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1、1Culture of English Speaking Countries英语专业考研英语专业考研 英语国家文化考点测评英语国家文化考点测评本测试题集是专门为英语专业本科毕业生报考研究生入学考试而准备的,主要参考朱永涛等编著的英美文化教程和英语国家社会与文化入门等,涉及英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰五个部分。学生可根据报考院校的要求而自行选择适合自己的测试题。本试题集仅作自我测试用,不能完全代替报考院校的参考资料。熟悉完课本内容后使用该试题效果会更佳。Part One: British Culture2Chapter 1: Who are the British?I. Multiple

2、 Choice(15 points, 1 point for each) 1. Around 700 B. C., iron-working, a revolutionary new skill, was brought to Britain by . A Mesolithic peoples B. Stone Age peoples C. Bronze Age peoples D. Celtic peoples 2. The official name of the United Kingdom is .A. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ire

3、landB. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandC. The United Kingdom of Great BritainD. Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3. The earliest known ancestors of Scots and Welsh were .A. the Picts B. the Romans C. the Vikings D. the Germans 4. The following are famous Scottish writers ex

4、cept .A. Robert Burns B. Sir Walt ScotC. Bernard Shaw D. Robert Louis Stevenson 5. Before a rugby match starts, it is traditional the Welsh supporters to sing , an old song that almost become a national anthem for Wales.A. Land of My Fathers B. Auld Lang SyneC. My Fair Country D. God Save the Queen

5、6. The Britain Empire was replaced by the Britain Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nation in .A. 1921 B. 1931 C. 1945 D. 1950 7. The whole of Ireland was colonized by England in .A. 1169 B. 1066 C. 1266 D. 1368 8. The six counties of Ulster in Ireland remained part of the United Kingdom when Irel

6、and was partitioned. Their own parliament was called .A. the Grand Council B. General AssemblyC. Stormont D. Magna Carta 9. , Lord Protector of Britain, crushed rebellions in Ireland, and settled English and Scottish Protestants there by giving them land.A. Charles I B. Oliver CromwellC. William the

7、 Conqueror D. James II 10. Which of the following are not the characteristics of an Irish?A. Introspective. B. Argumentative. C. Reserved D. Aggressive 11. The English people and the English language were born from the union of.3A. Angles and the SaxonsB. Germanic conquerors and the Norman FrenchC.

8、Danes or Vikings and the Norman FrenchD. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons 12. The Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from .A. Spain B. Britain C. Germany D. France 13. During the century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic Angles and Saxons invaded

9、and conquered Britain.A. fifth B. eighth C. ninth D. eleventh 14. England became a Protestant country in century.A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th D. 17th 15. “Mac” or “Mc” in many Scottish names, like “MacDonald” and “McCorvey”, means .A. son of B. father of C. child of D. mother of II. Fill in the blanks (2

10、5points, one point for each). 1. Stonehenge is a group of monuments of giant rock slabs on plain in Southwest England. 2. The earliest written records of Britains inhabitants came from . 3. The English are ,but Scots, Welsh and Irish are .During the fifth century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germ

11、anic and invaded the conquered Britain. The Germanic conquerors gave England its name“ ”land. During the 9th century Britain was invaded by the or Vikings and by the .(北京 航空航天大学 2004 年考研试题) 4. The Scottish people fall into two groups: and . 5. The Welsh have been united with England since the . 6. T

12、he Welsh fall into two groups: those mostly sheep farmers from the mountainous regions of the center and ; and those who live and work in the highly industrialized . 7. The two very different passions that have emerged from the hard-working lives of the Welsh people are and . 8. The most famous fest

13、ival of music and verse in Wales is the National ,which takes place each August and lasts for about a week. 9. The Irish refused to accept the Protestant Reformation. They remained stubbornly true to their faith despite much cruel persecution by the English 10. The Womens Peace Movement, later calle

14、d , was organized by and her Catholic partner, Mairead Corrigan. 11. By the middle of century, famine conditions prevailed in Ireland caused many Irish people to emigrate, particularly to the United States. 12. Christianity was introduced into Britain by . 13. Name two famous Irish writers: and .414. In 1922, Ireland was partitioned. counties of southern Ireland became the Irish Free State. III. Explain the following terms in English(25 points, 5 points for each). 1. Ladies from hell 2. The protestant Re



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