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1、1高考单词拼写强化练习高考单词拼写强化练习 1.He was_(好奇) to know what was happening in the office. 2.There is much work to do, so well have to _(分)it between us. 3.His nose ran, he coughed, and his _(体温)was a little up. 4.The_(十二)man is a football team will play if one of the other players is ill. 5.Its no use_(后悔)what

2、you have done. 6.The acceptance of new members is_(严格)controlled. 7.When building_(材料)cost more, the price of houses increase. 8.Leave you key with a_(邻居)in case you lock yourself out one day. 9.The ides started in Standlake and has_(传开)throughout the country. 10. Its cold today. please put another

3、_(毯子) the bed.1.We have to get the job done_(秘密). 2.My train was 20 minutes late in the morning and there was a _(相似的)delay in the evening. 3.Miss Li speaks English with excellent_(发音) 4.This company is one of the Post Offices biggest_(顾客). 5.The drowning swimmer required the lifeguards_(即刻)attentio

4、n. 6.Our victory was _(庆祝)with music and dancing. 7.Ive never seen a Shakespeares play_(表演)so wonderfully. 8.Nowadays most people use paper_(手帕). 9.The boy spoke in a very low voice_(承认)he had broken the glass. 10. The majority of people in my neighborhoods are_(意大利人).1.That flying school graduates

5、a hundred_(飞行员)every year. 2.Tom is _(在楼上). Go and find him yourself. 3.This plant is found in the_(南部)part of the country. 4.I must_(道歉)for not having been able to write you sooner. 5.Two hundred_(被盗的)bicycles were returned to their owners last week. 6.When I got home after the holiday there were a

6、 lot of_(留言)in my phone. 7._(一般来说)speaking, parents are more about their childrens health than their own. 8.I cant tell one from the other because they are only slightly_(不同的). 9.There has been a 50%growth in the _(市场)for personal computers. 10. Thank you for _(提供)to help, but I can manage it myself

7、.1.When the is at the home , the flag would be raised on the top of her_(宫殿) 2.The two friends_(分享)all that they had when they were studying aboard. 3.Few students in my class can _(付得起)a trip to New York. 4.Oliver was _(不能)to give police a description of his attackers. 5.You will be better accepted

8、 if you can speak more _(自然地)in public. 6.The little girl got _(分开)from the group in the dark. 7.The day after_(圣诞节)is called boxing Day. 8.Attention, please the game will begin_(立即). 9.They finished_(测量)that piece of land last week. 10. The international_(烟草)industry is making a lot of money from t

9、he developing countries. 1.Everything needs to be done according to a certain_(原则)22.The deliberate _(残酷)of his words cut her like a knife. 3.Some of animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in _(松的)snow. 4.Your duties_(包括)typing letters and answering the telephone. 5.Ten fishermen we

10、re saved in a daring sea_(营救). 6.Of the six people injured in the crash, only two_(生存). 7.Several people were arrested but only he was_(指控)with murder. 8.The application forms have now been_(简单化). 9.She gave the greatest_演技()of her career. 10. The smell is very_(熟悉的)to everyone who lives near a bake

11、ry.1.To calm the young man down, the boss walked up with a big smile and patted him _(轻柔的) on the shoulder. 2.Mr. Wang sold his _(收藏品)of old pictures, which he loved dearly, to raise money to help those in great trouble. 3.Parents often tell their children not to talk with _(陌生人)when they are alone

12、from parents. 4.Hairdressers _(雇用)in this place get quite how pay. 5.It didnt take long to arrange my _(所有物), for I had brought little. 6.This child in my class has _(无穷尽的)questions to ask, which sometimes activate my thinking a lot. 7.He could no longer hear the _(孤寂), so he gave his parents a call

13、. 8.When they were about to start the last activity, they found that time was too _(有限). 9.You will be at a big advantage if you have thought about the _(可能)interview questions in advance. 10. Confidence is _(有帮助的)for you to overcome difficulties.1.Im very hungry-I _(c 错过)lunch. 2.Jack took a deep _(呼吸)and then divided into the water. 3.Ive got an _(普通)sort of car, nothing special. 4.I want



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