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1、1 of 9质 量 管 理 体 系 内 部 评 审 员 考 试 ISO 9001:2008 Internal Auditor course Examination试卷 Examination Paper请在下面空白处写上姓名,职位、所属部门及日期 Please write your, position and department in the space.姓名 name 职位 position 部门: department 节 数 section最 高 分 Maximum115225330430共100总 分:2 of 9第一节 占 15 分题号 1.01-1.13,考生只需在答案 a、b、

2、c、d 或 e 当中一项划上圆圈,以示考生认为最合适 之答案;题号 1.14-1.15,请考生写出“标准”内“条款”的数字号码,每题占一分。 Thirteen questions which require you to place a circle around the letter (a,b,c,d or e) to indicate which you judge to be the best answer and two questions which require you to state the number of a clause form the standard. Each

3、 question is worth 1 mark. 1.01内部评审是?what is internal audit a评估产品的检验是否正确。Evaluate the accuracy of product inspection b评估现场实施与质量管理系统要求的差距程度。Evaluate the gap between implementation and quality system requirements. c产品检查由工作完成人员担任。Product inspection is carried by those who product it d以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。

4、a,b,c are correct answers e以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.02确定质量方针、目标和职责并在质量体系中通过诸如质量策划、质量控制、质量保 证和质量管理体系改进使其实施的全部管理职能的所有活动,在质量体系来说,是: confirm quality policy, objectives and responsibilities and through quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvemen

5、t to ensure the effectiveness of quality management is: a管理评审。Management review b质量管理。Quality management c质量控制。Quality control d以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。a,b,c are correct answers e以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers1.03没有满足某个规定的要求,称之为 does not fulfill a defined requirement is : a让步。Concessio

6、n b不合格(不符合) 。Non-conformance c纠正行动。Corrective action d以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。a,b,c are correct answers e以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.04完成纠正行动后,评审员如何确认纠正措施效果。After corrective action, how the auditor should follow-up the effectiveness of the corrective action? a书面接受其不符合项报告之内容。Accept

7、 the non-conformance report on paper only b评估呈交的客观证据。Evaluate the submitted objective evidence c再次现场审核。Go to the site and re-audit d以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。a,b,c are correct answers f以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.05在何种情况下,需要进行内部评审 Under what condition the internal audit be carried o

8、ut again:3 of 9a 质量体系,有重大改变,如组织结构重组或重要程序修改。When the quality system gone through major changes, such as re-organization and major changes in functional procedures. b 质量体系出现缺陷。When the system exists serious deficiencies c 定期的监查活动。Periodic monitoring activities d 以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。a,b,c are correct ans

9、wers e 以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.06当第一方评审,谁应预备评审计划及安排评审事宜,联络及领导组员 During first party audit, who should arrange audit plan and make audit arrangements, lilies and lead the team members. a评审团随从。The audit guide b 质量保证经理。The QA manager c 内审组长。The internal audit team leader d 以

10、上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。a,b,c are correct answers e 以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.07内审的特性要求是:the features of internal audit is: a挑选的内审员对评审的事项一定要有独立性。The selected internal auditors must be independent b只挑选质保部人员。Only select the QA department staff c保证评审小组中最少有一位是经理级的人员。Ensure that there

11、 is al least one manger in the audit teak d以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。 a,b,c are correct answers e以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.08内审的目的是:the objective of internal audit: a帮助各部门不断改善。Assist all departments to improve b证明合同所订要求能切实执行。Prove contracted terms can be fulfilled c评估质量管理体系的有效性。Ev

12、aluate the effectiveness of the QMSd以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。 a,b,c are correct answers e以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.09评审员已检查过六种检验仪器,发觉所有仪器均已过期,不能用作检验和测量,评 审员现时应该:the auditor checked 6 inspection equipment, they are all found to be out-of -date, and can not be used for inspection a

13、nd measuring, now the auditor should: a可以下结论,并准备不符合项报告。Make a decision and prepare a non- conformance report b加强抽查及找寻更多过期仪器。Continue to check and try to find more out- dated equipment c提醒被审部门应对这些仪器采取行动以解决问题。Suggest to the audited department to take action on the equipment d以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。 a,b,c a

14、re correct answers e以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.10内部评审组长的责任是 the responsibilities of the team leader include: a对小组中其他评审员所提出的不符合项作出验证。Valid the non-conformances 4 of 9raised by the team members b召开首次会议。Chair the opening meeting c召开末次会议。Chair the closing meeting d以上 a、b 及 c 均为

15、正确答案。 a,b,c are correct answers e以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.11在“标准”的“条款”8.2.2 项,要求:in the standard, clause 8.2.2 requires a所有内部评审均须由注册评审员执行。All internal auditors must be registered auditors b内部评审小组应向比品质经理更高层次的管理级行政人员汇报一切。The audit team must report to executives more senior

16、than the Quality Manager. c内部评审的先后次序应事项之重要性大小顺序安排。The sequence of internal audit must be in accordance with the importance of events. d以上 a、b 及 c 均为正确答案。 a,b,c are correct answers e以上 a、b 及 c 均非适合之答案。a,b,c are all incorrect answers 1.12下列那项是“标准”的要求:which of the below belongs to the standard requirement a派任管理者代表。Nominate a quality manager b具有品质成本计算法之步骤。Must have procedures on cost of quality


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