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1、1威宁县威宁县“三出发三出发”优质课堂导学模式优质课堂导学模式威宁四中威宁四中 学校学校 高二高二 年级年级 8 班班 英语英语 科导学案科导学案执教人郑静芝课题Book5 Unit 4 Making the news 课类 Warming Up主备人郑静芝审定人英语教研组授课时间2016 年 10 月 24 日1、自学目标To learn some new words and phrases of this lesson: occupation,journalist,editor,designer,printer,accurate,photographer.2、合作目标(1).To have

2、 a better understanding of what different persons should do in their life.(2).To enable the students to make some simple news by themselves. 3、探究目标(1).To discuss how to be a good journalist.(2).To enable students to know what good journalists should report. 教 学 目 标4、情感态度价值观目标Make sure students know

3、sometimes we shouldnt believe everything reported in news . 主要方法Task-Based Language Teaching, Self learning, cooperative learning.教师主导步骤(要点问题化)学生学习步骤(求解活动化)参考时间组织教学Lead-in: ask the students some questions to arouse their interest of the content.Try their best to answer the questions .3展示目标1.Learn so

4、me new words and phrases of this lesson.2.Remember what different persons do by finishing the chart.3.Try their best to make a piece of simple news.4.Discuss what topics they want to interview if they are real journalists in the future .Learn the studying goals together.32导 学 达 标Step 1.Students read

5、 the new words and phrases in Task 1 and try to recite them.(students finish task 1)Step 2.Discuss and fill in the chart.(students finish task2 )Task 1.Learn them by yourselves.1.journalist n.记者 2.photographer n.摄影师3.editor n.编辑 4.designer n.设计师5.involve v.包含 6.accurate adj.精确的7.injured adj.受伤的 8.la

6、y out 安排Task 2.Discuss in groups and fill in the chart below.Types of jobsWhat it involvesjournalistfinding out news and telling people about it innewspaper or on TV/radio. editorphotographer20253Step 3. Try to make news.(students finish task3)Task 3. Make a piece of simple news in groups.检测矫正Step 4

7、.Retell what we have learned in shortwords. Task 4. Fill in the blanks.Today we have learned some new words and phrases. And at the 1. time, we have already known different types of jobs and what they should do in 2. life. Most 3. (important), we have known how to make simple news. 5总结提升Imagine you

8、are a qualified journalist now and you can go to interview someone, who will you interview? Why?(for example: As a journalist, Id like to interview a . because.) 3布置作业Homework:Write a composition of 80 words about what you want to be in the future . 1 注:注:1、自主学习打基础(训练检测题) ;2、合作交流抓重点(训练检测题) ; 3、小组探究破难点(训练检测题) 。


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