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1、1面向 E 时代的上海电视大学网上开放学 习环境之建设和实践(上)摘要 随着 E 时代的来临,成人高等教育迫切需要建立网上开放学习环境。论文首先分析了网上开放学习的必然性,提出了 OL 开放学习新概念。为支持上海电视大学的网上开放学习,建立了比较完善的网络学习环境,包括网络硬件平台、集成学习平台和交互学习资源。论文最后介绍了该学习环境在本地区应用的实践效果,并为未来的开拓提出了设想。关键词 E-learning 开放学习环境 成人教育 集成化英文的题目和摘要Title Electronic Age-Oriented Environment Construction and Practice o

2、f Networked Learning in Shanghai TV UniversityAbstractWith the coming of the Electronic age, adult higher education needs the construction of networked learning environment. The article first introduces the background of the development of adult higher education and network technology in Shanghai. D

3、istant education in Shanghai has reached a big scale in regard of institute arrangement, student number, hardware equipment and software development, which establishes a stable base for the environment construction and practice of open learning. Now Shanghai TV University (SHTVU) enjoys the reputati

4、on of having the largest student number among all the adult higher education institutes in Shanghai. Facing the need of E-Learning,we put forward a new conceptOL (Open Learning), and give our own annotation, which will guide the environment construction and practice of networked learning. In our opi

5、nion, E stands for all kinds of electronic educational resources and more efficient electronic learner-driven network experiences. O stands for “open“, which makes learning easy and convenient either online or offline at anytime anywhere. L stands for learner-centered learning and life learning in n

6、etwork environment. We have constructed the website of to carry out our open learning mode.Based on the need analysis of SHTVU, we have created a networked learning 2environment of higher efficiency according to the supporting level relationship of networked learning, including network hardware sys

7、tem, integrated learning platform and interactive learning resources. The network hardware system includes the connection of LAN, MAN and WAN systems between the main campus and its branches. Up to now, 25 teaching-centers in the urban districts and suburban counties, connected optical fiber with ST

8、VU forming STVUs municipal wide-band network. We have developed the integrated learning platform, the core of which is OL system, in order to realize open learning and meet the need of information exchange between teachers and students. OL system consists of on-line classroom and other learning supp

9、orting systems, which includes online signing up, online post office, the identification of users, instruction bulletin, course learning, online discussion, learning record and evaluation, individual space, online exercise, virtual lab, online testing system and so on. The system is distinguished in

10、 management, integration, instruction, openness and interaction, providing a complete online learning experience. The system can reach an integration of synchronization and asynchronism on one hand, group and individual learning on the other hand in the broad-band and narrow-band network environment

11、, which is a distributed learning platform for adults, particularly designed to match the learning characteristics of TV University. By implementing the system, we have gradually made the instruction procedures into web pages. Through the platform, we can integrate various resources mainly by employ

12、ing the web pages, together with CD-ROMs which can be linked to web or can run on the web. These resources include distant learning supporting CD-ROMs, a number of web pages (over 70 online courses), instruction documents, interactive web application programs (all kinds of learning software programm

13、ed by JAVA APPLET), web-based audio-visual content (over 300 pieces of course videos).The article finally introduces the practical effect of the OL system in Shanghai and proposes some ideas concerning the future development. Through the practice of thousands of learners, we have made some modificat

14、ion, therefore our current system is both practical and instructive, which can meet the needs of teachers and students. Future development requires us to construct more effective learning environment of peer-web-peer and human-machine interaction. We are looking forward to cooperation and resource s

15、hare with other institutes to fulfill the core objectives of networked education.Key Words E-learning open learning learning environment adult education Integration一、 引言随着 E 时代的到来,人类的学习手段和模式都发生了重大的变革,同时人们也在探究学校如何适应这种形式的冲击,以实现时代对人才培养的需求。上海电视大学作为远程教育的典范,在多年的远程教育研究和实践中取得了巨大的成功,已3逐步建立和完善了网络环境下的开放学习环境。二、



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