2013冀教版(三起)五上《Unit 3 A Trip to Beijing》word单元测试

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《2013冀教版(三起)五上《Unit 3 A Trip to Beijing》word单元测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013冀教版(三起)五上《Unit 3 A Trip to Beijing》word单元测试(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具东风镇中心小学东风镇中心小学 2012-20132012-2013 学年度第一学期学年度第一学期第三单元过关测试卷第三单元过关测试卷五年级英语五年级英语(时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分)班级:班级: 姓名:姓名: 学号:学号: .BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具卷面 分听力部分(38 分)笔试部分(59 分) 题号 3 分总分得分温馨提示:亲爱的同学们,本次考试设置了卷面分 3 分,请你规范书写,并保 持卷面整洁、清晰、美观,否则是要扣分的,相信你

2、一定能行。听力部分(38 分).请仔细听,找出你所听到的单词或短语,并将序号填在题前的括号内,每小题读两遍。 (8 分)( )1、A、Beijing B、Xi a n . C、Shijiazhang( )2、A、February B、January C、Mary.( ) 3、A、a train B、an airplane C、a bus ( ) 4、A、arrive B、leave C、leaf. 请仔细听,判断你所听到的句子与所给句子是否一致,一致的打“ ”不一致的打“” ,每小题读两遍。 (10 分)( )1、We go to the PalaceMuseum.( )2、How many

3、buses are there?( )3、Beijing is the capital city of our country.( )4、A plan of our trip.( )5、How far is Xi a n . . 请仔细听,每个小题你将听到一个问句,将正确答语填在题前括号内,每小题读两遍。 (10 分)( )1、A、Yes,you may. B、Yes,you can.( )2、A、 Jenny B、Danny.BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具( ) 3、A、eight thousand five hundred B、ni

4、ne thousand six hundred ( ) 4、A、We are going by train. B、We go shopping.( )5、A、No, they are not B、Yes,they are. 请仔细听,你将听到一篇短文,将正确答语填在题前括号内,读三遍。 (10 分)( )1、What we want to do on Monday?A、We go shopping. B、We leave Shijiazhuang and arrive in Beijing.( )2、We go to the PalaceMuseum. On .A、Wednesday . B、

5、Friday .( ) 3、What we want to do on Thursday?A、We go to Tian anmen Square. B、We go shopping.( ) 4、We leave Beijing and arrive in Shijiazhuang On .A、Tuesday. B、Friday.( )5、What we want to do on Tuesday?A、We go to Tian anmen Square. B、Monday.笔试部分(59 分).从方框中选择恰当得单词填在横线上。 (12 分)1、The is fast.bicyclebicy

6、cle carcar traintrain planeplaneBatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具2、The Is slow.3、The is faster than .4、The is slower than .选择最佳答案,将序号填在提前括号内。 (12 分)( )1、You are young go。A、toto B、tooto C、totoo( )2、May I go shopping? Yes, A、you may B、you can C、you do( )3、We arrive Shanghai on January thirt

7、y-first.A、inB、to C、on( )4、Danny and Jenny live China。A、inB、of C、to( )5、How far is it to Beijing?A、toB、from C、in( )6、当你想知道英国首都在哪儿时,可能会问: A、.How is the capital city of the U.S.? B、Whats the capital city of the U.S.? C、Where is the capital city of the U.S.?. 按要求完成句子按要求完成句子. .(1010 分)分)1. I go shopping

8、May you with(连词成句)BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具?2. is this map of country a our(连词成句). 3.Two hundred seventy-eight KilometresfromShijiazhuanto Beijing. (仿照例句写句子) . 4. May I eat in restaurants?Yes,you may .(仿照例句写句子)? .从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,将序号填在横线上。 (10 分)A: May I go on a trip to Beijing ,Mu

9、m? B:1 . A:How far is it from Shijiazhang to Beijing ? B: 2 . A:How can we go to Beijing ? B: 3 . A: When do we leave for Beijing? B: 4 . A: When do we arrive in Shijiazhang? B: 5 .阅读短文,对的在题前括号内打“ ” ,错的在题前括号内打A.YouA.You leaveleave forfor BeijingBeijing onon FebruaryFebruary firstfirst inin thethe mo

10、rningmorning . .B:LeB:Let t s s taketake a a train.train.C:Yes,youC:Yes,you maymay . .D:D: wewe arrivearrive inin ShijiazhangShijiazhang onon FebruaryFebruary sixthsixth inin thethe afternoonafternoon . .E:E:I I t t s s twotwo hunderhunder seventy-eightseventy-eight kilometres.kilometres.BatchDoc-Wo

11、rd 文档批量处理工具BatchDoc-Word 文档批量处理工具“” 。 (15 分)Hello,everyone!My name is Li Shan.I m a pupil in the No.1 Primary School(小学)in Beijing . Beijing is the capital city of our country .It is a big 、very old and beautiful city .It has many shpos, restaurants and hotels.Do you know Tiananmen Square? I t s ver

12、y famous .And the Palace Museum is very old and beautiful . Beijing is great! Welcome to Beijing!1、( )LiShanis a pupil in the No.1 Primary School in Xi a n .2、( )Beijing has many shpos, restaurants and hotels.3、( )Beijing is a small city.4、( )Beijing is the capital city of china .5、( )Beijing is very oldold andand beautifulbeautiful city.city.


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