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1、No pains, no gains! 3/14/20181名词性从句综合练习名词性从句综合练习一、翻译,根据中文意思在横线部分填上合适的内容:1. _ remains a question. 他是否能来还是问题。2. _ China is a great socialist country. 众所周知,中国是一个伟大的社会主义国家。3. _ surprised me greatly. 他的发现使我非常吃惊。4. The question is _. 问题是他能否单独做这件事。5. _ it is going to snow. 天好像要下雪似的。6. 他生病了,所以缺席。That he is

2、absent is _.That he is ill is _.The reason _that he is ill.7. They didnt say _. 他们没有说他们想要什么。8. I was surprised _.我对发生的事感到惊讶。9. Who do you think _? 你认为今年谁是最佳运动员?10. I have no idea _. 我不知他什么时候出发。11. I dont know _. 我不知道她去哪里了。12. He said _. 他说他父亲去北京了。13. She told me _. 他告诉我地球围绕太阳旋转。14. He asked _. 他问道他如

3、何才能找到他的勇气。No pains, no gains! 3/14/2018215. The question is _. 问题是这里为什么雨水少。16. _ is certain. 他之前学过英语是肯定的。17. He looks _. 看起来他好像知道答案。18. It doesnt matter _. 他来还是不来都没关系。19. Thats _. 这就是她想离开的原因。20. Tell me _. 告诉我你最喜欢哪一个。21. The question _. 问题是怎样执行这个计划。22. _ will remain a puzzle forever. 他为什么这样做将永远是一个谜。

4、23. I dont know _ this. 我不知道你所想要的是这个。24. I gave him _. 我把我所有的书都给他了。25. Buy _ cheapest. 买最便宜的。26. 我感冒了,所以没来。That I had a cold _.That I didnt come _.27. I dont know _. 我不知道她为什么哭。28. She said _. 她说她不想知道。29. I dont know when he will come, but_, Ill call you.No pains, no gains! 3/14/20183我不知道他什么时候来,但当他来的

5、时候,我会打电话给你。30. The boy has _ they cant play with his toys. 那个男孩已清楚的表明他们不能玩弄他的玩具。31. The teacher advised us _ waste our time. 老师劝告我们不要浪费时间了。32. _ is unknown. 他生于何时还不知道。33. _ he has stolen the car. 很可能他偷了那辆小车。34. _ is known now. 大家都已知道他昨天生了病。35. _ is unknown. 谁打破了玻璃现在还不知道。36. _ is all here. 他所要的东西都在这里

6、。37. _ are TV sets. 他们在工厂里所做的东西就是电视机。38. _ is that I can go up to him and thank him. 我想做的事是走到身边去感谢他。39. The news _ excites us all. 中国加入了世界贸易组织这一消息使我们大家兴奋不已。40. He told us _ he fell down from his bike this afternoon. 他告诉了我们他从单车上摔下来这一真相。41. Ask him _ or not. 问他能不能来。42. _ he can do it. 问题是他能不能做。43. Ans

7、wer my _ him. 回答我你是否能帮助他。44. It depends _ in time. 这取决于那封信是否来得及时。No pains, no gains! 3/14/2018445. We are discussing _. 我们讨论了是否要举行一个庆典。46. It _ she lacks experience. 很显然她缺少经验。47. _ he wasnt there at that time. 警察获知他那时不在场。48. My opinion _ the country. 我的意见是你本不应该离开那个国家。49. _ they have different views.

8、 他们看法不同是很自然的。50. _ he will not come. 很肯定的是他不会来了。51. _ 5 people were killed in the accident. 据说 5 个人在那场事故中死了。52. _ you should wash your hands before dinner. 饭前要洗手是常识。53. _ they lost the match. 遗憾的是他们输掉了比赛。54. We _ it _ she didnt come to attend the meeting yesterday. 我们觉得奇怪她昨天没来参加会议。55. _ was true. 他所

9、讲的是事实。56. _ at last came true. 他希望的事终于成为现实。57. _ surprised her. 她看到的情况吓了她一跳。58. Im _ I said. 我为我说的话表示歉意。59. You had better_. 你最好听听我要说什么。60. It was _ what he said. 这是他的原意而不是他的原话。No pains, no gains! 3/14/20185二、二、单项选择单项选择: : 1.Evidence came up _ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young

10、 as six months old. A. which B. what C. that D. when 2.I havent decided _ hotel to stay at. A. which B. what C. at which D. where 3. _surprises most of us. A. Wolves are afraid of us B. The fact that wolves afraid men C. The fact that wolves are afraid of men D. Wolves afraid of men 4.The announcement _all flight were cancelled because of bad weather greatly distressed the waiting passengers. A. that B. which C. why D. of which 5.The question is _can be put into practice. A. how you


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