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1、教学反思学校贵州省实验中学案例名称Unit 4 Body Language Warming up, Listening and Speaking教师姓名杨 慧案例类型听说课学段高 二教学/活动目标Teaching objective: 1. Knowledge objectives:By the end of this period, the student will be able to use some structures and phrases. 2. Ability objectives:By the end of this period, the student will be a

2、ble to use effective skills to take notes and get the information in the listening and thus improve the students listening ability. be able to understand the listening on page 65 fully. 3. Emotional and Attitude objectives:By the end of this period, the student will be able to understand body langua

3、ge plays an important role in everyday communication. be able to familiar with cultural differences and intercultural communication. be able to be able to learn to respect foreign culture.学习者分析本节课的教学对象是贵州省实验中学高二(11)班。该班是我校的省 招实验班,学生的英语基础相对薄弱,但是他们学生比较认真,好胜心强, 很在乎别人对他们的评价,求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃,因此,只有设置 使他们感兴趣的活

4、动,因材施教,才能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。教学/活动过程Step 1 Leading in by a short playPlay the short clips of Mr. Bean followed by these questions: (1) How does Mr. Bean make people laugh?(2) Define: Body language is one form of_(ie.without using any words)communication, which includes body movements, _, gestures, _ and ot

5、her non-verbal signals. 设计意图:设计意图:通过播放憨豆先生的表演,引出本节课的主题“肢体语言” , 并介绍其构成。Step 2 Matching workWatch the pictures, and then guess what feelings and situations they show. 设计意图:设计意图:通过图片,猜测其表达的含义和情绪,再次强调“肢体语言” 的功能。Step 3 Before-listening Task 1 Discussion: Do you think body language is all the same in diff

6、erent countries? Task 2 Prediction: Look at the pictures on page 65 and try to guess what they are communicating from the body language you can see. 设计意图:设计意图:学生可以预测听力内容,降低听力难度。Step 4 While-listening Task 1 Listen to their dialogues and fill in the blanks:1. Shen Lei comes from_ and Julie is from _.

7、2. What is the main idea of this dialogue? 设计意图:设计意图:抓住听力关键词,为进一步理解其内容做好准备。Task 2 Listen to their dialogues again and conclude how they express the following situations. Situation Shen Lei Julie1the flowersto _ congratulations to the owners and for _.a _ day2to show the number 38 3to show be fullpat

8、 his _Pat her hand at her _ 设计意图:设计意图:填表格内容,帮助学生进一步掌握听力中的关键词,并感受到 不同文化肢体语言上的差异。Step 5 Post-listening Task 1 Discussion (1)What should we pay attention to when communicating with foreigner?(2)Can you think of some other examples of differences? 设计意图:设计意图:结合以上的听力内容,总结出与来自不同文化的人交流时,要 关注文化间的差异。Task 2 Ro

9、le-play (1)How do Colombian, Japanese and British students behave when greeting each other? ColombianJapaneseFranceGreeting (2)How do Arab and English students behave when talking with each other? SpanishEnglishTalking (3)How do Jordanian and Chinese students behave when having meals ? JordanianChin

10、eseTalking 设计意图:设计意图:表演出相同场景,不同国家的人的不同的肢体语言,让学生们 关注到在实际交际中了解文化差异的重要性。Task 3 SummaryBody language is as important as spoken language. Just like verbal language, body language is part of culture.When we are in a certain place, we should follow the customs of the local people, not our own customs. Beca

11、use body language varies from culture to culture. Not all members of all cultures behave the same way. We should try to master and respect each others culture in order to make good communication. Task 4 ExtendingPerform the gestures of the song-感恩的心and show the respect and love for the society, scho

12、ol,parents and himself or herself. 设计意图:设计意图:用肢体语言表达出对社会、学校、父母的爱和尊敬,再次强调 肢体语言的功能。Step 6 HomeworkSurf or refer to some books about body language. Compare the gestures used by the Chinese and those by the other countries. 设计意图:设计意图:鼓励学生通过网络、书籍,对肢体语言的知识做进一步地了解。教学/活动反思一、教学中的亮点: 1、通过视听导入,引起学生的兴趣和好奇心。在这节课

13、的导入中,我选择了憨豆先生 的一段表演,其有趣滑稽的动作一下子就把学生的注意力吸引到课堂上来了。在观看 完录像之后,让学生回忆画面中让人发笑的情节,适时地提出问题:What make you laugh?这样就自然而然地将本课的中心话题“体态语”给引出来了。 2、教学中突出体现听力技能培养的目标,循序渐进,为学生的学习搭建脚手架,为 拓展练习进行语言输出做铺垫。 本课中技能培养的的思路和实践是清晰的:通过使用 听力的材料进行信息的听前处理(主要体现为带领学生学会看图,预测即将听到的内容,关注有用的信息) ,在听第一遍和第二遍时,设置符合学生实际水平的问题,让学 生在听力的过程中,通过问题和填充

14、表格,引导学生把听的重点放在这些关键信息上。 除此之外,还加入了 taking notes 记笔记的方法。在第二次听的过程中,从听大意过 渡到细节,要求学生在记录句子动词等关键词句。这些关键词句为学生参与后部分的 输出练习提供了语言支撑。 3、通过学生表演出相同场景下,不同国家的人的不同的肢体语言,让学生们关注到 在实际交际中了解和尊重文化之间的差异,使学生在今后的日常生活、学习、工作和交 往中尽量减少或避免运用“体态语”时可能产生的误解,提高他们的“语言交际”能力和 “非语言交际”能力。二、教学中的不足: 1、在评价学生表现时,用的语言比较单一。以后要多积累评价用语,对学生的评价 更加准确。 2、课堂环节的衔接大多比较自然,但是在最后一个环节让学生用感恩的心 姿势表演时,任务过渡得不太好。可以利用即将到来的感恩节引入这个活动。


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