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1、1英语竞赛主持人稿英语竞赛主持人稿 Jim: Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening! Girl: Ladies and gentlemen,Good evening! Together : my honored teachers and my dear students we are very pleased to be the hostess for todays competition 各位老师、亲爱的同学们,很高兴今天能担任此次比赛的主持人 Girl: I m 我叫张紫雨 Jim: Im Jim, 我叫李子威 Girl:to give the openin

2、g speech for everybodynow you are watching “speak English,show your style“ English contest. Jim: 您正观看的是托普计算机学校“说英语,秀风格”演讲比赛 Jim: Thank you for coming to this evenings competition. In todays show. There are 14 contestants.They are coming from different Classes of different Grades. Girl:感谢大家观看今天的演讲比赛,

3、在今天的比赛中有 14 名选手参赛,他们是 来自不同的年级不同的班级。 Girl:I hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English betterThese experiences will be very useful for the students in our schoolSo I hope well make good use of this opportunity Jim: 我希望通过这次比赛,大家能够交流如何更好地学习英语的经验,这对我 们在学校的学习有很大的帮助,所以我希望大家都能好好地珍惜这次机会 Girl:

4、Ok , now ,I think its better for me to introduce our judges. Jim: 下面介绍评委 金浩校长,Girl:王丽丹老师 Jim: 黄婕文老师 Girl:祝文英老师 Jim:髙栋栋老师 Girl:张颖老师 Jim: 林琳老师 Together:lets warmly welcome 大家欢迎! Jim: Now Id like to talk about the rules: Girl:以下我介绍比赛规则:参赛选手为全校各班同学代表。比赛内容为英语主题演讲 和英语才艺表演。其中主题演讲 70 分,才艺表演 30 分,总分 100 分。 参

5、赛选手需先 进行演讲,随后进行才艺表演。选手需要注意的是,演讲时间为两分钟,时间最长不 得超过 2 分 15 秒,最短不能低于 1 分 45 秒,否则评委老师将进行扣分处理。 评分办法:求平均分。 奖项设置:一等奖:一名, 二等奖:两名, 三等奖:三名, 优秀奖:八名。 比赛结束后,由工作人员统计分数,并在闭幕式上宣读获奖名次。 Together: Ok, its time for show 现在开始比赛! Jim: Now. lets warmly welcome contestant No.1 陈永丽 .From class2, grade2, and contestant No.2 ,汪

6、桃 get ready ,please. Girl: 现在我们热烈欢迎一号选手,来自 10 级 2 班的陈永丽,下面请 3 号选 手汪桃做准备。 Girl:thanks for your wonderful performance. Now lets warmly welcome contestant No.2 汪桃 .From class3grade2, and contestant No.3 ,吴佳慧 get ready ,please Jim:感谢陈永丽给我们带来的精彩表演,现在我们热烈欢迎二号选手,来自 10 级 3 班的汪桃,请 3 号选手吴佳慧做准备。Jim:thanks for

7、your wonderful performance.2contestant No.1 陈永丽 the last mark is -lets warmly welcome contestant No.3 吴佳慧 .From class5grade2, and contestant No.4 ,王雅茜 get ready ,please Girl:感谢汪桃给我们带来的精彩表演,一号选手最后得分为- 现在我们热烈欢迎二号选手,来自 10 级 5 班的吴佳慧,请 4 号选手王雅茜 做准备。 Jim:thanks for your wonderful performance.contestant No

8、.2 the last mark is -lets warmly welcome contestant No.4 .From class3grade1, and contestant No.5 ,余莹 get ready ,please Girl:感谢给我们带来的精彩表演,一号选手最后得分为- 现在我们热烈欢迎二号选手,来自 11 级 3 班的,请 5 号选 手做准备。 Girl: After all the contestants finished their speeches。Now, we are taking a break. lets enjoy a wonderful perfor

9、mance given by 。 。 。 Jim: 所有选手已经表演完毕,我们稍作休息,等待评委评分总结。下面让我 们欣赏一下由给我们带来的节目 Jim: Thank you very much!Good evening, everyone. welcome back to English contest. And now you are watching the final. Girl: 晚上好,同学们,欢迎回来!现在您观看的是“说英语,秀风格”演讲 决赛。 Girl:After our judges discussion, now the result has come out. Jim:

10、 经过我们评委的仔细讨论,结果如下:First, I would like to announce the third winners:XXX XXX XXX Girl:下面宣布获得 3 等奖的同学为 XXX XXX XXX Girl And then, the second winners:XXX XXX Jim: 下面试获得 2 等奖的同学 XXX XXX Girl: Ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? How exciting the moment is! Jim: 各位同学们,各位老师们,现在到了最激

11、动人心的时刻了 Girl:Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners: Jim: 现在,我即将宣布的获得一等奖的同学 Together: that is XXX Lets give him the warmest welcome!让我们给他最热烈的掌声! !Girl: well,how exciting today the contest is!thanks for your enjoying !But 3,now I have to say :Jim: 今天的比赛是如此精彩和激动人心,感谢各位的参加!现在我们不得 不说声 Together: Thats all , thank you! 说英语,秀风格演讲比赛到此结束,谢谢大家!



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