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1、考研者资料中心 遥遥领先的中国考研专业课第一品牌!考研者,一分天命,三分资料,六分拼搏! 内部资料每年更新,凡不在官方认可机构购买皆为旧版! 惟有努力方可成就,惟有惜时才能成功! 1最新高分考研英语十三篇经典预测作文与指导一一 私人信函私人信函 范文范文 1 1 Directions: One of your best friends, Mary, moved to another city a few days ago. Write a keep in touch letter to her, telling her you missed her, asking how she is go

2、ing on, and introducing the latest information about yourself. Write in no less than 100 words. You dont need to write the address. Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Lily instead. Dear Mary, Youve been on my mind a lot the past few days; I have been missing you so much. Now I fel

3、t it was time to sit down and write. Are you settled in yet? Have you met any of your new friends? Things are not a piece of cake for you in a new place. It seems as if youve been gone forever. One sad fact about human nature is that we dont seem to appreciate what we have till its gone. Thats how I

4、m feeling now. So much has happened since you left; I have been to the police station once, because my wallet was stolen on the bus. And I had to prepare for the CET six, I felt extremely exhausted these days. Fortunately, the exam is over, so I got time to write to you. Be sure to write soon. Im ea

5、ger to hear from you. Affectionately, Lily 译文译文 亲爱的玛丽: 这几天我一直想着你,我真的特别想你。所以决定坐下来给你写信。你在那边 都安顿好了吗?有没有见到一些新朋友?去一个新的地方对你来说不轻松。 我感觉你好像永远在我生活中消失了。人类的一个弱点就是总是在失去以后才 懂得珍惜。我现在就是这么想的。 你走后发生了很多事情。我去了趟警察局,因为我的钱包在车上被偷了。另外 我还要准备六级考试,这些天真的感觉好累。还好,考试结束了,我可以给你写信了。 尽快给我回信好吗?我真的想早点收到你的信。 挚爱的:莉莉 范文范文 2 2 考研者资料中心 遥遥领先的

6、中国考研专业课第一品牌 考研者,一分天命,三分资料,六分拼搏! !内部资料每年更新,凡不在官方认可机构购买皆为旧版!惟有努力方可成就,惟有惜时才能成功!2Directions: Your aunt subscribed 21st Century for you as a present. Write a letter to your aunt, expressing your thankfulness, telling her how you like it. Write in no less than 100 words. You dont need to write the address

7、. Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Ella instead. Dear aunt, Thank you very much for the subscription to 21st Century for me. I have received the latest edition by post mail. Someone must have told you that it is my favorite newspaper; and of course, you know it is very helpful f

8、or me to enlarge my vocabulary and enhance my reading comprehension through reading English newspapers. Every week the arrival of a new copy will mean new studying projects to me, and seeing the newspaper will remind me of your kind love. You couldnt have chosen a better present for me. I am looking

9、 forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Ella 译文译文 亲爱的姑姑: 谢谢你订阅的 21 世纪报纸。邮局已经给我送来了最新一期。一定有人告诉你这 是我最喜欢的报纸,当然你肯定知道阅读英文报纸对于我扩大词汇量和提高阅读理解很有 帮助。 每周收到新的一期,对于我来说都意味着新的学习,每次看到这份报纸都会让 我想起你给我的爱。这是我收到最好的礼物。 期待着收到您的回信。 你真挚的:艾拉二二 邀请信邀请信 范文范文 Directions: You want to invite Mr. Williams to give a lectur

10、e on “American literature“ in your college. Supposed you are the assistant of the English department, write a letter and say: 1) the purpose of the invitation. 2) the time of the lecture. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You dont need to write the address. Dont sign your own name at the

11、 end of the letter, use Linda instead. 考研者资料中心 遥遥领先的中国考研专业课第一品牌!考研者,一分天命,三分资料,六分拼搏! 内部资料每年更新,凡不在官方认可机构购买皆为旧版! 惟有努力方可成就,惟有惜时才能成功! 3Dear Mr. Williams, I am writing on behalf of the English Department to invite you to give a lecture in our college. We know that you are an expert on American literature

12、. As English majors, our students would like to know something about American literature. We would be very grateful if you could give a talk on “Contemporary American Literature“ to students of the English Department on Saturday, June 4. If this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic wou

13、ld be welcome as well. We have already had several very interesting talks from some distinguished visitors from various countries and we look forward early to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom. Yours truly, Linda 译文译文 威廉姆先生: 我代表校英语系邀请您来做一次演讲。我们知道您是美国文学方面的专家。作 为英语专业的学生,我们想了解一

14、些美国文学的知识。如果你能在 6 月 4 日能在英语系做 一场“当代美国文学”的演讲,我们将不胜感激。如果您觉得这个题目不合适,任何相似 的题目都会很受欢迎。 来自不同国家的著名学者已经在我系做过演讲,我们真诚的期待能够有机会分 享您的经验与智慧。 你真挚的:琳达三三 感谢信感谢信 范文范文 Directions: While your family was on vacation, your friend, Cathy looked after your dog, smart. Now you came back, write a letter to her to show your gra

15、titude. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You dont need to write the address. Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Emily instead. Dear Cathy, I am writing to express our heartfelt thanks for taking good care of smart while we were on holiday. He was such a happy dog when we got home; we knew he must have had lots of loving attention. When we used to pick up from the kennel he would whimper and carry on for hours. 考研者资料中心 遥遥领先的中国考研专业课第一品牌 考研者,一分天命,三分资料,六分拼搏! !内部资料每年更新,凡不在官方认可机


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