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1、I.ReadI.Read thethe followingfollowing unfinishedunfinished statementsstatements oror questionsquestions carefully.carefully. ForFor eacheach unfinishedunfinished statementstatement oror question,question, fourfour suggestedsuggested answersanswers markedmarked A,B,CA,B,C andand D D areare given.giv

2、en. ChooseChoose thethe oneone thatthat youyou thinkthink bestbest completescompletes thethe statementstatement oror answersanswers thethe question.question. WriteWrite thethe letterletter ofof thethe answeranswer youyou havehave chosenchosen inin thethe spacespace beforebefore eacheach question.que

3、stion. 1. The British Isles are made up of _.A.A. twotwo largelarge islandsislands andand hundredshundreds ofof smallsmall onesonesB. two large islands and Northern IrelandC. three large islands and hundreds of small onesD. three large islands and Northern Ireland2. There are three political divisio

4、ns on the island of Great Britain. They are _.A. Britain, Scotland and WalesB.B. England,England, ScotlandScotland andand WalesWalesC. Britain, Scotland and IrelandD. England, Scotland and Ireland3. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries _.A. that have a large number

5、of British immigrantsB. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world warsC. that speak English as their native languageD.D. thatthat werewere onceonce coloniescolonies ofof BritainBritain4. In British history, both Saxons and Angles came from _.A. northern Europe B.B. northernnorthern Germany

6、GermanyC. southern Europe D. southern Germany5. It was _ who laid the foundations of the English state.A. the Vikings B. the DanesC. the Celts D.D. thethe Anglo-SaxonsAnglo-Saxons6. _ is perhaps the best-known event in English history.A.A. TheThe NormanNorman ConquestConquest ofof 10661066B. The Gre

7、at Charter of 1213C. The Hundred Years War with FranceD. The English Renaissance7. In the reign of the Norman kings _ flowered on the English soil.A. the German culture B. the British cultureC. the Danish culture D.D. thethe NormanNorman cultureculture8. _ has long been popularly regarded as the fou

8、ndation of English liberties.A. Domesday Book B.B. MagnaMagna CartaCartaC. The Reform Act of 1832 D. The Greater Charter of 18329. The English Renaissance achieved its finest expression in _.A.A. ElizabethanElizabethan DramaDrama B. Leonardo Da Vincis worksC. Thomas Moors works D. Thomas Wyatts poem

9、s10. Two of the most famous literary works of late 17th century England were John Bunyans Pilgrims Progress and _.A. William Shakespeares Hamlet B. Francis Bacons EssaysC.C. JohnJohn MiltonsMiltons ParadiseParadise LostLost D. Christopher Marlowes Tamburlaine11. As a result of the Industrial Revolut

10、ion, Britain became _.A. “the shop of the world” B.B. “the“the workshopworkshop ofof thethe world”world”C. “the centre of the world” D. “the leader of the world”12. _ is generally regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.A. Christopher Marlowe B.B. WilliamWilliam ShakespeareShakespear

11、eC. Edmund Spenser D. Charles Dickens13. In Britain, the prime minister is the leader of the party that holds the most seats in _.A. the House of Lords B.B. thethe HouseHouse ofof CommonsCommonsC. the Senate D. the House of Representatives14. In Britain, private schools or independent schools are ca

12、lled _.A. grammar schools B. high schools C.C. publicpublic schoolsschools D. state schools15. In America, the first English colony was founded at _ in 1607.A.A. Jamestown,Jamestown, VirginiaVirginia B. Plymouth, MassachusettsC. New Amsterdam D. Boston, Massachusetts16. The first immigrants in Ameri

13、can history came from _ and _.A. IrelandFrance B. EnglandChinaC. ScotlandEnglandD.D. EnglandtheEnglandthe NetherlandsNetherlands17. The British established 13 colonies along _.A. the west coast of North America B. the west coast of South AmericaC.C. thethe easteast coastcoast ofof NorthNorth America

14、America D. the east coast of South America18. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by _.A. Abraham Lincoln B. John AdamsC. Benjamin Franklin D.D. ThomasThomas JeffersonJefferson19. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by _ during the Civil War.A. George Washington B.B. AbrahamAbraham Linc

15、olnLincolnC. Thomas Jefferson D. Franklin Roosevelt20. The famous leader of black movements in the U.S. in the 60s is _.A. Abraham Lincoln B. George GarrisonC. Douglas Moor D.D. MartinMartin LutherLuther KingKing21. The functions of institutions of higher education in the U.S. are _.A. research and teaching B. teaching and degree awardingC. professional training, teaching and public service D.D. teaching,teaching, researchresearch andand publicpublic serviceservice22. Walt Whitmans masterpiece is _.A.A. “Leaves“Leaves ofof Grass”Grass” B. “Songs of Myself”C. “A tra



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