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1、逼格好高 看了之后用英语谈论美剧妥妥的无压力熬了这么久,秋季档美剧马上就要开播啦,该怎样安利小伙伴们你喜欢的美剧呢?学着 点哦 Useful Expression 常用表达 episode集一部电视剧(a tv show)中的一集叫做 an episode,长度通常在 30 分钟到 90 分钟不等。 大多数英美剧集采用周播方式(put out one new episode each week)。有时候剧播完了,还没看够,怎么办?那就只好看rerun重播注意,只有在电视上播放的剧集才叫 reruns,如果你下载观看,或者网络在线观看某 一集(stream an episode),那就只能叫“a

2、n old episode” 。season/series季美国人说“season” ,英国人说“series” 。一季包含多个 episode,通常在 10 集到 20 集不等,腐国那部奇葩“三集片”(神探夏洛克 ,你懂的)是个例外。一季播完之后,剧迷们会迎来漫长的空档期,人们把这段时间叫做hiatus空档期Hiatus 通常长达几个月(当然,对于“三集片”的粉丝来说,是两年),电视台会在这 段时间里制作下一季。Hiatus 也是粉丝最难熬的一段时期,请参考下图:美剧 Supernatural(SPN, 邪恶力量 )的粉丝为了共勉,在 hiatus 期间制作的 T 恤。season fina

3、l季终集季终集就是每一季的最后一集,通常会设置一个大悬念,让你欲罢不能,焦心如焚地要 看下一季,这就叫做 cliffhanger。例句:A season finale often ends on a cliffhanger to be resolved in the next season. 季终集通常以一个悬念收尾,留待下一季来解决。show剧集我们通常用“show”这个词来指代一部电视剧。如果你喜欢某部剧,那就大声地说“I love that show”吧。Program 也可以表达同样的意思,但听起来更为正式些。电视剧的主创制作方可以叫做 show runners。binge-watch

4、er追剧狂人沉溺于剧集中的宅男宅女们,你们现在知道自己的荣誉称号了。Binge-watcher 就是指一集接一集,看电视剧看得停不下来的人。而这种行为就称为 Binge-watching,也可以叫做,binge-viewing 或 marathon-viewing。每到新剧热播季,很多媒体都会推出追剧推荐单,于是你就能看到这类高频词汇,例如:The Ultimate Binge-Watch Guide 终极追剧指南Its binge-watching season: Here are 45 TV series you should plan on seeing 又到了疯狂追剧的日子,以下是 4

5、5 部你不可错过的剧集17 TV shows to marathon over the holidays 假期追剧必看 17 部剧集“on” vs “on the air” 如果电视台正在播一部剧,那么你就可以说,the show is on。而“on the air”则是指一部剧仍然在出新的剧集,还未完结。例如:Its amazing: Doctor Who has been on the air for over 50 years! 太震惊了, 神秘博士播了 50 多年了还在出新剧集!Describing a TV Show 描述你追的剧 trope俗套情节Trope 原意为“比喻” ,在

6、流行文化中,该词指的是用滥了的一些“梗” ,比如男主角总 会跳悬崖,受困的女主角必然会被英雄营救等。例句:When is Hollywood gonna get tired of the “Friendly Neighborhood Vampire” trope? 好莱坞啥时候才能玩够了“我的好邻居是个吸血鬼”的俗套梗?plot device推动剧情发展的情节设置例句:“Im your landlady, not a plot device,” Mrs Hudson reminds Dr. Watson. 哈德森太太提醒华生医生说, “我是你们的房东太太,不是你推动情节发展的工具。 ”Plot

7、 Device seems to be the true killer of many of the fan-favorites. 情节设置貌似才是杀死许多粉丝最爱角色的真凶。highly rated好评如潮一部剧如果受到剧评人(TV critics)的好评(good reviews),或高收视率(high ratings),那么你就可以说它是“highly rated” 。正式一点的话,可以说“critically acclaimed” 。mindless show无脑剧All he watches are those mindless reality TV shows. 他只看那种无脑真人

8、秀节目。action-packed动作场面多New James Bond “Spectre” trailer is action-packed. 最新一部 007幽灵党的预告片里动作场面火爆。cheesy廉价、恶俗的Big Game reminded me of great cheesy stupid thrillers of the 1990s such as Cliffhanger and Air Force One. 冰峰游戏让我想起 90 年代诸如绝岭雄风 、 空军一号这类又土又傻的惊悚片。EXAMPLE 安利剧集的正确方式 豪斯医生的剧迷注意了,以下这段对话以豪斯医生为例,示范如何用

9、英语正确 安利自己的心水剧。-One of my favorite TV series is House. I love medical dramas, and this for me is the best. 豪斯医生是我最喜欢的剧之一。我爱看医疗剧,这部是最棒的。-Its very good. It mixes comedy and drama together very well. Its got a good cast. There are some good actors in it like Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps and Olivia Wilde. 确

10、实很棒。它把喜剧和剧情融合的相当好。而且卡司也棒,里面有很多好演员,比如丽 莎艾德尔斯汀、欧玛艾普斯、奥利维亚维尔德。-For me, the best character in the series is the main character, Dr. House. Hes so funny. He is played by the British actor Hugh Laurie. 我觉得最好的角色是主角豪斯医生。他太逗了,是英国演员休劳瑞演的。-The series is very well written. The dialogue is excellent, what they s

11、ay is funny at times and then serious at other times. 剧本写得也棒,对白精彩,他们的台词有时候好玩,有时候又很严肃。-But its not just what they say or the characters that makes it an excellent TV show. Its also the storylines that they have in the series. The relationships between the characters, Houses problems with drugs etc. E

12、ach episode has a different storyline of how House and his team have to save a new patient. 但是这部剧好看不光是因为对白和角色,故事情节也是一个原因,人物之间的关系、豪 斯的毒品问题等等,每集都有不同的故事线,讲述豪斯和他的小组如何拯救不同的病人。-Do you like the theme music for the show? The music at the start of each episode? 你喜欢这部剧的主题音乐么,就是每集开头的那段?-Its ok. I have a questi

13、on. Where is the TV series set? It is set in a hospital at Princeton University or a hospital at Harvard University? 还不错,有个问题。这部剧发生的背景是哪儿?是普林斯顿大学还是哈佛大学的医院?-In theory the TV series is set in a hospital at Princeton University. But I suppose theyll film it in a studio in California. 理论上来说是发生在普林斯顿大学的医院

14、,但是我想他们是在加利福尼亚的一个片场拍 的。-Did you know that although the series is a medical drama, it is actually based on Sherlock Holmes? 你知不知道虽然这是一个医疗剧,但它其实是以福尔摩斯为原型的呢?-Really? 真的吗?-Think about it. The series is about House investigating and solving illnesses. In the series the two main characters are House and Wilson. Dont you think the names are very similar to Holmes and Watson? 想想看。这个剧是关于豪斯医生研究破解疑难杂症的。剧里两个主角的名字是 House 和 Wilson,你不觉得很像 Holmes 和 Watson 吗?-That makes sense. 有理有据。


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