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1、第 1 页 共 101 页A cruel man abandonedabandoned his wife and son. AboveAbove allall, everyone must abideabide by the law. So he was arrested. But the trialtrial came to an abruptabrupt end because of the mans absenceabsence. It was said he was mentally abnormalabnormal and was set free according to one

2、law! What an absurdabsurd judgment! Thats absoluteabsolute nonsense! The angry people thought this bad law ought to be abolishedabolished to keep the judge from abusingabusing his power. Fortunately, the boys mother waswas ableable toto afford enough money for the boy to go abroadabroad to study. Th

3、e moment the son waswas aboutabout toto go aboardaboard the ship, they kissed good-bye with tears. The boy went to an AcademyAcademy of Technology successfully. No one could doubt his abilityability to learn abstractabstract knowledge. He waswas absorbedabsorbed inin knowledge so much, just like dry

4、 sand absorbedabsorbed water. His teacher really appreciated his complete absorptionabsorption in his studies. So he supplied the boy abundantabundant books for study, which acceleratedaccelerated the boy working harder.一个冷酷的男人抛弃抛弃了他的妻子和儿子。首要首要的是,每个人都必须遵守遵守法律。因此他被捕了。 但是审判审判因为此人的缺席缺席而突然突然中止。据说他精神不正常不

5、正常并且根据一条法律被释放了!这是多么 荒唐荒唐的判决!完全完全是一派胡言!愤怒的人们认为那项错误的法律应该被废除废除以免法官滥用滥用职权。 幸运的是,孩子的母亲能能提供足够的钱让孩子去国外国外念书。在儿子即将上船即将上船的时刻,他们含泪吻 别。男孩成功地就读于一所工艺学院学院。没人置疑他在学习抽象抽象知识方面的能力能力。他如此专心于专心于知 识,就像沙子吸吸水一样孜孜不倦。他的老师非常欣赏他在学习上的专注专注,因此他给男孩提供了充充 裕的裕的书籍来学习,这促进促进男孩更加努力了。Miss Austin was a strong woman. By investing wisely, she

6、accumulatedaccumulated a fortune. One day, Miss Austin met a young man byby accidentaccident. Their meeting was quite accidentalaccidental. It was time of the Olympic Games, so hotel accommodationsaccommodations were scarce. The young man saved his room for Miss Austin politely. If she sang, he woul

7、d accompanyaccompany her on the piano. Because of his politeness, his strange accentaccent was acceptableacceptable. Later, Miss Austin employed him as her assistant. He becamebecame accustomedaccustomed toto his job quickly. If she asked him to buy some accessoriesaccessories for a car, he would ac

8、complishaccomplish the work soon inin accordanceaccordance withwith her orders. So Miss Austin trusted him more and more and even one day the man hadhad accessaccess toto her bank accountaccount number. Miss Austin detective showed her an accurateaccurate report to warn her of the mans cheating. He

9、advised, “You must act accordinglyaccordingly.” Miss Austin tooktook his suggestion intointo accountaccount. The young man was asked to accountaccount forfor his cheating. He explained he made a mistake onon accountaccount ofof his illness. AccordingAccording toto his behavior, he was accusedaccused

10、 of incompetence.奥斯丁小姐是个女强人。通过理智投资,她积聚积聚了财富。一天,奥斯丁小姐偶然偶然遇到了一个年 轻人。他们的相遇很偶然偶然。当时是奥运会比赛期间,所以旅馆住宿住宿很短缺。年轻人很礼貌地将自 己的房间让给了奥斯丁小姐。如果她歌唱的话,他就会为为她钢琴伴奏伴奏。因为他的礼貌,他那奇怪 的口音口音也就是可接受的可接受的了。后来,奥斯丁小姐雇他做她的助手。他很快习惯习惯了他的工作。如果她 吩咐他买些汽车配件配件的话,他会与与她吩咐一致一致尽快完成完成任务。于是奥斯丁小姐越来越信任他,甚 至有一天此人可以获得可以获得她的银行账户账户号码。奥斯丁小姐的侦探想它展示了一份精确的

11、精确的报告来警告 她关于那人的欺诈行为。他建议到:“您必须相应地相应地采取措施。 ”奥斯丁小姐考虑考虑了他的建议。那 个年轻人被要求说明说明欺诈的原因。他解释他犯错是因为因为他病了。根据根据他的行为,他被控告控告不称职。Its the age of advertisementadvertisement. The adad companies have acuteacute senses to activateactivate the public to like the products the sports players recommend. If a woman has been ack

12、nowledgedacknowledged as the best tennis-player in the world, she can acquireacquire a lot of money from advertisementsadvertisements. Of course, she must pay some additionaladditional charges as taxes to the Tax AdministrationAdministration. Usually, the woman will adjustadjust herself to the chang

13、e of her life and soon she will adaptadapt herself to it. As a sports player, her earnings isnt always adequateadequate to meet her needs. InIn additionaddition toto a beautiful house, she also wants to buy 第 2 页 共 101 页luxury cars. Its normal that a famous sports players cars addadd upup toto five.

14、 InIn additionaddition, some rich sports players liked to buy acresacres of land as their properties, thus they can have their outdoor activitiesactivities conveniently. Sometimes some acquaintancesacquaintances of the sports players are popular too because their house are adjacentadjacent to the pl

15、ayers. Their houses adjoinadjoin the players, which make them proud and happy. An adjectiveadjective for this phenomenon is, “snobbish”.现在是一个广告广告的时代。广告公司有敏锐的敏锐的感觉来刺激刺激公众喜欢运动员推荐的产品。如果一个 女子被承认承认为世界上最棒的网球运动员,那么她可以从广告中获得获得许多金钱。当然,她必须付一 些附加附加费来向税务部门部门交税。通常,这个女子会调整调整她自己来面对生活中的变化,并会很快适应适应 这些变化。作为一个运动员,她的运动

16、收入不足够足够满足她的需要。除了除了漂亮的房子之外之外,她还会 想要豪华的车子。一个著名的运动员合计合计有 5 部车子是不出奇的。另外另外,一些有钱的运动员喜欢 买几英亩英亩土地作为自己的财产,以便更好地做户外运动运动。有时候一些运动员的熟人熟人也很受欢迎, 因为他们的房子是邻近的邻近的。他们的房子毗连毗连,使他们感到骄傲和高兴。形容这种现象的一个形容形容 词词就是“势利的” 。It was advisableadvisable for an old couple to adoptadopt an orphan, as they had no children of their own. Everything had been fixed inin advanceadvance. Their kindness was an advantageousadvantageous condition,


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