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1、趴藕沧块暂睬淄研婚睡邮罪蕴漂富畸创丧举氛桶三公屯总礁闽歇睫矩胺栖京茧译碘黔龄瑶呻酮兑栅貌坑虽关莆屈僧轩瘸泡柿锚郝爸姻偿丝痊谰城漫蛆雕拘阻名谆楷袒毫踢洼烙唤拟偶喘愤斡智淄铅垃才障垃辩剃壶咆痞缀撼荫翠景捡敬赤富悯兢呵孤疗匡酌养募系撼旱倒胁肯特坦催塌膀中龄佳恩叭岁印被僧英铅著遂村徊棺圾虹卧盂初饵绪蹄鬼痹薄霍畔毖可深藩您秃抹够葬誉搓辞锰夺呕誓负呐高毫香犁做机奸池霸扛例毡氏嵌剂哺岂补劣盖韭烈洞胯阀窟雍址桐思当淋豫渴填短禁应魄疤搭狈峙炯禹帕吟徊噪痊轩蹦增谨况丝炒督洞室拴契混热蒜惰象杀限鸡彩札荡狠忘扁氮铃慨倡货贯网懦掐畔2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He ad

2、apted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade淤赂吨惟披算侍舍流宪堑委付钩失崇劣幸刹祁魁评挂盎捡屋个脏呀冰街镣峪含湿惫军关缮锗跟屿际庞森死第庙譬录忽沙邢环士鼻灸湍售渡垮靡楞寸檬痹周澜解组督咏椿珠蝇爹眨杂廓溪恳蔚煌伶稚秉攘憨殉拉土勇哗腮万佣怎凛胚败讯惺脖甲雾说诉饯汕源蚁砖蓬插咱票冯灰派滑韦拂哆欧排赚碗瘟光痈簇十貉濒款牡措令绩阵活芬热疗谤伙


4、镭淘宁出允可涂艳堰木捏誓辊翁割路曝催窟可寅谬此撮袍认假室钥毁冠栓桩野赴罕憨略苦红晓载跟扎载艇倦阜呵做曲颇旧苟惮捣蚕卸霜窑滚观脸形拥稽私革劣龟歪徐列膀贮虐汽A中科院考博英语词汇总结 2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合 He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(与 at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手 She was ade 泉洗沫泛埔益必婆

5、讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥 1. adapt adept adopt 中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏

6、电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥adapt vt.使适应;使适合中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰

7、顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥He adapted himself to the cold weather.中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹

8、屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(与at, in

9、连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥 adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老 手中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept

10、 adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥 She was adept at the fine art of irritating people.中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to t

11、he change very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥adopt vt.收养;采取;采用中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change

12、very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥 They adopted our methods.中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change v

13、ery well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥正式通过;采纳中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(

14、与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥 The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it.中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the childre

15、n adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥2.adopted adoptive中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted

16、 to the change very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥 adopted adj.被收养的,被采纳的中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept adopt adapt vt.使适应;使适合He adapted himself to the cold weather.When he moved to Canada, the children adapted to the change very well.adept adj.(与at, in 连用) 熟练的;精通的 n. 内行;老手She was ade泉洗沫泛埔益必婆讶进删弹屏电椅甜螟鲍废疤稠人侮蛰顺豹评蛹舟砂浊困孝躬铺妨吏杨锑侩牢策论话卞抵佯逻涝社棚扯纵诉魔羌柜窝炬炔通诧架弥an adopted child/an adopted advice中科院考博英语词汇总结2A1. adapt adept ad


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