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1、 JIU JIANG UNIVERSITY毕毕 业业 论论 文文 题 目 论公务员职业道德 英文题目 The construction of civil servants professional ethics 院 系 政法学院 专 业 法学 姓 名 蒋鹏 班级学号 A0711 指导教师 朱 霞 二零一零年十二月目 录一、公务员职业道德的基本内涵一、公务员职业道德的基本内涵.6 6(一) 公务员职业道德的内涵 .6(二) 公务员职业道德建设法制化的必要性 .9(三) 外国公务员职业道德法制建设对我国的启示 .11二、公务员职业道德建设的现状及存在的问题二、公务员职业道德建设的现状及存在的问题.

2、1414(一) 我国公务员职业道德建设的现状 .14(二) 公务员职业道德建设中存在的问题 .16三、构建公务员职业道德法制体系的进路三、构建公务员职业道德法制体系的进路.1818(一) 提高执法者的素质教育,加强职业道德建设。 .18(二) 坚持严格执法和文明执法 .19(三) 坚持科学发展观,树立公正文明执法等四大观念。 .19(四) 加快以限制政府权力为核心的行政体制改革, .20(五) 强化措施,着力提高行政执法效能。 .20摘摘 要要19 世纪以来,随着官员道德失范问题的日益恶化,世界各国开始关注公务员职业道德的建设问题,并纷纷探索公务员职业道德建设的有效途径。通过种种尝试,公务员职



5、关键词:公务员关键词:公务员;职业道德职业道德;法制化法制化AbstractFrom19th century, with the Loss of Moral officials deteriorating, the world began to concern the construction of civil service ethics issues, and explore the civil service have an effective way of professional ethics.Attempts by the civil service road of legal e

6、thics was adopted by many countries and has improved steadily.Legal ethics as a civil service structure and form of civil service ethics play a regulatory function of effective initiatives.Although there are several thousand years in China, “Li introduced into the Law“ legal and moral tradition, but

7、 the earliest professional ethics in the civil service and legal system construction is complete relative to Western countries.At present, China is in the deepening of reform and opening to expand, an important historical period of institutional transition, corruption, trading power for money has be

8、come increasingly prominent issues such as moral decline.In this background, we need the rule of law and virtue under the guidance of the policy, and actively learn from the successful practice of foreign countries and with the reality in China, Strengthening the Public Service Professional Ethics a

9、nd the Legal Construction.According to “ask questions, analyze problems, to solve the problem,“ the idea of the article is divided into four parts.The first chapter of the civil servants, the concept and content of professional ethics, etc. were defined and described the characteristics of professio

10、nal ethics of civil servants, civil service ethics for the following discussion of the legal system provides a theoretical basis.Second chapter of the civil service of the current status of legal ethics, professional ethics and the strengthening of civil legal need, respectively, to argue from a the

11、oretical and practical legal ethics of civil servants need for the legal ethics of civil servantsprovide a realistic basis.The third chapter on the ethics of other countries on the legal construction of the civil service system was introduced and analyzed, so as to provide the construction of the re

12、levant system can absorb the experience.Chapter IV describes the implementation of the legalization of civil service ethics several measures: to improve the quality of law enforcement education, strengthening professional ethics; adhere to strict law enforcement and civil enforcement; adhere to the

13、scientific concept of development, foster the concept of justice and law enforcement; to limit the government to speed uppower as the core focus on improving the administrative reform measures to strengthen law enforcement effectiveness.Keywords: civil service; professional ethics; legal引 言随着依法治国和法治

14、政府建设的推进,文明执法越来越受到社会各界的重视。文明执法,就是用文明的方法办案,保证执法行为规范化,科学化,坚决纠正执法中的野蛮行为。公务员作为文明执法的主体,是各级政府的工作人员,是行使国家行政权力,执行国家公务的主体。他们受人民的委托,担负着组织和管理国家行政事务的重任,其特殊的使命和身份,使之在依法治国的伟大实践中充当着极为重要的角色,对推进我国社会主义法制建设和构建法治政府具有十分重要的意义。基于此,本文通过对国外行政公务人员制度建设的比较分析,着重阐述了我国公务员依法行政观念现状,依法行政观念的内容以及公务员依法行政观念培育的途径。一、公务员职业道德的基本内涵(一) 公务员职业道德的内涵1、职业道德的内涵要明确公务员职业道德的概念,我们首先要对其主体即“公务员”的概念进行界定。“公务员”一词最初译自英文“civil servant” ,其原意是“文职人员”或“文职公仆” 。在西方,公务员一词一般是指通过非选举程序而被任命担任其政府工作的国家工作人员。1然而,由于各国的法律文化及历史发展阶段的不同,“公务员”的具体涵义、范围及类型的划分存在着一定的差异,大致说来,可以分为三种情况:一是以英国为代表的小范围公务员。公务员仅指国家政府系统中非经选


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