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1、1New Senior English for China Students Book 6 Unit 3 A healthy life Learning about language南宁市第九中学南宁市第九中学 李慧李慧一、教学基本信息课型语言学习课课时1 课时(40 分钟)教学目标知识目标:本单元的话题是“健康生活” 。听说读写等活动主要围绕如何摒弃恶习、怎样成为健康人展开。上一课时中,学生通过阅读熟悉了话题,发现了吸烟对人体健康的害处。下一课时将要求学生学会写一封有关健康生活的建议信。所以,本节课的主要作用是承上启下,即将学过的语言知识重新组合、操练固定句型结构、搭建框架,为下节课的语言运

2、用输出做准备。因此,学习完本节课后,学生将能:1. 掌握和灵活运用与单元话题相关的词汇。如:quit, cigarette, unfit, alcohol, mental, adolescent, addicted to, stress, effect, pregnant, get into the habit of。2. 掌握和灵活运用“it”的三个用法:“it”用作人称代词;“it”用作非人称代词;“it”用作引导词(用作形式主语和形式宾语) 。能力目标:学完本节课后,学生将能就“健康生活”这一话题发表意见和看法。情感态度目标:学完本节课后,学生将能分辨什么是健康的生活习惯,并能开始行动起

3、来去建立健康的生活习惯,改掉不好的习惯,也能积极提出有效合理的建议帮助身边的人改掉不良生活习惯。教学重点及难点1. 如何帮助运用 it 充当形式主语、或形式宾语来展开对“健康生活”这一话题的讨论。(解决办法设计:以学生吸烟的话题展开讨论,在情景中引出 it 的用法,并用2it 的句型就“健康生活的建立方法”进行控制性操练、半控制性操练、开放性练习等,最后达到能用 it 的基本句型进行语言输出,做到“在用中学、学了能用” 。 )教学方法任务型教学法,小组合作、探究学习法等。教学手段多媒体课件、黑板二、教学过程Step 1: Greetings and Lead-in (3mins)Teacher

4、 meets students by talking about something.T: Hi, nice to meet you, lovely boys and girls. Ss: Hi, teacher. Nice to meet you.T: What is the weather like today?Ss: It is sunny.T: Whats the date today?Ss: It is November 26th.T: What day is it today?Ss: It is Wednesday.T: What is happening over there?S

5、s: It is a sports meeting.T: What is the time now?Ss: It is half past ten.T: Ok. Lets begin our lesson. Today, we are going to learn the use of “it”. What can “it” be used to refer to?Ss: It can be used to refer to time, weather, distance, a certain things and so on.T: Yes, you got it. And today, we

6、 are going to learn more about it.设计说明:运用日常生活中的简单对话帮助学生复习和总结“it”的基本用法。这种对话开门见山,能快速总结出“it”用作人称代词和非人称代词时的典型用法。Step 2: Presentation (1min):1. Teacher shows a short video about a brief introduction about teacher and the problem that the teacher is facing. The content is like 3following:It is 2014. I hav

7、e been working as an English teacher for 10 years. I enjoy it very much. But recently, it is disappointing to find some adolescents in my class smoking cigarettes. It is harmful for them to become mentally addicted to smoking. But it is no use talking with them, because they found it no good worryin

8、g about them.2. Then teacher talk about it with students, and get the following sentences like these: It is disappointing to find some adolescents in my class smoking cigarettes. It is harmful for them to become mentally addicted to smoking. It is not right for students to smoke. It is necessary for

9、 them to quit smoking. It is no use talking with them. They find it no good worrying about them. Mental addiction makes it really hard to quit smoking.设计说明:视听输入,生动直观,能很快将学生带入情景,了解问题,明确本节课的中心任务。通过讨论,得出的 7 个真实有用,示范性强的句子,能为本单元的语法项目服务。Step 3: Discover the usages and the function of “it”. 1. Group work f

10、or students to discuss and explore sentence structures by focusing on the position of “it” (5mins)It 的用法 _代词_: (指代_时间_,_天气_,_日期_, _距离_) _引导词_: (1)It is (was)+_adj.n._+_to do sth._.(2)It is no use +_doing sth._.I findfoundthinkthought it _adj.n._+_to do sth._ 2. Group work for students to rewrite the

11、 sentences and find out the function of it .It is disappointing to find some adolescents in my class smoking cigarettes.4To find some adolescents in my class smoking cigarettes is disappointing.It is no use talking with them.Talking with them is no use. They found it no good worrying about them.They

12、 found worrying about them no good.It 的作用:避免头重脚轻设计说明:鼓励学生通过有意义的句群展开小组讨论,根据老师的适当提示合作探索规则,再在老师的帮助下进行归纳总结。这种形式能让学生印象深刻。Step 4: Making sentences(10mins)Task 1: Making sentences by some clues (pictures and key words)1. It is tough for the man to quit drinking.It is hard for the man to quit drinking.(para

13、phrasis)2. It is unfit for students to play too much computers.It is unhealthy for students to play too much computers. (paraphrasis)3. It is meaningful for students to have a balanced diet.It is helpful for students to have a balanced diet. (paraphrasis)4. It is a wonder to see a big hen ploughing.

14、It is a surprise to see such a big hen. (paraphrasis)5. It is no good crying over spilt milk.It is no use crying over spilt milk. (paraphrasis)6. I find it interesting to join in Dengzi Qis concert.I think it enjoyable to join in Dengzi Qis concert. (paraphrasis)7. I find it fanstastic to watch 3D m

15、ovies.I think it wonderful to watch 3D movies. (paraphrasis)设计说明:此部分控制性练习的目的是为了降低难度,让学生能在各种特定的情景中操练 it 用作形式主语和形式宾语的用法,即帮助学生边学边用。另通过paraphrasis 部分的练习更好地操练句型,拓宽思维,为下一步没有提示的造句练习做铺垫。所采用的图片和话题贴近学生生活,趣味性强,学生乐于开口说话。Task 2: Making sentences without clues(only giving the sentences structure)(4mins)5 It is ti

16、me to do sth. It is no use doing sth. it is no good doing sth. it is +adj.n to do sth. I think it +adj.n. to do sth. I find it +adj.n. to do sth.教师例句师范: 参加学校运动会真是一件非常激动人心的事情。 我发现和这么漂亮的英语老师一起学习真是太高兴了。设计意图:半控制性练习将有助于开拓学生的思路,降低难度,帮助学生进行句子操练,为后半部分的对话输出训练做了铺垫。Step 5:Find out some bad habits from students daily life and finds ways to solve them.(15mins)Task 1: Watch a short video by Monitor on the topic of “How to lead a healthy life”(5mins)The


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