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1、数学在经济学中的应用商品定价的合理性目 录摘要11.前言31.1 研究背景 32.需求、供给与价格理论52.1 需求 52.2 供给 82.3 弹性 92.4 价格 102.5 价格与供求 102.6 价格与供求的关系 103 定价 133.1 定价工作的重要性 133.2 定价程序 144 应用举例 175 结论 22参考文献 25致谢词 20摘 要价格是人们日常经济活动中最常见的经济现象之 1,直接涉及到人们之间的经济利益, 因此,价格问题的研究是历来在经济学理论中占有重要地位。经济学家在研究经济学问题 时,经常会涉及“供给和需求”。原因是供给和需求是强有力的工具,利用它们可以解释这 个世

2、界上很多东西。经济学家利用供给和需求来解释为什么会有短缺,为什么价格会上下 波动,甚至为什么拍卖者会叫出某个价格。价格机制之所以成为现代市场经济运行和资源 配置的核心机制,是因为市场价格不只以价值为基础,还受供求关系决定、反映资源的稀 缺性,因而能够有效地调节供求。本文通过研究商品价格与供求的关系,结合数学理论解 释现实经济活动中商品定价的合理性,具体运用了微分方程求最优解和非线性方程优化模 型进行解决,对现实生活具有参考价值。关键词:价格;需求量;供给量;价格弹性;均衡价格。 AbstractThe price is one of the most familiar and economic

3、 phenomenon in modern economic activities, refer to economic benefits directly, therefore, price problems occupy the important position in economics theories.Economist often refers to the “supply and demand” when they are studying the problem of economics. The reason is that they are the powerful to

4、ol and make use of they can explain a lot of things in this world. Economist Often use them to tell us why we often run short of something and why the price is undulate up and down. Even why is the price under the hammer. The reason that the price mechanism becomes the core of the modern market econ

5、omy circulates and allocation of resources. is because of market price not only regard value as the foundation, still decided by the relationship between supply and demand and reflected by the resources sparse, as a result can regulate the supply availably.This thesis studies the merchandise price a

6、nd the relation of the supply,resolve the question with mathematics theories. So it can will promote the market economy of socialism realistic meaning.Key words: Price; Demand quantity; Supply quantity; Price elasticity; Equilibrium price.1 前言1 个经济方面的变化,比如说,由于某种相关资源的价格变化所导致的供求变动,可能 会引起商品价格上下浮动。由于价格关系到社会再生产的各个环节,也影响着千万百姓的 衣、食、住、行,从企业主、消费者个人和政府都对此高度重视,因而价格问题研究在经 济学理论发展中 1 直倍受关注。


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