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1、I摘 要作为除电视、报纸、广播之外的第四大媒体,互联网不仅成为人们获取新闻信息的主要来源,更成为了人们闲暇之余的一种休闲手段。随着互联网技术的发展,各种各样基于网络的应用也随之诞生,网络聊天工具便是其中的一种。本文采用 Visual Studio 2008+SQL Server 2005 开发环境,结合WinForms、ADO.NET 等多种技术,实现了一个类似 QQ 的网络聊天工具,并在 WINDOWS 平台上加以了实现。通过 C#语言进行网络编程,通过公共的数据库交换各种信息,实现了人性化的界面设计与功能设计。软件经过测试,满足现代人们即时通信的需求,达到预期的设计效果,对网络聊天工具的人

2、性化设计具有一定的现实意义,同时也为其他相关项目的设计提供了参考。关键词:网络聊天工具 C# 即时通信 数据库 人性化IIAbstractInternet is the fourth major media other than televisions, newspapers and broadcasting, acting not only as a major source of news information, it is also a means of recreation for people during their leisure. Along with the high-sp

3、eed development of the Internet technology, various of applications which are based on network were born,one of them is online chat tool. This thesis develops a online chat tool which like QQ and based on the integration of various technologies such as WinForms, ADO.NET etc,and based on the adoption

4、 of Visual Studio 2008+SQL Server 2005 development environment, then implement it on WINDOWS platform. It used C # language for network programming,and exchange different information through common database for the implemention of the humanized UI design and function design. After going through the

5、tests, this online chat tool can achieve the projected design purpose of instantaneous communication needs of people in modern times, it also poses certain realistic significance to the humanization of online chat tool and provides as a reference to the design of other relevant projects.Key words: o

6、nline chat tool C# instantaneous communication database humanization III目 录第一章 引言 .11.1 系统开发背景 .11.2 聊天软件的开发目标 .1第二章 开发环境与关键技术简介 .22.1 C#简介 .22.2 .NET Framework 简介 .42.3 WinForms 窗体设计技术 .52.4 C/S 结构 .52.5 ADO.NET 技术 .62.6 SQL Server 2005 数据库简介 .6第三章 需求分析 .83.1 可行性研究 .83.2 用户需求 .83.3 性能需求 .83.4 系统功能需求 .9第四章 系统设计 .104.1 系统功能结构 .104.2 系统模块划分 .104.3 系统整体流程图 .11第五章 详细设计 .125.1 登录界面设计 .125.2 注册界面设计 .15IV5.3 主界面设计 .195.4 查找/添加好友界面设计 .225.5 聊天界面设计 .285.6 个人设置界面设计 .335.7 头像选择界面设计 .



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