冀教版(一起)六年级英语下册教案 Lesson24

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1、Lesson 24: Again,Please!教学目标:教学目标:1,复习巩固本单元所学词语,句子。2,进行简单测试。3,使学生具有成就感,学习信心增强。 教学重难点:教学重难点:从词语入手,逐步培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 教具:教具:投影片 (书中的几幅图和提示词语)无条件的话可用小黑板出示几组词语 学具:学具:活动手册和彩笔 教学过程:教学过程:一. Class opening and review1. 听上节课故事,做 Secret Word 游戏,将重点词语板书。Beach sand swimsuit sandals swim swimming pool ocean park fl

2、owers leaves grass look like will lie clouds sky fly skip 2. 看图和提示词语,说一段话来描述图片,也可只给提示词语来说话。beach cloud ocean sand sandals swim swimming pool swimsuit sandalspark flowers leaves grass lie sky clouds skip fly look like3. 回答问题:Hows the weather in summer?What about plants in summer?What clothes will you

3、 wear in summer?What sports do you like to do in summer?What will you do this summer? Will you go on a trip? Will you play some sports?Will you go swimming?.二. Test (Activity book)1. Find the words and write them.2. Write the correct words.3. Listen,Write and draw what you hear.a. I lie on the grass

4、.b. The flowers under the tree are red.c. The leaves on the tree are green.d. The cloud in the sky looks like a donut.e. A boy is skipping.f. A girl is wearing a swimsuit and sandals.g. She is flying a kite.三. Class closing1Homework:根据提示,写一段关于今年夏天的短文。Weather, clothes, sports, plantsWill you go on a

5、trip? Will you play some sports? Will you go swimming?. What will you do this summer?2. Sing a song:Summers coming 板书:板书:Lesson 24: Again,Please!1. beach cloud ocean sand sandals swim swimming pool swimsuit sandalspark flowers leaves grass lie sky clouds skip fly look like2. What will you do this su

6、mmer? 练习:练习:一听句子,根据描述写出正确答案。1. It is in the sky. Its white. Sometimes it looks like an airplane or a donut.2. Its very big and blue. You can swim in it. There is a beach, too.3. They have many colours. They are beautiful. Many girls like them very much. Usually they bloom in spring.4. A fish cant do

7、 it, but a bird can.5. In summer, theyre green. In fall, theyre yellow, they are on the tree.二选择正确答案。1.What is jenny doing? ( )2.Will you go to the park? ( )3.Waht are you going to do? ( )4.Hows the tree in winter? ( )5.What are they doing? ( )A. watching flowers.B. They loose their leaves.C. No, I will lie on the sand.D. She is flying a kite.E. I will run very fast.



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