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1、 第 1 页20112011 职称英语教材词汇练习职称英语教材词汇练习请大家把该练习反复做,直到熟练找出括号中对应的同义词答案为止(答案参见教材及五组补 充词汇及答案)。1. complain ( feel unhappy, say bad things, care, praise )2. effect ( reason, result, cause, base)3. realize ( know, think, doubt, remember )4. for love or money ( at any place, at any price, in any language, in any

2、 country )5. quarter ( third, fourth, tenth, fifteenth )6. arouse ( confuse, excite, scare, divert )7. plane ( highway, railroad, sailboat, aircraft )8. at stake ( in danger, in despair, out of condition, out of danger )9. call up ( shout at, visit, telephone, wake )10. get up ( arise, raise, arrive

3、, stand up )11. immediately ( far away, right away, right here, soon )12. look for ( find, look up, look at, try to find )13. talk over ( discuss, mention, accept, reject )14. while ( when, but, although, where )15. attend to ( wait on, talk to, speak to, stay with )16. spur ( encourage, endanger, e

4、ndorse, enlarge )17. coverage ( baggage, orphanage, reportage, usage )18. dimly ( inadequately, hardly, faintly, sufficiently )19. mildly ( gently, shyly, weakly, sweetly )20. inevitable ( strange, certain, inconsistent, proper )21. isolate ( solitary, gloomy, feeble, frugal )22. call off ( put off,

5、 end, cancel, participate in )23. make up ones mind ( want, promise, decide, agree )24. now and then ( always, occasionally, constantly, regularly )25. find fault with ( criticize, praise, evaluate, talk about )26. grasp ( understand, have a hold over, take hold of, leave hold of )27. consideration

6、( thought, mind, account, memory )28. tolerate ( put up with, accept, take memory )29. abandon ( leave, give up, turn down, refuse )30. lately ( lastly, shortly, recently, immediately )31. manual ( expressive, physical, exaggerate, dubious )32. harness ( convert, store, utilize, receive )33. residen

7、t ( manager, occupant, landlord, caretaker )34. steadily ( continuously, quickly, excessively, exceptionally )35. remedy ( disrupt, diagnose, evaporate, cure )36. draft ( clarify, formulate, revise, contribute )37. practically ( simultaneously, almost, absolutely, basically )38. occasionally ( regul

8、arly, accidentally, sometimes, successfully )第 2 页39. try ( grow, wrap, hide, test )40. rarely 9 normally, seldom, continuously, usually )41. readily ( willingly, suddenly, firmly, quickly )42. extract ( take out, repair, pull, dig )43. shine ( lighten, clean, wash, polish )44. decent ( honest, rich

9、, good-looking, high-ranking )45. deadly ( contagious, serious, fatal, worrying )46. insist on( demand, rely on, prepare for , create )47. damaging ( slight, surprising, sudden, harmful )48. seldom ( crudely, rarely, originally, symbolically)49. speed ( velocity, impulse, ratio, atrocity )50, physic

10、ian ( doctor, professor, physicist, resident )51. particularly ( conventionally, obviously, especially, inevitably )52. safe ( clean, pretty, distant, secure )53. branch ( unity, division, embassy, invasion )54. abnormal ( bad, frightening, repeated, unusual )55. abundant ( steady, plentiful, extra,

11、 meager )56. accelerate ( step up, decrease, stop, control )57. accumulate ( increase, spread, collect, grow )58. allocate ( assign, persuade, ask, order )59. childish ( simple, immature, beautiful, foolish )60. barren ( hairless, bare, empty, bald )61. regardless of ( as a result of, considering, o

12、n purpose, whatever )62. pressing ( puzzling, difficult, terrifying, urgent )63. scene ( location, view, event, landscape )64. final ( last, best, ugliest, longest )65. satisfactorily ( responsibly, acceptably, patiently, respectfully )66. realize ( fulfill, affiliate, advocate, receive )67. massive

13、 ( extensive, negative, responsive, explosive )68. explore ( reject, investigate, propose, postpone )69. bearing ( result, factor, cause, influence )70. cater for ( meet, reach, provide, fill )71. collaborating ( cooperating, merging, combining, associating )72. collide with ( come across, run into,

14、 meet, knock )73. compel ( plead, appeal, force, instruct )74. comprehend ( interpret, read, understand, translate )75. confidential ( private, safe, personal, secret )76. vanish ( develop, disappear, linger, renew )77. phase ( stage, notion, pattern, alternative )78. deter ( facilitate, overwhelm,

15、inhibit, loosen )79. porcelain ( silverware, crystal, china, linen )80. prior to ( in, around, from , before )81. last ( close, near, past, final )82. lethal ( toxic, harmful, deadly, contagious )第 3 页83. conscientious ( worried, careful, anxious, nervous )84. consolidate ( strengthen, win, harden,

16、unite )85. contaminate ( blacken, pollute, darken, mix )86. depict ( write, sketch, describe, indicate )87. distress ( despair, difficulty, need, danger )88. endeavor ( try, work, do, make )89. eternal ( unchangeable, everlasting, boring, monotonous )90. exhibit ( demonstrate, uncover, spread, show )91. annoying ( hateful, painful, horrifying, irritating )92. deliberately ( sufficiently, noticeably, intentionally, absolutely )93. vague ( imprecise, concise, unpolished, elementa


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