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1、单项选择题单项选择题1、基础教育阶段英语课程的总目标是培养学生的基础教育阶段英语课程的总目标是培养学生的_._.1. 学习兴趣2. 自主学习能力3. 综合语言运用能力 4. 学习策略2、LessonLesson planningplanning shouldshould bebe donedone atat twotwo levels:levels: _._.1. macro planning and micro planning 2. day by day and one week3、ReadingReading isis anan _process,_process, duringduri

2、ng whichwhich thethe readerreader triestries toto understandunderstand thethe meaningmeaning ofof a a givengiven text.text.1. active 2. assive4、BasicBasic questionquestion typestypes areare _._.1. yes-no question 2. or question and wh-question3. yes-no question4. tag question and wh-question5、InIn t

3、hethe pastpast halfhalf century,century, languagelanguage teachingteaching andand learninglearning practicespractices havehave beenbeen influencedinfluenced byby threethree differentdifferent viewsviews ofof language,language, namely,namely, _._.1. the structural view 2. the functional view and the

4、interactional view3. the functional view and the interactional view4. the structural view and the interactional view6、InIn realreal life,life, languagelanguage isis usedused toto performperform certaincertain _ ; ; inin traditionaltraditional pedagogy,pedagogy, thethe teachingteaching focusfocus isi

5、s on_on_ ratherrather thanthan functions.functions.1. form2. communicative functions 3. form7、YouYou glanceglance quicklyquickly throughthrough a a texttext inin orderorder toto findfind a a specificspecific piecepiece ofof information,information, thisthis skillskill isis calledcalled _._.1. scanni

6、ng 2. skimming3. inference8、ThereThere areare a a varietyvariety ofof elementselements thatthat contributecontribute toto thethe qualitiesqualities ofof a a goodgood languagelanguage teacher.teacher. TheseThese elementselements cancan bebe categorizedcategorized intointo threethree groups:groups: _.

7、_.1. loving students2. loving his or her job and have good command English 3. ethic devotion4. rofessional qualities and personal styles9、ApproachesApproaches towardstowards readingreading andand listeninglistening areare _._.1. the bottom-up model and the top-down model2. the bottom-up model and th

8、e interactive model3. the bottom-up model 4. the top-down model and the interactive model10、The background knowledge needed to interpret a given text is called _.1. schema 2. skimming3. scanning11、The realistic goals of teaching pronunciation should be _.1. consistency 2. intelligibility and communi

9、cative efficiency3. intelligibility and communicative efficiency4. consistency and intelligibility12、_usually contributes to the development of all the language skills and may involve using other skills than just reading.1. Re-reading work2. While-reading work3. Post-reading work 13、8. The teacher d

10、ivides the whole class into pairs. Every student works with his or her partner, and all the pairs work at the same time, it is sometimes call _. With pairs of students speaking in turn in front of the class is called _.1. simultaneous pairwork 2. public or open pairwork“3. public or open pairwork4.

11、simultaneous pairwork“14、Teaching is a three-way relationship between _he or she is using, and _.1. F. the teacher and the materials2. the teacher 3. the materials and the students4. the teacher and the students15、 One way to help students use natural intonation is to practise saying the sentence in

12、 sections, starting with the end of the sentence and gradually working backwards to the beginning. This technique is known as _.1. C. dialogue chain2. D. chain drill3. E. back-chaining 16、 In real life, there are two ways in which we often listen, they are _.1. A. intensive listening and extensive l

13、istening2. B. casual listening and focussed listening 判断题判断题17、英语课程的评价体系采用形成性评价与总结性评价相结合的方式,既关注结果,又关注过程,使对学习过程和对学习结果的评价达到和谐的统、英语课程的评价体系采用形成性评价与总结性评价相结合的方式,既关注结果,又关注过程,使对学习过程和对学习结果的评价达到和谐的统一。一。1.A. 2.B.18、英语课程标准英语课程标准倡导交际教学法。倡导交际教学法。1.A.2.B. 19、语言和文化是密不可分的,学习语言就必须学习与之相联系的文化。、语言和文化是密不可分的,学习语言就必须学习与之相联

14、系的文化。1.A. 2.B.20、听、说、读、写只是英语学习的手段。、听、说、读、写只是英语学习的手段。1.A.2.B. 21、Structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.1.A. 2.B.22、When reading a text, I first i

15、dentify the topic, purpose and structure of the text, then I make guesses, predictions during reading. In this way, I create meaning from the text as a whole. This is the bottom-up model.1.A.2.B. 23、When reading a text, I start by predicting the probable meaning, then I get to read and understand the words and phrases in the text to check whether that is really what the writer means. Sometimes I go the other w



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