀 O 形阀 Eccentric valve,“V”type ball valve,“O” type ball valve for soda半半 II 系统系统 Hal


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