which is the way to the post office导学案(修)

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《which is the way to the post office导学案(修)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《which is the way to the post office导学案(修)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office Section A 学习内容:学习内容: words and phrases: bridge, go along, turn rightleft go across, across form, the first crossing, on the corner of sentences: Is there a bank near here?Which is the way to the bank? 学习目标学习目标:1.熟练掌握方位介词短语2.掌握问路和指路句型

2、。3.会看地图并利用地图给别人指路 自主预习自主预习 Write down the names of the buildings: 医院 _ 邮局 _ 书店 _ 图书馆 _ 博物馆 _ 餐馆 _ 银行 _ Translate the phrases: 沿着走 _ 你的左、右边 _ 到达 _ 向左拐 _ 在第一个十字路口 _走过 _ 在的拐角处 _在对面 _ 在与之间 _ Translate the following sentences: 1.Is there a bank here? _ 2. How can I get to the book store? _ 3.Which is the

3、 way to the post office? _ 4.Go up this street to the end. _ 5.Go along this street and turn left at the first crossing._ 6. Go across the bridge. _ 合作交流合作交流(一)两人一组讨论并填空。 (2a) (二)两人一组,根据地图,练习 1a 句型A:Excuse me.Is there a near here?B:Yes. Go up . to the end, and you will find it on your 2A:Excuse me,h

4、ow can I get to the B:Go along and turn left/right at the crossing. Go across the bridge.Its about long on the A: Thanks a lot. (三)、四人一组,根据地图找出到达市八中的路线有几种。 三班级展示 1.展示合作交流(一) 2.展示合作交流(二) 3.展示合作交流(三) 4.做 1b,并把教室当成小区,演示路线 质疑探究质疑探究 1.Is there a bank near here?(同义句) _ can I get to the bank? _ is the way

5、to the bank? 2. Go up the street and youll find it. (同义句)Go _ the street and youll find it. 自悟自得自悟自得 _ _ _ 反馈检测反馈检测 填入所缺的单词: 1. -Excuse me, is _ a post office near here? -Yes, go _ the street _ the end and youll find it _ your left. 2.- Excuse me, _ can I _ to the park?-Go _ the road and _ right _ t

6、he second crossing. Go _ the bridge and youll See it _ your right. 3.- Excuse me, _ is the way to the hospital, please?- Walk _ Yilai Street. Its about 100 meters _.Then youll see it _ the corner of Chuangshan Street and Zhenxiang Street. 根据句意填入所缺单词。 41.There is an old _ over the river. Every day ma

7、ny people go across it. 42.You need to _ from the No.1 bus to the No.2 bus. 43.If you drive too fast, you may have an _.344.You must obey the r_ when you cross the street. 45.Be _. Dont drive too fast. Its dangerous. 课后反思课后反思 _ _ _Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office Sec

8、tion B 学习目标:学习目标: 1.熟悉一些交通标志和交通设施 2.在 Section A 的基础上学会运用另外两种句型问路 3. 在 Section A 的基础上学会利用交通标志和交通设施指路。 学习内容:学习内容: 词组:Go alonguntil side walk public phone traffic lights crosswalk go straight U-turn 句型:Could you tell me the way to ?Where is ?Its about 15 kilometers away from here. You should change to

9、the No.108 bus. 自主预习自主预习 1.翻译下列短语: go alonguntil_walk on_ 15 kilometers away_change to_ take a bus_public phone_ traffic lights_go straight_ turn left_sidewalk and crosswalk_how far_ 2.理解下列句子:41. Go along the road until you get to the end. 2. Its about 15 kilometers away from here. 3. First, you nee

10、d to take Bus No.718. Then you should change to the No. 108 bus. 合作交流合作交流 1.两人一组合作交流完成 PART 3 2.根据地图,两人一组根据地图和 Mr. lost 的要求,帮他找到去 Dinghao Building 的路。A:Excuse me, could you tell me the way to B:A:Thanks a lot. 3.听听力,两人一组画出 Mr. lost 去 Anli Road 的路线图。 4.四人一组,表演该对话A:Excuse me, where is Anli Road?B:A:Th

11、ank you very much . 班级展示班级展示 1.展示合作交流一 2.展示合作交流二 3.展示合作交流三 4.展示合作交流四 5.听听力,完成听听力,完成 1b,并表演该对话,并表演该对话 质疑探究质疑探究 Go along the road _(直到) you reach the end.He doesnt come _(直到)eight oclock.(短暂动作要用否定) Then you should _ _ (换乘)the No.108 bus.Change the following sentences into English.(试着翻译一下)比较:Bus No.718

12、 与 the No. 108 bus Its about 15 kilometers away from here.(变特殊疑问句) _ _ is it from here? need to do sth 需要做某事 Its cold(冷冷). They need to put on a coat. 自悟自得自悟自得 _ _ _5测评反馈测评反馈 1. Could you tell me _the bus station?A. way to B. the ways C. the way to D. the ways to 2. She _take the No.1 bus to the library.A. need to B. needs C. needs to D. need 3. Go straight


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