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1、六年级升学考试需要掌握的动词一览表: 中文原形过去式中文原形过去式 是am/iswas问askasked 是arewere拿走/花费taketook 生bearborn数countcounted 写writewrote知道knowknew 学习studystudied唱singsang 能cancould变/转弯/翻turnturned 去gowent遇见meetmet 做do/doesdid听listenlistened 说saysaid买buybought 找到findfound教teachtaught 跑runran送sendsent 学learnlearnt/learned离开leav

2、eleft 制造makemade卖sellsold 有have/hashad旅游traveltravelled 告诉telltold听到hearheard 叫callcalled杀死killkilled 吃eatate移动movemoved 住livelived喜欢likeliked 走walkwalked看looklooked 玩playplayed说speakspoke 劳动workworked花费spendspent 说talktalked观看watchwatched 挖digdug伤害hurthurt 放putput感觉feelfelt 读readread跌倒fallfell 种pla

3、ntplanted飞flyflew 帮助helphelped游泳swimswam 想要wantwanted生长/种植growgrew 停止stopstopped做饭cookcooked 拿来bringbrought跳舞dancedanced 浇水waterwatered喂养feedfed 停留staystayed驾驶drivedrove 穿wearwore吹blowblew 画drawdrew开始beginbegan 参观visitvisited借来borrowborrowed 喜欢enjoyenjoyed借出lendlent 看见seesaw归还returnreturned 保持keepke

4、pt爬climbclimbed 得到getgot收集collectcollected 使用useused保护protectprotected 跳jumpjumped回答answeranswered 六年级升学考试要掌握的同音词: sunson meetmeat wherewear fourfor bybuybye noknow herehear newknew blueblew ttea twotoo redread Ieye 六年级升学考试常用名词变复数举例:photo- that- boy- child- man- piano- radio- tomato potato- woman- o

5、x- story- knife- Chinese- fox- Japanese- worker- shop- banana tree- man nurse- bus- watch city- family- is- I- he- she- it- this- 六年级升学考试常用方位词和月份、星期: east west south north in the east of /on the east of/ to the east of 区别 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 星期前一般用 on 修饰,如果 this,

6、 that, next 等出现在前,则不用介词修饰;另外周日是一 周中的第一天,因此要熟练使用与序数词的搭配(first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth); January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 月份前用介词 in 修饰 常用名词变形容词举例: sun-sunny wind-windy rain-ra

7、iny snow-snowy love-lovely friend-friendly help-helpful carecareful use-useful helphelpless 常用动词变名词举例: run-runner work-worker begin-beginner farm-farmer teach-teacher read-reader write-writer swim-swimmer play-player use-user 常用变一般疑问句及其肯定回答,否定回答以及变否定句的法则汇总: I am a student.They like their father. Are

8、 you a student?Do they like their father? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Yes, they do. No, they dont. Lucy goes to work on foot.Open the door. Lucy doesnt go to work on foot.Please be quiet. Does Lucy go to work on foot?Dont eat in class. Yes, she does. No, she doesnt. It is raining now. I was a baby ten ye

9、ars ago. It isnt raining now. I wasnt a baby ten years ago. Is it raining now? Were you a baby ten years ago?Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Yes, I was. No, I wasnt. We are going to the park tomorrow. She can swim. We arent going to the park tomorrow. She cant swim.Are you going to the park tomorrow? Can s

10、he swim?Yes, we are. No, we arent. Yes, she can. No, she cant. There is a bird in the tree. Tom and Lily will go home by bus tomorrow.There isnt a bird in the tree. Tom and Lily wont go home by bus tomorrow.Is there a bird in the tree? Will Tom and Lily go home by bus tomorrow?Yes, there is. No, the

11、re isnt. Yes, they will. No, they wont. 说明:1、凡是句子中有是动词的,变疑问句时,把是动词提前到句首并大写,原来的词如 果不是人称或地点一律改为小写;如果改否定句则在是动词后面加 not,注意有的能缩写, 有的不能。2、凡是句子中含有 can, must, may, should, will, would 等词的句子,改疑问句时 提前这些词,句子中的动词保持原型不变。改否定句时给以上这些词加 not,其他部分保持 不变,但要注意:must 引导的一般疑问句的否定回答要用 neednt.3、如果句子中既没有是 动词也没有 can 等词,句子中只有一个动词

12、原型或第三人称单数或一个动词过去式,则在 改一般疑问句时,主动在句首加无词义的助动词 do, 或 does 或 did,原来句子中的动词一律 写成原形!如果是改为否定句,则在无词义的助动词 do/does/did 后面加上否定词 not,原句 中的动词一律写成原形!4、我们把无主语的句子叫做祈使句因为没有主语,所以肯定句永 远是动词原型开头,否定句永远是 dont+动词原形开头。there be 结构中离 be 动词最近的 词对 be 动词用单数还是复数起决定作用。5、不同的时间范围里面,动词形式会发生变化;不同的人称搭配的数也不同,例如:my mother =she, your father

13、=he 等等都要注意。 人称代词和物主代词,反身代词一览表: 人称代词主格人称代词宾格形容词性物主名词性物主反身代词 Imemyminemyself youyouyouryoursyourself hehimhishishimself sheherherhersherself itititsitsitself weusouroursourselves youyouyouryoursyourselves theythemtheirtheirsthemselves 使用说明:1. 人称代词主格放在动词左边使用,宾格代词放在动词右边使用,不可颠倒。2. 形容词性物主代词必须和一个名词放在一起共同组成

14、词组在句子中使用,而名词性物 主代词则可以单独作句子成分在句子中使用,一个名词性物主代词=一个形容词性物主代 词+名词基数词:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million billion (hundred thousand mil

15、lion billion 的前面有阿拉伯数字的,都 不加复数:2 thousand, nine hundred, 如果没有阿拉伯数字在前修饰,则既加 s 又加 of: millions of)first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth twentieth 常用节日:New Years Day the Spring Festival Tree PlantingDay May Day Easter Aprils Fool Labour Day Mothers Day Childrens Day Fathers Day Teachers Day National Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas 四季:spring sum


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