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1、Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2014; 72: 783787ORIGINAL ARTICLEEffects of different irrigating solutions and disinfection methods onpush-out bond strengths of fiber postsHUSEYIN ERTAS1, EVREN OK2, BANU UYSAL1 however, the NaOCl-EDTA combination supplemented with CHX had higher bond strength than th

2、e other NaOCl-EDTA combi- nations. CHX has been suggested as an irrigant and as an intra-canal medicament in root canal treatment because of its antimicrobial activity and long-term continuedeffect 11,30,31.Moreover,previous studies demonstrated that CHX inhibits matrix metalloproteinases enzymes, w

3、hich may be responsi- ble for degrading the hybrid layer 27,28. This could be an explanation for the increased bond strength values for the NaOCl-EDTA combination supple- mented with CHX shown in the present study. Egilmez et al. 32 found that using CHX solutionalone for antibacterial effects did no

4、t have beneficial effectsonthebondstrengthsofcements.Cecchin et al. 3 observed a significant bond strength decreasewhenirrigationsinvolvingCHXwere performed.Similarly,theresultsofthisstudy demonstrated that a single use of CHX decreased the post-dentin bond strength. These results were also in agree

5、ment with those of Pelegrine et al. 33, Cecchin et al. 29 and Lindblad et al. 34. Previous reports demonstrated that EtOH can form a more stable hybrid layer due to the ability to replace water from dentin 35,36. EtOH is expected to provide monomers to penetrate the dentin in thesame way. According

6、to our results, the highest bond- ing strength values were in the EtOH group. How- ever, supplementing the NaOCl-EDTA combination with EtOH did not result in improved bond strengths. This result was in agreement with that of Cecchin et al. 3, who used acid-etched dentin. Regarding the fracture analy

7、sis, the adhesive and mixed types of failure were the predominant types of failure. There were fewer cohesive failures than the other types of failures, which shows that the bond strength to dentin was weaker compared with the shear bond strength of the dentin itself 37.ConclusionsWithin the limitat

8、ions of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn:(1)Different root canal protocols resulted in varying alterations in post-dentin bond strength. (2)The NaOCl-EDTA combination resulted in reduced post-dentin bond strengths; however, supplementing the NaOCl-EDTA combination with CHX improved

9、 the post-dentin bond strength. (3)PAD with the NaOCl-EDTA combination did not affect the post-dentin bond strength.Declaration of interest: The authors report noconflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.References1 Asmussen E, Peutzfeldt A, He

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