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1、富源六中富源六中 2013 届九年级中考英语模拟试题届九年级中考英语模拟试题制卷人制卷人 张强兵张强兵听力听力.听句子,选择与句子情景相关的图,句子念一遍.( 每题 1 分,共 5 分).听句子,选择恰当的答语,句子念一遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( ) 6. A. No, just so -so. B.I agree with you. C. Thanks . ( ) 7. A. I feel terrible. B. Its very kind of you. C. No, I dont know. ( ) 8. A. Never mind. B. Ok, it doesnt m

2、atter . C. Im sorry to hear that. ( ) 9. A. Yes, I am. B. No, this is Lily. C. Who are you? ( ) 10. A. Its cold. B. It was hot. C. It will be snowy. .听对话, 选择正确的答案, 对话念两遍。 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)听第 1 一 3 段对话,完成第 1113 小题: ( )11. What class is Jack having? A. An English class. B. A math class. C. A Chinese cl

3、ass. ( )12. What does the man tell the woman to do? A. Drink some water B. Have a rest. C. Take some medicine. 姓名 : 班级 准考证号 座位号 ( )13. What are the two speakers doing?A. They are taking a taxi. B. They are having a meeting. C. Theyre waiting for a bus. 听第 4 段对话,完成第 1415 小题: ( )14. What are the two s

4、peakers on the phone? A. Students. B. Teachers. C. A teacher and a student ( )15. What are they talking about? A. The housework. B. The physics lesson. C. The homework. 听第 5 段对话,完成第 1617 小题: ( )16. Why did Mr. White look worried? A. His son isnt away from home. B His son is with a girl named Lucy C.

5、 He cant find his son Bob. ( )17. Who is Lucy? A. Shes Mr. Whites wife. B. Shes Mrs. Fields daughter C. Shes Bobs sister. 听第 6 段对话,完成第 1820 小题: ( )18. How does the man go to Chicago ? A. By air B. By train C. By sea ( )19. How soon will the man be at home? A. In two hours . B. In three hours. C. In

6、four hours ( )20.What does the woman offer?A. Supper B. Lunch. C. Breakfast. 笔试部分(95 分) 第 1 节:选出与所给句子划线意思相近的那一项。5 分 21.The meeting is very important.A. Necessary B. Helpful C.crucial D. Anxious 22. Zhang lei is a top student. He is a big name in NO.6 middle school. A. Likes his name B.has a long nam

7、e C.is well-known D.feels proud of it 23. Actually, I love you very much. A. As a result B.at least C.to be honest D. In fact 24. We will achieve ours dreams in the end. A. Give up B. At last C.get along with D. By the end of 25. I study very hard because I dont want to let my parents down. A. Make

8、my parents disappointed B. Let my parents worry C.let my parents go D. Make my parents busy 第二节. 单项选择单项选择 (25 分)分) ( )26. Children are supposed to enter into this cinema with _ adult. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )27. I found _very easy to learn English well if you put your heart into it. A. that B. one

9、 C. it D. this ( )28. Your hat looks nice. Where did you buy _? I want to buy _ for my sister. A. one; oneB. it; itC. it; oneD. one; itWhose toy is that? I think it _ Tom. He was the only kid at the party. A. belong to B. belongs to C. is belong to D. belonging to ( )29. Did you hear _ in your room?

10、 No, I didnt. A. anything unusual B. something unusual C. unusual anything D. unusual something ( )30. The Great Wall is famous all over the world. I agree. _ visitors come to visit it every year. A. One million of B. Million C. Millions of D. Million of ( )31. Mr. Wise has come up _ a good idea to

11、help children get on well _ each other. A. with; with B. with; to C. at; with D. for; for ( )32. I would rather _ a good book than _ out to play. A. to read; to go B. reading; going C. read; go D. to read; going ( )33. Im going to Larrys party. But I dont know what to wear. If I _ you, I _ wear a dr

12、ess. A. am; will B. were; will C. were; would D. am; would ( )34. The teacher _ us to dance last week. A. taughtB. teaches C. kept D. keeps( )35.Whats the matter?They said I should not be allowed _ here. They dont allow _ in the waiting room.A. smoking; to smokeB. smoke; smokeC. to smoke; smokingD.

13、smoking; smoking ( )36. The blackboard _ before the next lesson begins. A. must clean B. must be cleaned C. can clean D. can be cleaned( )37. You have made great progress recently. _. A. So has Ann B. So Ann has C. So she does D. So does she ( )38.I know youre afraid of the dark. What do you do abou

14、t it? I usually sleep _ the light _the night. A. of; in B. for; at C. to; on D. with; on ( )39. Li Yu, a _ girl, won the first prize in the writing competition.A. 21-year-old B. 21 year old C. 21-years-old D. 21-year-olds( )405. The local government used to build a special hospital for the farmers, _?A. does it B. doesnt it C. did it D. didnt it ( ) 41. Playing with fire _ dangerous. A. is B. was



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