教2014初三上复习宾语从句定语从句 (2)

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1、宾语从句宾语从句一一 宾语从句的定义。宾语从句的定义。 请划分下列句子的成分。 1 I buy a book.2 Our school beat that school.3 I think that Tom is good boy.小结小结 1)宾语从句的定义:充当宾语的句子充当宾语的句子就叫做宾语从句。2)请划出并标注下面的句子的主句主句部分和从句从句部分。I think that Tom is good boy.二二 考点一:引导词。考点一:引导词。(一)请勾出下列哪些句子是不是宾语从句。1 I believe that he will pass the exam.2 I want a b

2、ook that can help me learn English.3 I want to know whether/if we can leave this Sunday.4 If he does well, he will be able to go to the USA.5 I didnt hear what he wanted me to do.6 You must decide which you choose.7 I know who is that young man.8 I have found out whose the dictionary is.9 Tom asked

3、when we would start the party.10 Can you tell me where we will meet?11 I dont know how I can get to the market.12 The teacher asked why David wasnt here.小结小结 宾语从句的引导词有三种第一种:_第二种:_第三种:(疑问代词)_(疑问副词)_(三)请用 whether 或 if 完成下列宾语从句。1 Can you tell me _ they will come tomorrow?2 I dont know _ hes free or not

4、.3 Tell me _ youd like to go shopping or tidy the room.4 We didnt think about _ it would rain the next day.小结小结 宾语从句中 if 与 whether 用法。1) if 的意义:_whether 的意义:_2) 宾语从句中,一般情况下,if/whether 可以互换。以下情况只能用 whether 不能用 if:(1)句子用有_ 或 _。(2)在 _ 后只能用 whether。 练习练习一 单项选择题1 They asked me _I had been to during the M

5、ay Day holidays.A when B where C what2 Did you hear _ he said just now? A. that B. what C. which3 The child often asks me _ our life of tomorrow will be like. A. that B. what C. where 4 I want to know _they will take part in the spring sports meeting next month.A if B what C when 5 He said _ the man

6、 had long hair.A if B that C who三三 考点二:语序考点二:语序把每一题中的两个句子组合成一个宾语从句。 1 I expect .I can travel around the world one day. I expect that _.2 Miss Huang hasnt decided Who will pass the exam? Miss Huang hasnt decided who _.3 My mother askedDo you go shopping with me?My mother asked whether/if _.4 Do you k

7、now?What can we do to help him? Do you know what _.小结小结 宾语从句的语序为:_12四四 考点三:时态考点三:时态宾语从句时态口诀:宾语从句时态口诀:-_。练习1 I think he _ (come) back soon.2 I want to know if he _ (go) with me tomorrow.3 I dont know who _ (break) the window.4 He asked if the girl _ (find) her lost bike.5 He said he _ (go) to Beijing

8、 three years ago.6 He told me that his father _ (read) the newspaper at this time yesterday.7 The teacher told us that light _ (travel) much faster than sound. ( ) 8. - I hear well have a new teacher this term. - Really? Do you know _? A. what subject does he teach B. what subject he teaches C. what

9、 subject is he going to teach ( )9. A: When are the Smiths leaving for New York? B: Pardon? (请再说一遍) A: I asked _. A. when the Smiths are leaving for New York B. when were the Smiths leaving for New York C. when the Smiths were leaving for New York ( )10. Could you tell me _? I have something interes

10、ting to tell him. A. where is Li Hong B. where Li Hong is C. where Li Hong was 定语从句定语从句一一 认识定语从句。认识定语从句。(一)请辨别以下句子哪些是宾语从句。The book that you want is on the desk.He asked his teacher if there was a tiger.A shoe shop is a shop which sells shoes.I dont know why he still works here.The woman who you saw

11、in the park is our teacher.The baby whose trousers are red is Jack.Lily likes what her sister likes. (二)翻译下列句子。 The book that you want is on the desk.A shoe shop is a shop which sells shoes.The woman who you saw in the park is our teacher.The baby whose trousers are red is Jack.小结:小结: 定语从句的基本结构定语从句的

12、基本结构_ + _ + _二二 连接词连接词总结:总结:that 指_ 或_,可作_或_, 作_ 可省略。which 指_, 可作主语或宾语,作_ 可省who 指_, 一般作_.whom 指_, 只能作_.whose 指_.一 选择适当的引导词填空 (that which who whom whose) 1. The house _ we live in is very old. 2. Those are the shoes _ I lost last week. 3. That is the man _ found my handbag. 4. Li cant eat food _ has

13、chocolate in it. 5. The wind blew down the tallest tree _ is in front of our school gate. 6. This is the very thing _ I was looking for. 7. This is the second novel _ I have ever read. 8. My hometown is not the same one _ it used to be twenty years ago. 9. There is nothing in the world _ can frighten me. 10. Who is the man _ is reading under the tree? 11. The girl and the dog _ you are looking for are in that room. 12. The book for _ you asked is over there. 13. The man with _ you talk is Mr.


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