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1、Anshan Iron and Steel Group CorporationIn the continuous mountains of the southeast of Liaoning Province, there are abundant iron ore resources contained. This area accounts for near a quarter of the total iron ore reserve of China and these resources are distributed around the Anshan County.As earl

2、y as 2500 years ago, ore resources were mined and smelted here. For the experience handed over generation by generation, here is Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation; this metallurgical mine enterprise is most plentiful in resources, largest scale in production and most advanced beneficiation tec

3、hniques.With a name of the cradle of Chinese steel industry, Anshan Iron and Steel mining industry is a wholly owned subsidiary company and the boutique base of Anshan Iron and Steel Groups raw iron materials. It provides a strong support to establish a transnational iron and steel group internation

4、ally competitive.Composed of 7 large iron mines, 6 large concentration plants, 4 factories, ferromanganese, active lime and other production of metallurgical auxiliary materials, Anshan Iron and Steel Mining Industry is cover 4 cities of Anshan, Liaoliang, Dalian and Chaoyang in Liaoning Province; i

5、t is over 140 million square meters and has an production capacity of 60 million tons of iron ore, 22 million tons of iron concentrate, 4 million tons of sinter and over 8 million tons of pellets.Anshan Iron and Steel Mining Industry is unique in the geographical advantage; the main production and t

6、he main plant of Anshan Iron and Steel Group Limitedthe point of sale terminal is less than 30 km apart.Anshan Iron and Steel Mining Industry has more than 8 billion tons of iron ore resources, which is an assurance that this mine could be mined for several hundred years.Anshan Iron and Steel Mining

7、 Industry has the classical beneficiation techniques of the lean hematite ore; the scientific achievement of The Development and Practice of Anshan Lean Hematite Ores New Technique, Technology and Equipment, discovered and developed domestically, has gained the second prize of the National Progress

8、Awards in S it gains new achievements continuously during the practice of independent innovation and self-transcendence.Bearing the corporate social responsibility and building harmonious mines are put first by Anshan Iron and Steel Mining Industry which tries its best to build the resource-saving a

9、nd environment-friendly green mines. It has made the recycling of industrial water, zero sewage and the green coverage rate being in the domestic level come true. Formerly, the tailings and the waste rock fields were bare and sooty but nowadays they become forest parks with beautiful scenery.Anshan

10、Iron and Steel Mining Industry is vigorously advancing the ERP management system and strives to make each work fine, rigorous and executive.Man-oriented and Develop scientifically are the ideas of Anshan Iron and Steel Mining Industry. It improves itself continuously for its staff realizing self-wor

11、th and creating wonderful life.Anshan Iron and Steel Mining Industry is trying to realize the industrialization, internationalization, diversification and the full executive of the overall development strategy for being the classical mine enterprise of the world.Leaded by the spirit of cresting, tru

12、th-seeking and dedicating, Anshan Iron and Steel Mining Industry is striding toward into the world and to the wonderful future.鞍钢集团矿业公司鞍钢集团矿业公司电视专题片解说词电视专题片解说词在辽宁东南部这莽莽的群山中,蕴藏着丰富的铁矿资源,占铁矿资源总储量近四分之一,主要分布在鞍山市周围。早在 2500 年前,这里就开始了矿石开采与冶炼生产。一代代人的薪火相传,在这里诞生了中国资源拥有量最多、生产规模最大、选矿工艺技术最先进的冶金矿山企业鞍钢集团矿业公司。鞍钢矿业是有

13、着中国钢铁工业摇篮之称的鞍钢的全资子公司,是鞍钢的铁矿石原料精品基地,为鞍钢努力建设最具国际竞争力的跨国钢铁集团提供了强有力的支撑。鞍钢矿业拥有七座大型铁矿山、六个大型选矿厂、一个现代化烧结厂、三个新建球团厂和四个生产石灰石、锰矿石、锰铁、活性石灰等冶金辅料产品的厂矿,地跨辽宁省鞍山、辽阳、大连、朝阳四座城市,占地 1 亿 4 千多万平方米。具备年产铁矿石 6000 万吨、铁精矿 2200 万吨、烧结矿 400 万吨、球团矿800 万吨以上生产能力。鞍钢矿业具有得天独厚的区位优势,主要产品距离销售终端鞍钢股份炼铁总厂平均不到 30 公里。鞍钢矿业拥有 80 多亿吨铁矿石资源,具备百年开采的资源

14、保障。鞍钢矿业拥有世界一流的贫赤铁矿选矿技术,其自主研发的鞍山贫赤(磁)铁矿选矿新工艺、新技术、新设备研究及工业应用科研成果,荣获中国国务院颁发的国家科技进步二等奖,为国内外矿山企业开发利用贫赤(磁)铁矿提供了典范。鞍钢矿业致力于生产过程控制的信息化、智能化、精益化,普遍应用现代化、大型化、自动化、节能环保型工艺技术装备,逐步建成数字化矿山。鞍钢矿业在 40 多年发展壮大的历程中,培养造就了一大批科技英才,拥有独立的基础研发、勘察设计单位,在自主创新、自我超越的实践中不断取得新进展。鞍钢矿业以肩负企业社会责任、打造和谐矿山为己任,努力建设资源节约型、环境友好型绿色矿山。实现了生产用水循环利用、污水零排放,绿化覆盖率居于国内领先水平。昔日寸草不生、烟尘滚滚的尾矿库、排岩场,如今已成为风光秀美的森林公园。鞍钢矿业正在大力推进 ERP 管理系统,力争每一项工作都做到精细、严格、到位。鞍钢矿业秉承以人为本、科学发展的理念,为员工实现自我价值、创造美好生活而不断进取。鞍钢矿业努力加快产业化、国际化、多角化经营步伐,全面实施总体发展战略,力争在 2015 年跻身世界一流矿山企业。在创新、求实、拼争、奉献的鞍钢精神引领下,鞍钢矿业正大步走向世界,走向无限壮美的未来。


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