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1、高考英语名词性从句题解析及应试策略一、试题解析名词性从甸包括主语从旬,表语从句、宴语从旬和同位语从旬。其关联词有连接词the: 、if、whether;连接代词 who、what、which;连接副坷 whan、where、h 呻、why 等。(一)主语从句类1._makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services. (辽宁卷 ) A What R Who C Whatever D.Whatever 【解析】本题空白处应该填一个引导主语从句的连词 ,is 是系动词 ,that 引导表语从句,根据前半句的古义,答案

2、应为A 项(what“, 的事情地方”),who 的含义为“谁”,whatever的含义是“无论什么” ,whoever的含义是“无论谁”,均不符合题意。2._is 0ne belief that improvements in health care wiII lead to a stronger ,more prosperious economy.( 浙江卷 ) A As R What C This n It 【艇析】本题空白处应该填一个形式主语,代替that 引导的主语从句, is 是系动词 one belief是表语,that 引导真正的主语从句。结构为Itis 十 n+that da

3、use所以普寰为 D 项。【相关知识点】主语 M 句在句中做主语,它可以放在主句滑语之前,但多数情况下由n 作形式主语,而把主语从句放在主句之后。引导主语从旬的连词有:hat、wheth er、who、what、whish、when、wbere、bow、why 等。例如:I What he need is more time 2 Where she has gone is a mystery主语从句常用作形式主语,注意下列常用句型:It iswas十 nadjv pn+主语从句 eg 1 It is strange that he should like him 2 lt 十 is unkno

4、wn whether my dass will win the game. 3 It is still a question which team will win the game. 列结构也较常用It is well knownsaidreportedprovedturned outhappened that/It has been found out that , : It must be pointed out that , : It doesn t matter whether It makes no difference whether ”等。(二)表语从句类1See the fl

5、ag on the top of the building?That we did this morning(全国卷 I) A when B.which C.where Dwhat 【解析】本题空白处应该填一个引导表语从句的连词 (因为 was是系动词 ),再根据后半句意义 (“我们今天早上所做的事情 “),所以答案为 D 项(what 的含义为“, 的事情“)。when 是“什么时候 “,which 是“哪一个 “,where是“哪里 “,均不符合题意。【相关知识点】表语从句位于系动词之后,由that 引导,起连接作用的 that 有时可省略。引导表语从句的词还有whether,as if;

6、代词 who,what,which;副词 when,where,how,why 等。如:The fact iS that she never liked him The question is who can complete teh dificult task. 用 because引导的表语从句仅限于以下个句型:ThisThatit is because , eg:I think it S because you re doing too much The reason , that(不用 because)+ 句子。例如:The reason why he was 1ate iS that

7、he was late is that he was ill. 表语从句不能用if 引导,但可用 as if 引导。例如:It looks aS if it is going to clear up(三)宾语从句类1一 What did your parents think about your de cision? 一 They always let me do I think I should(全国卷 II) A.when Bthat Chow Dwhat 【解析】本题空白处应该填一个引导宾语从句的连词 (做 do 的宾语 ),I think 是插入语,根据前半句的含义, should后省

8、略一个 do,所以答案为 D 项(what 的含义为“ , 的事情 “)。2一 Could you do me a favor? 一 It depends on_it is (北京卷 ) A.which B.whichever C.what D.whatever (解析) 本题空白处应该填一个引导宾语从句的连词 (做介词 on 的宾语 ),按照语境,答案为C 项(what 的含义为“什么”“什么事情”)。3.I just wonder_that makes him so excited( 山东卷 ) A why it does Bwhat he does Chow it iS D. what

9、it is (解析) 本题空白处应该填一个引导宾语从句的连词 (wonder 的宾语 ),从 A、B、C、D 选项中可以看出本宾语从句是一个强调结构,疑问句为:whatwhywhowhenwherehow wasis that,?而在本句中作 wonder的宾语,应用陈述句排列,再根据整句话的含义,答案为D 项(含义为:我想知道就是什么事情使他如此的兴奋 )。4We haven t settled the question Of_it is necessary for him tO study abroad (江苏卷 ) A.if a whereC whether n that (解析) 本题

10、空白处应该填一个引导宾语从句的连词 (做介词 of 的宾语 ),根据整句话的含义,答案为 C 项(“是否” ),A 项 if 也为“是否”,但介词后不能用 if 引导宾语从句。而that 无中文含义。 where“哪里”也不符合题意。5With his work completed,the businessman stepped back tO his seat ,feeling pleased_he was a man Of action (湖南卷 ) A which Bthat Cwhat n whether (解析) 本题空白处应填一个引导宾语从句的连词(feeling pleased是

11、系表结构,系表构成谓语,所以后面仍然是宾语从句 ),根据后半句含义已经完整,故答案为 B 项,因为 that 无中文含义, which 引导宾语从句时是“哪一个”,what 是“, 酌事情”等,whether 是“是否”。均不符合题意。【相关知识点】宾语从句在句中作及物动词或介词的宾语。引导宾语从句的连词有that,whether,if,who,whose,what,which,when,where,how,Why 等。例如:1Do you know what they are doing? 2It is a matter of who will hold the position如果主句的谓

12、语是及物动词findfeelthinkconsidermake等,则可把宾语从句置于宾语补足语之后,用 it 作为形式宾语。例如:He makes it a rule that he gets llp early and goes to bed early某些作表语的形容词 (如 sure,happy,glad,certain,pleased等)之后也可带宾语从句。例如;I am certain that he will succeed 注意点:宾语从句应用陈述句排列,即:引导词+ 主语+谓语+其它成分。例如:1 wonder whether he will succeed in passin

13、g the exam(正确)1 wonder whether will he succeed in pass ing the exam (错误) (四)同位语从句类1一 ItS thirty years since we last met But I still remember the story,believe it or not,_we got lost on a rainy night (四川卷 ) A which B.that C.what D. when 【解析】本句空白处应该填一个引导同位语从句的连词,进一步说明the story的内容, believe it or not 是插

14、入语。再根据后半句,含义已完整,所以答案为 B 项。which 不能引导同位语从句, what 的含义为“, 的事情“,when为“什么时候 “,均不符合题意。2There iS much chance Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race (天津卷 ) A.that Bwhich Cuntil Dif 【解析】本句空白处应该填一个引导同位语从句的连词,进一步说明chance( 可能性 )的内容,再根据后半句,意义已完整,所以答案为A 项。which 不能引导同位语从句, until 的含义为“直到 , 为止 “,if 是

15、“假如 “。均不符合题意。3A warm thought suddenly came to me_ might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my motherS birthday(安徽卷) Aif B when Cthat Dwhich 【解析】本句空白处应该填一个引导同位语从句的连词,进一步说明thought的内容,再根据后半句,意义已完整,所以答案为C 项。本句为分隔式同位语从句,目的是为了避免头重脚轻,原来的语序为:A warm thought that I might use the pocket money to buy

16、some flowefor my mothers birthday suddenlycame to me 4Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class_he had to meet his uncle at the airport(重庆卷 ) A.why B. that Cwhere D. because 【解析】本句空白处应该填一个引导同位语从句的连词,进一步说明reason的内容,再根据后半句,意义已完整,所以答案为B 项。本句也为分隔式同位语从句,若把 for being absent from the class reason隔开放到最后的话,会产生歧义。why 是“为什么”,where是“哪里”,because是“因为” ,均不符合题意。【相关知识点】同



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